The Intelligent Potter

Chapter 12 - Summerrrrrrr! Part 1

*** Present

After the excitement and charm of Hogwarts, the Dursleys' home at Privet Drive seemed more drab and boring than ever, not to mention the Dursleys themselves who cracked down on him like never before.

While he previously enjoyed a level of freedom afforded to him by the Dursleys, he was now grounded to his room and fed through a cat-flap, Harry cursed his fate as he was hoping to catch up on his muggle schoolwork during the summer, by perusing the Public Library that was two blocks down from Privet Drive.

Unfortunately, Harry had to spend his time locked up in Dudley's spare bedroom, reading ahead on magic, trying to learn the practical through the theory, shaking his head in amus.e.m.e.nt at the similarity to Hermione's study techniques, the one that he spent almost the entire year trying to dissuade her from.

He had gotten Hermione's landline number on the train ride back however he hadn't had an opportunity to escape from his room and use the phone.

Presently, he was practicing his ticket to freedom, wandless magic.

Harry had several books on the topic, the theory was basically to forcefully push magic out of your fingers, which was hard to do because a lot of the energy was lost in transit and it was not as efficient as using a wand.

Harry had been practicing pushing magic through his finger to perform the alohomora charm on the padlock that kept him shut in his room.

His ideal time for breakout was between 11:30 and 12:00, when Dudley was at school, Vernon was at work and Petunia was meeting her dietician (cuz she totally needed one) at the other end of the city.

"Alohomora." Harry whispered urgently, pressing his finger against the door, at about where the lock was on the other side, as he heard the front door slam shut and Petunia's car engine rev up.

The door shuddered slightly and Harry heard slight cl.i.c.k.i.n.g sounds from the lock but upon trying the handle, the door wouldn't budge.

"Alohomora!" Harry said again, pushing the entire weight of his sizeable magical core into the spell, this time the door clicked louder and Harry heard the telltale thud of the padlock falling off the door on the other side.

Harry grinned jubilantly, his first piece of true wandless magic, and younger than any recorded wizard in the past.

Harry was feeling a larger drain on his core than a hundred alohomoras but his magical core was definitely large enough to handle the drain.

The door swung open.

Harry scooped up the padlock as he walked down the stairs.

He dialed the number into the telephone and waited for someone to pick up.

"Emma Granger, Granger dental practice, how may I help you." A voice said at the other end, sounding vaguely like a grown-up Hermione.

"Hi, this is Harry, Harry Potter, could I speak to Hermione?" Harry asked, putting on his most butter-up-ey polite voice.

"Ah, Harry!, Hermione's told us about you, you really must come over some time." The woman's voice thawed a few degrees, as practiced professionalism slipped into carefree joviality in a manner reminiscent of Hermione again, reminding Harry of the friend he hadn't seen for almost a month.

Harry heard Hermione's mum call out for her a few times before getting back on the line, "She's on her way, so when can I speak to your relatives to organize a play date?" Hermione's mother chattered on till the phone was snatched from her hand.

"Mum!" Hermione's exasperated voice carried over the phone.

"Hey Hermione." Harry started somewhat awkwardly, the idea of a telephone was still somewhat novel to him.

"Hello Harry, sorry about that, I don't have many friends so mum was really happy that I made a friend. She's wanted to invite you over for the entire summer. She was quite put out when I didn't have your phone number, why didn't you call earlier, it's been half the summer? Have you done your holiday homework? How was the essay for Potions, I found it hard to research for without the library?" Hermione's seemingly endless excitable chatter came over the phone clearly.

"My relatives don't like me using their phone, yes, yes and easy enough." Harry responded to her questions one by one as he had learned to do.

"Oh." Hermione sounded a bit contrite to have forgotten about his situation with the Dursleys.

"You can always come over here." Hermione said hopefully.

"Hmm, I don't think my relatives would really care so I can probably come over for the rest of the summer. Where do you live?"

"Insert London Address here" Hermione replied, "My parents run their dental business in the plot below our apartment."

"I can get there today and stay for the rest of summer, would your parents mind? Harry asked.

"She says that she has to speak to your relatives, but you're most welcome."

Harry hesitated, "I'll have them call this evening."

"Will they let you come?" Hermione's voice was laced with concern.

"They'll do anything to get rid of me." Harry said, with certainty that did nothing to allay Hermione's worry.

*** That evening, Granger Household

Emma picked up the phone, expecting Harry's relatives.

From what she'd heard of the boy, he was nice and polite, as Hermione's first friend ever, he was always welcome at her house, so she'd readily agreed to let Harry come over.

"Emma Granger, Granger Dental practice, how may I help you."

"Listen here, Potter said you're willing to take him off me for the rest of summer." Vernon's gruff voice came across the speaker.

"Yes, I and my husband are willing to house Harry for the rest of the summer vacations."

"Okay then, you sure you can't keep him with you for all summers?" Vernon asked, the hope in his voice disgusting the loving mother.

"I'm sure we can arrange for Harry to come over for part of the holidays each year."

The phone was abruptly cut from the other end and Emma frowned in disapproval, she would need to have a chat with her daughter's new best friend.

*** End of Chapte

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