The Intelligent Potter

Chapter 34 - TriWizard Champions

*** Present

Time passed fairly quickly for Harry and Hermione as both did fairly in most of their subjects. Both third-years were extremely busy, as they had schoolwork, training from Dumbledore and Arcturus to balance alongside their dueling training and in Harry's case, Quidditch training as well.

The Headmaster had overruled Arcturus and said that they would have shortened training sessions.

"You two have come very far in the last year, not only do you have more commitments now, you are also quite ahead of schedule in training, I believe we can ease off on the training and half the length of our current sessions." Dumbledore mandated.

Arcturus frowned slightly but consented, "Very well, but you two must play to your best in training, I will be duelling you myself in training so that you may exercise your full capability and not slack off."

Harry and Hermione nodded their consent.

"Harry, I know you have entered the Triwizard tournament and that is one of the reasons, I'm giving you more time off right now, in the likely scenario that you get chosen as the Hogwarts champion, you will not get another moment of rest, I would highly suggest that you use your newfound free time to relax and…being a child." The Headmaster said quietly to Harry.

"You know Harry, my initial plan was to let you live out your childhood, and only begin your training in your fifth or sixth year at Hogwarts. Arcturus may have convinced me that you needed to start training early, but there's still a part of me that wishes you got a chance to grow up a bit more." Dumbledore sighed, his age more apparent to Harry now than it had been ever before.

Harry nodded, unsure of what to say to his Headmaster.

"I think you did the right thing, Headmaster." Harry finally decided on, then hurrying out the Room of Requirement before Dumbledore could reply.

"I hope so, my boy," Dumbledore whispered out to an empty room.

*** Great Hall

Dumbledore stood majestically in front of the great hall, "Good evening students, faculty and guests, today is the day that our Triwizard Champions are to be picked. The Goblet of Fire will pick three students, one from each of our great establishments of education. Before the ceremony begins, I would personally like to thank some of our sponsors for this tournament, Nimbus Brooms Incorporated, Ollivander Wands and the International Wizarding Chess Association. I would like to also mention the International Wizarding Chess Association will also be sponsoring the chess career of the first-place winner of the Triwizard Chess Competition and giving them an automatic qualification for the First Annual Wizarding Chess Competition that will be taking place in Sweden this year with 50 open places. Now that the formalities are out of the way, let's get the Triwizard tournament officially started!"

Dumbledore tapped the goblet of fire and the giant golden goblet glowed a light blue before flames of a similar blue colour sprung forth from it, flaring higher than they had even when names were being entered.

A piece of paper fluttered out from the ancient artifact.

"The champion for Beauxbatons is… Fleur Delacour!" Dumbledore stated out.

The half-veela rose gracefully, smirking out at the crowd from where she sat at the Gryffindor table.

Fleur elegantly walked into the antechamber assigned to the champions.

"The champion for Durmstrang is…Victor Krum!"

Finally, the third piece of paper fluttered out from the goblet, "The champion for Hogwarts is…Harry Potter!" Dumbledore said, much to the uproar of the students of Hogwarts, especially the seventh years. Cedric smiled over at Harry and nodded his congratulations while Angelina Johnson of his own house seemed to be slightly shocked to be shown up by the third year but gave Harry a watery smile nonetheless.

Harry walked to the antechamber smartly, but just before he entered, another piece of paper fluttered out of the goblet.

"…Harry Potter?" Dumbledore read out in confusion.

Harry turned around, "Yes, Professor Dumbledore?" he asked in quite apparent confusion.

"Harry, did you enter your name twice?" Dumbledore asked.

"No Headmaster." Harry returned.

"Very well then, Harry, go inside and wait…" Dumbledore said, lost in thought.

'Somebody is trying to force Harry into the tournament, likely because of the high death toll…" Dumbledore wondered.

He mechanically announced the champions names again, drawing a large round of applause.

"For the winner of this ill.u.s.trious tournament are… 10,000 galleons in rewards!" Dumbledore announced, "The judges for the actual tournament will be the three school heads, as well as a representative from each of our sponsors, Nimbus, Ollivanders and the IWCA. Their representatives will be arriving tomorrow." Dumbledore announced.

"Anyway, before you can proceed with your meals, here is an outline of the tournament's next couple events. Tomorrow will be the traditional weighing of the wands ceremony, held and sponsored by Ollivander's Wands. It will be held AFTER classes in Events Chamber 3. In exactly 7 days, next Saturday will be held the Quidditch opening ceremony, bringing in several professional players to play the opening match as well as a race of the seekers between the three school seekers as well as the seeker brought in by Nimbus Brooms for the event. The following day, a Sunday will be the opening of the Chess Competition, bringing in the most lauded Chess Player in the Wizarding World and biggest funder of the IWCA, Niko Derome, all the way from Finland."

There was a large cheer about the news of the Quidditch opening ceremony, with people excitedly wondering who would be brought in by the Nimbus Broom Company, with bets on players of the Falmouth Falcons and the American National Team, both of which were sponsored by the company.

*** Champion's antechamber

Fleur gave Harry a cold look but did not comment on his age, having faced him in the Duelling tournament.

Krum on the other hand gave Harry a very curious look, "Are you the Hogwarts champion." Krum said from under a thick Bulgarian accent.

Harry nodded in confirmation.

"Are you not a little young?" Krum asked hesitantly.

"Some would say so." Harry said in a half-answer, "but I was chosen by the goblet after all, so I must be the most qualified from Hogwarts." Harry continued reasonably.

*** End of Chapte

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