The Intelligent Potter

Chapter 104 - Hogwarts High Inquisitor

An: I hope that you enjoy.

*** Wizengamot Meeting, Present

The Darkness was frustrated. And bored. Bored and frustrated.

The fifty men around it were less bored, and more scared-shitless.

"I invite the holder of the seat of Malfoy to speak," The Darkness' puppet, Pius Thicknesse piped up, from his spot on the podium of the Chief Warlock, which he had assumed in the absence of a real candidate for the position due to his own position as Minister.

The Darkness stood. It could see the wary glances of all the men and women around him, fellow members of the Wizengamot.

"For those of you who don't know me, I am Maximilion Abraxus Malfoy. Due to the untimely and unfortunate passing of my cousin, Lucius, I have been instated as the representative of our family to this great body," The Darkness lied.

Of course, the families associated with The Darkness were well aware of who - or rather what - it was, but due to fear, none of them would dare contradict him. The families of the light, the few of them that remained in their spots on the Wizengamot, had obviously never heard of such a Malfoy, but the general acceptance from the dark families led to them accepting its fake identity as a Malfoy as well.

It was covered from head to toe in a cloak with a hood, and a glamour which imitated Lucius' luscious blonde hair which cascaded out of said hood.

Its face itself was not directly visible by any member of the Wizengamot, and for good reason. Anyone who looked directly upon it would be immediately struck by the potency of its power and the danger he radiated. It would be most impractical.

It paused, waiting for the murmuring in the room to calm down. It sent a mental command to Thicknesse, instructing him to bang his gavel and restore order.

His stooge did as commanded. The gavel came down, "Silence!" his squeaky voice commanded, "Order, order in the court!"

Thicknesse's request was heard, and The Darkness continued speaking.

"I have reason to believe that rebel operations are going on at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. In fact, it was an attempted inspection of the premises of the school, conducted independently by my cousin Lucius which resulted in his passing away. Obviously, this is unacceptable, and it demonstrates the complete incompetence of the Hogwarts staff, and their compliance with rebels against the Ministry of Magic."

It paused.

After an awkward beat of silence, The Darkness realised that Thicknesse was just staring at him dumbly.


The Darkness mentally commanded Thicknesse, who jerked his neck up and down rather jerkily, "Hear hear, Mr Malfoy," he said, "Do you have any solutions for this?"

"While we would ideally like to overthrow the rebels from Hogwarts immediately, this is not possible because it is outside the Ministry's age old agreement with the school, so we cannot simply assault and evict the undesirable parties."

That was a lie. The laws regarding the school with the Ministry did indeed specify against a direct assault on the castle, but The Darkness couldn't care any less about that law. It did however care about the powerful wards placed upon the castle by Albus Dumbledore, which it could not overcome in a direct assault.

"Then what is our way forward, Mr Malfoy!" Thicknesse said.

"The laws do however give the Ministry the right to inspect the premises of Hogwarts, if they believe that the school is not meeting minimum standards of education...I am personally of the opinion that allowing exposure to rebels is destroying any standards of education whatsoever. I'm also certain that this means that other standards of education have also been violated…"

"How do you propose we put this law into action," Thicknesse spoke, tonelessly, providing a wall for The Darkness to bounce its speech off of, to avoid seeming dictatorial.

"This year, we'll be instating a new position to the school…" The Darkness started speaking, "The Hogwarts High Inquisitor. A position engineered to give The Ministry a foothold at the school, and they can't deny it! The very magic which forms the sentience of the school would bend to the will of an official position."

This was it. The initiation of its master plan. He had scoured the laws of the Ministry, and this was the one way in which The Darkness could exert its control over the school without having to fight its way through the wards of the school, which it still could not penetrate.

In the moments of silence after his speaking, gossiping had broken out across the entire hall of the Wizengamot.

Horror was easily seen on the faces of the light families, whose kids were at Hogwarts, safe from all of the fighting and strife which had engulfed the rest of Magical Britain. The minority of the light families who were actively involved in the resistance effort were even more distraught, as it seemed like their last stronghold of power was going to finally be penetrated.

The Dark families could not be read.

Their Lord Voldemort, the strongest and most magically intimidating man any of them had met in their lives up to that point, was easily destroyed and killed in a battle of magic by The Darkness.

The motion was put to a vote.

They were too scared to do anything but vote in the favour of the being - for The Darkness certainly wasn't human in any way, shape, or form - which had declared itself their new Master.

Each and every light family voted against the motion. There were no grey families left to vote against the motion, having all been removed from the Wizengamot like the Greengrasses, or been forced to convert to the dark side.

"This motion passes with a majority," Thicknesse banged his gavel.

It was normal for about one half of the room of the Wizengamot to look grim, due to the polarised dark and light nature of their politics, but for once, nobody in the room looked like they were happy about the passed motion.

Thicknesse spoke, "So who are we electing for this position of Hogwarts High Inquisitor? Any suggestions?"

The Darkness, under the guise of being Maximillion Malfoy raised its hand, "If I may, Minister, I think I know just the right person for this endeavour…"


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