Chapter 62

On the third day after Lin Xuan handed over the medical paper to He Zhijun.

The entire Chinese high-level caused a big earthquake.

All this is the medical paper from Lin Xuan.

After medical experts confirmed that Lin Xuan’s medical paper was feasible, and it was successfully implemented once, saving a patient with advanced lazy cancer.

It’s a big deal.

Those high-level officials who got the news directly held a grand meeting to discuss Lin Xuan’s medical paper incident.

I don’t know the detailed discussion content of the meeting, but the result was that Lin Xuan’s medical paper was preserved as a national level confidential document, and the experts and scholars who had really seen the content inside, the heads and high-level officials, all added up to less than dozens of people.

Of course, the treatment plan for those diseases will definitely be made public.


At least until the level of medical treatment in Huaxia has not been rapidly improved, it will not be published, otherwise the shock caused by it is too great.

And Lin Xuan has also won strong praise from countless chiefs.

There was even a proposal by the chief to let Lin Xuan’s rank continue to be promoted to major general.

However, this proposal was quickly rejected on the spot by Lin Xuan’s grandfather.

The old man meant, “If you become a major general, then he will rarely have the opportunity to personally carry out the mission, and in order to give that kid a little more chance to sharpen, his rank must be slowly promoted!” ”

For the old man’s words, naturally no one dared to disobey, so Lin Xuan was not able to promote too much at once.

Otherwise, it is estimated that he really directly fished out a major general, after all, there were still many chiefs who held favorable opinions at that time.

After all, Lin Xuan’s medical paper is enough to make all countries in the world crazy, and its importance is self-evident.

But if Lin Xuan knew about this.

He would definitely raise his hands in favor of his grandfather’s approach.

Because as Lin Yao said, if he becomes a major general, then Lin Xuan will continue to personally carry out the task is almost too few and too few, I am afraid that he will be idle at that time.

And Lin Xuan has never been a person who likes to relax!


Lin Xuan was not aware of the shock caused by his simple medical paper.

At this time, he is in Donghai City!

Today, it is also the time for Lin Xuan to test all the fighters who participated in the selection of the Red Blood Cell Special Operations Group.

The specific content of the test, Lin Xuan had asked the various regular troops to tell those participating in the selection of soldiers.

The content is actually quite simple!

It is to survive twenty-four hours in Donghai City.

During these twenty-four hours, they could not hide in the house, but could only walk in the streets and alleys, disguise themselves, or hide themselves in some bushes, or some large trees.

Lin Xuan, on the other hand, will set out within the specified time to find them out, and as long as the warriors who are captured and defeated by Lin Xuan will be eliminated.

When the soldiers who came to participate in the selection learned of this test, they almost laughed.

They all taunted Lin Xuan there.

After all, Donghai City is so big, there are bushes and weeds everywhere, and if they deliberately hide it, even if they send a large number of armed forces, it will be difficult to find them.

What’s more, Lin Xuan was still alone?

Therefore, those warriors who had never met Lin Xuan before all scoffed at Lin Xuan’s assessment, but they all felt that Lin Xuan was grandstanding.

What’s more!

Some soldiers felt that Lin Xuan was the kind of person who relied on his family background to become their chief instructor, and he would only have some flowers.

He felt that even if Lin Xuan saw them, he would not be able to defeat them.

So they simply walked frankly on the street, looking unscrupulous.


“He Chenguang, grandfather is a retired lieutenant general, and father is…”

“Li Erniu, a child from the countryside, has a good heart, but works very hard…”

“Wang Yibing, a riffraff in society, but after becoming a soldier, he has relented, and his achievements are also very good…”


An empty room.

Lin Xuan was sitting in front of the computer, checking the information of the fighters one after another, recording their appearance and information.

These are the regular army fighters who participated in the selection of the red blood cell special operations group this time.

“Congratulations to the host for learning mnemonics and reaching the full level in an instant!”

Just as Lin Xuan was carrying those materials, a crisp voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

It was actually when memorizing the data, and activated a full-level ability.

And it’s also a very useful mnemonics.


With the fall of the crisp voice, Lin Xuan felt countless memory fragments flooding into his mind, which were some esoteric memory fragments, and Lin Xuan didn’t know what those memory fragments were for.

But when Lin Xuan opened his eyes, he found that his eyes were brighter than before.

The most important thing is that when he looked at the computer screen again to memorize the information, it became extremely clear.

Whenever he finished reading a warrior’s information, even after a while, as long as Lin Xuan’s thoughts moved, all the information of that warrior would appear in Lin Xuan’s mind, as if it was a movie, and it was amazing.

“I didn’t forget it, I didn’t expect this full-level memory technique to be so powerful!” Lin Xuan said secretly.

In this way, after about a few minutes, Lin Xuan easily memorized all the soldiers’ information.

It can be said!

Now, as long as he casually asked Lin Xuan for the information of one of his fighters, he could recite it backwards.

This is the terrifying full-level mnemonics, which can be easily remembered by the information or pictures you see.


“There are three hundred and eighty-seven fighters participating in the selection this time, and the chief said that I should not be eliminated too seriously, then leave eighty-seven people, so that it should not be too much!” Lin Xuan put on his beret while slowly walking towards the street.

After sighing at the power of the full-level memory technique, Lin Xuan looked at his watch and knew that it was almost time for him to go.

A hunt and that’s how it began!

Those poor warriors, who did not know that a blood wolf was opening its blood basin towards them.

About a moment later, Lin Xuan came to a noisy street in Donghai City.

It is bustling with people.

Even though the weather was very hot at this time, it still could not stop the enthusiasm of the idlers, who were choosing beautiful clothes, drinking cold drinks, and so on.


Lin Xuan just stopped in place, the corners of his mouth slightly raised.

“Stinky boy, you didn’t even dress up in disguise, and just appeared on the street like this, this is ignoring me, right?”

Lin Xuan muttered to himself, and then walked towards a young man in camouflage clothes not far away.


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