The Intelligent Potter

Chapter 18 - Sacking Lockhart and Elemental Magic

*** Hogwarts

Harry joined the back of the crowd that was gaping at the seemingly dead cat.

Filch was throwing a hissy fit and demanding punishment.

"With all due respect, Mr Filch, I don't believe that punishments can be handed out without identifying a culprit." Harry said, tired of the man's ranting.

Filch turned to Harry.

"YOU! It must have been you!"

Harry raised an eyebrow, "I just arrived here, how could I have killed your cat."

Dumbledore chose this moment to hunker up to the cat's body, "It's merely petrified." He said.

"I DEMAND PUNISHMENT!" Filch roared.

*** Longbottom Manor

Dowager Longbottom was many things, a member of the Wizengamot and the Hogwarts board of governors among other things.

She didn't receive many letters, apart from those from Gringotts or the ministry, which is why she was surprised to see the beautiful snowy owl enter her house with a small package with a letter.

To: Dowager Longbottom, Hogwarts Board of Governors,

Greeting, Dowager Longbottom, I trust you are well. I am writing this letter in concern over the qualifications of one of the professors at the Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry. I am afraid that Professor Lockhart does not seem to maintain the high standard of education that Hogwarts had upheld for centuries and takes pride in. Therefore, I am officially lodging a complaint against Professor Gilderoy Lockhart, with memory evidence of his incompetence attached below,

Thanking you profusely,

Heir Potter

Not an emotion she'd felt in quite a while, not since wartime in fact.

She knew Lockhart was a bit of a ponce but she hadn't expected an OFFICIAL complaint and hadn't supposed she could do anything about it in the Hogwarts board which was largely populated by those happy with the low standard of education and unwilling to get off their asses and change things.

With memory evidence though… depending on the memory, there was a high chance that she could get Lockhart kicked out.

With that in mind, she dove into the pensieve.

*** Later

'That ponce lost to a second year!' Augusta thought numbly, "I have to call a meeting about this…"

*** Hogwarts Board Meeting

Around the room sat 13 people, the people in charge of the board of Hogwarts Governors, which consisted of Dowager Longbottom, Lucius Malfoy, and 11 shadowy figures who shall go unnamed.

Malfoy turned his bored gaze to Augusta, "Pray tell, why have you called this emergency meeting, I had… business to attend to, Longbottom."

"There has been a claim of incompetency on the part of Professor GIlderoy Lockhart, and after reviewing the evidence provided in the form of a memory, I believe that he should be removed but we do need to vote on it."

"Perhaps showing us the memory would help us understand?" Shadowy Figure #1 asked.

Augusta nodded and brought out a shrunken pocket-pensieve from her… pocket and the board viewed the memory.

They voted.

*** Next day, Hogwarts

Augusta strode through the halls of the old castle with purpose and entered the Great Hall during breakfast time.

"GIlderoy Lockhart, by the order of the Hogwarts Board of Governors, you have been declared grossly incompetent for the position of teaching that has been bestowed upon you, and the job is revoked, active as of now, please vacate the premises within one week, you may keep your pay for this month." The Dowager intoned.

Lockhart paled, "This would destroy any remaining vestiges of his credibility.

"Now, now, Augusta, can I call you Augusta, I'm sure whatever complaint from the students you've received is certainly exaggerated."

Longbottom raised an eyebrow, "So, you would like to keep your position?"

"Fine then boy, face me in a duel, regular duelling standards, lets go."

Augusta stiffly bowed slightly to the blonde professor who looked extremely nervous but decided he could probably beat the doddery old woman.

Big mistake on his part.

Augusta gracefully moved out of the way of the first weak-ass stunner from Lockhart and retaliated with a trip-stun basic move that finished off Lockhart.

"Dear God man, you're even worse than I thought you were." Augusta exclaimed in disgust.

As Lockhart went to pack his things, a loud cheer rose for Dowager Longbottom, led by none other than Neville himself.

"You go gran!"

*** Hogwarts Library

Elemental Magic remains some of the most powerful combative magic known to Wizard-Kind. While many would argue that spells themselves can provide a variety of effects far more easily and with far less power than elemental magic demands, but most curses (with the exception of the unforgivables) can be shielded against relatively easily, and ALL curses, including the unforgivable can be dodged, being just a beam of compressed energy until contact.

Prominent masters of elemental magic in recent history include:

Albus Dumbledore: Current Headmaster of Hogwarts and possibly greatest source of magical knowledge.

FIlius Flitwick: Professor of Charms at Hogwarts School and former duelling champion, winning the world championship in the years 1964,1965 and 1967 before finally retiring from the international duelling community in 1969.

Nicholas Flamel: Recently deceased alchemist and the only known recent creator of the Philosopher's stone, pioneer in the development of the art of elemental magic

Perenelle Flamel: Wife to Nicholas Flamel, recently deceased

Charlus Potter: Former Lord Potter and War General, deceased

Arcturus Black: Lord Black, current status unknown, also a war general

Helsinki Hauti: Lord Hauti, reigning duelling champion

These are only a few of the most famous users of elemental magic, there are hundreds in this world, surprisingly less than you'd think though, considering that in the magical world, all 3 million wizards and witches have the capability to wield this field.

*** End of Chapte

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