The Intelligent Potter

Chapter 37 - VoldeBaby Schemes Some More

*** 2 days ago, ICW headquarters

The International Wizard Chess Association was an ICW initiative to promote chess but the budget set out for it was less than exemplary.

The IWCA was still operating out of one of the ICW's old Headquarters in Britain.

The entire operation was managed by a young Finnish entrepreneur by the name of Mikko Kodisoja, he would be accompanying the chess maestro Niko Derome to Hogwarts the following day for what would be their biggest event since their founding a few months back.

Mikko was doing his best to obtain funding and create a large event maybe on par with the Quidditch Premier League but he needed money for that, lots of it and Derome wasn't quite rich enough to fund an entire league and the ICW was very tight with its money. His only option would be to appeal to the rich parents of purebloods in Hogwarts and that was why he was really excited for the event.

Mikko's day was basically over, it was just him and Niko who were working on plans for the opening ceremony at Hogwarts and ways to promote chess to the students.

Niko rubbed his eyes and yawned, "We'll continue tomorrow, it's getting really late."

With that, Mikko's countryman left the room and Mikko prepared to pack up as well but he sensed movement behind him.

Mikko had the basic combat training that every member of the ICW had to take but he was no great shakes.

The figure struck immediately with a few spells that Mikko managed to bat away.

Whoever his assailant was, he was older than Mikko so he had the agility advantage, Mikko jumped at his opponent, attempting to wrestle him to the ground, but his opponent shot an expulsion charm straight into his stomach.

Mikko fell backwards, gasping for breath and got an immobilisation charm to the c.h.e.s.t for his troubles.

Barty Crouch Jr Panted slowly then dragged the man behind himself, he would need all the hair on Mikko's head.

*** Before Present, Riddle Manor

While VoldeBaby was thinking of ways to cloak himself to the Hogwarts wards that wouldn't require him to have a homunculus for an extended period of time, Barty was in the final stages of brewing the insanely difficult Polyjuice potion.

"How goes your potion, Barty?" The high-pitched voice of VoldeBaby called out.

"Almost done, master, it should be ready in time for the Triwizard." Barty replied, focussing on inserting the ingredients as fast as he could so that the potion could get its final 4 hours of stewing over on moderate heat.

*** Present

In the form of Mikko Kodisoja, Barty entered the majestic school, with pretend awe and wonder, having read that Mikko himself, was home-schooled.

Voldemort was hidden in his suitcase, having found a way to keep his aura completely blanketed by using the walls of the suitcase and lining them with magic-insulating materials.

The suitcase itself was enlarged so that it was humungous. There were rooms inside the suitcase itself, so that VoldeBaby wouldn't be given away when Barty opened the suitcase lid, there was also another cell for the actual Mikko, so that Barty could keep taking his hairs.

Barty had some magical setups to take care of VoldeBaby's basic needs, such as an automatic milk-bottle and auto-changing nappies.

Only when they needed to converse, either for Voldemort's regular 7 pm report or just to inform Voldemort about a change in circ.u.mstances or success in a plan, would Barty have to enter the suitcase.

In VoldeBaby's opinion, it was quite a fantastic idea and an easy way to hide from Dumbledore.

Not to mention the comfort of the room that he had in the suitcase, when Barty had stolen it from a shop, he had stolen the best one possible and then charmed it to look old and fragile just so that eyes wouldn't be on him.

Some of the other reporters were also trying to get Harry to mess up and reveal information about how he entered.

Creative ways to do such a thing included questions like, "How would one go about confounding a goblet of fire, please explain in detail" and "WHEN you confounded the goblet, what were you thinking?" and many other ways to get around the point.

Harry himself was already tired of the press, especially since he was being focussed on but knew that this only the beginning. He would have to deal with a whole lot more than a small press release in the future, as the Triwizard tournament was only beginning, the event would be getting much bigger in scale.

Sirius and Harry had practised how to answer questions and Arcturus had put in some valuable information. The trick was not to use unnecessary words or words that could be crafted in a negative connotation, thus Harry was very concise in his words, so that there were none that could be cut out for an incriminating quote.

After the entire thing was over and done with, Harry was incredibly tired, annoyed and pissed, he ending up walking back to the common room with Hermione.

*** End of Chapte

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