The Intelligent Potter

Chapter 10 - Dumbledore vs Quirrelmort Part 2

*** Present

Dumbledore cursed, as Voldemort rose out of the water on a tidal wave which crashed onto shore and headed at top speeds towards the building of Hogwarts, sending students screaming in every direction.

Dumbledore did the only sensible thing he could.

He jumped out of the window.

Fl.i.c.k.i.n.g his wand to slow his descent, Dumbledore dropped onto the ground, rolled, with agility not seen from anyone else his age and shouted in his most authoritative voice.

"All students, get inside the building!"

The effect was instantaneous, all the panicking students took comfort in the power being exerted by their headmaster, and they rushed inside Hogwarts.

The heavy door of Hogwarts swung shut after the last of the students, intricate locks on the door locked, sealing the castle shut.

Students fainted, as they realized who exactly was being dueled by Dumbledore.

Flitwick and Snape tried to keep order, sending kids who had been hurt by the tidal wave to Madam Pomfrey, where all of the teachers were.

*** With Harry

The detention had taken place before dinner, the attack on Quirrell directly after dinner, most students rushed straight from dinner to one of the overlooking classrooms, nobody dared to go to the first floor rooms, Harry himself found a spot with Hermione at the very corner of one of the second floor classrooms with a good view.

4 out of the 13 people in the room had fainted and most of the rest looked about ready to join the 4.

Harry and Hermione were the only remotely calm people.

"It can't be… not him!" one of the seventh years cried out.

"You know who…" another students whispered.

Out on the front lawn/battlefield, the fight between the two greatest wizards of their respective times fought it out.

*** Out on the battlefield

More spikes of darkness were hurled at Dumbledore as Voldemort followed up with a barrage of spells and fiendfyre.

Dumbledore blocked with a wall of ice, far more stable and cold than Voldemort's had been, though it still broke on impact with the fiendfyre.

Dumbledore sent his phoenix patronus to take the fiendfyre head on.

Harry made a note to himself to see exactly what curses the patronus dealt with.

The brilliant white glowing phoenix cut right through the fiendfyre before dissipating into mist, blinding Voldemort for a precious second in which Dumbledore hurled rocks, transfigured into flaming arrows at Voldemort.

Seeing the arrows too late to cast anything, Voldemort instead dodged the arrows, weaving through the path but still getting hit with a few, he summoned forward the water from the lake, drenching himself and putting out the fire caused by the arrows.

Voldemort vanished the arrows and sealed the wounds rudimentarily in a split second, the second that it took Dumbledore to depulso Voldemort away, breaking a few bones.

"Give up Tom."

"Never!" Quirrellmort rasped, brandishing his wand, sending another volley of dark curses, which Dumbledore shielded against, sending his own volley of mostly light spells back at Voldemort, matching his speed beat for beat.

The crowd was in awe, they watched the volleys of spells from Voldemort that had brought the most experienced of aurors to their knees and shamed the great Mad Eye Moody be matched by Dumbledore, the doddery old school teacher.

With a flick of his wand, Dumbledore redirected Voldemort's latest curse back at himself, something that could only be done by a caster stronger than the strength in the spell, something usually only done in duels to piss off weaker opponents and display your dominance.

Quirrellmort screamed in rage, sending irregular bursts of elemental magic, throwing spears of ice and fire at Dumbledore who calmly countered and blocked Voldemort.

Quirrellmort heaved with the pressure of the magic flowing through the weak body of Quirrell.

,With sweat dripping from every place of his body, he summoned a large block of darkness giving it the likeness of a hammer and smashed it into where Dumbledore was standing before collapsing to his knees, Quirrell's magic had been completely spent.

Dumbledore emerged from the rubble protected by a pink dome that was cracked everywhere but still holding.

He let the shield go, only slightly winded after the entire battle.

Dumbledore waved his wand at Quirrellmort's fallen body.

Heavy cords made of metal wrapped themselves around Quirrell restraining him completely.

"You won't be needing this back Tom."

With that, Dumbledore called Fawkes, his phoenix and they flashed to his office with Quirrellmort in tow.

*** Dumbledore's office

Quirrellmort was bound in the chair in front of him, with three drops of veritaserum down his throat.

"What is your name." Dumbledore asked.

"Tom Marvolo Riddle." Voldemort replied, hating every second.

"How did you ensure your immortality."

"…Using dark rituals…" the answer was forced from his mouth.

Dumbledore cut to the chase, "Have you or have you not made horcruxes."



Voldemort resisted, refusing his breath, turning blue in the face before the potion forced him into revealing to Dumbledore the answer.

"… y…e…s…"

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