The Intelligent Potter

Chapter 41 - Iliad

*** Present, with Daphne Greengrass


Granger had revealed a lot more than Daphne thought she would.

It was obvious that Potter knew immediately how big of a secret his best friend had given away so easily.

She even caught the boy using legilimency to scan her mind, an ability than she was surprised he even knew about, let alone could use proficiently, though not proficiently enough to avoid detection by her.

The more Daphne found out about the Potter boy, the more of an enigma he seemed to be.

Obviously he was a good dueler, having won the under.-.1.8 dueling cup, at least a match for her if not even better, there were some strong duelers around the world after all.

On top of that, he seemed to have some ability in legilimency and an invisibility cloak, which would make him a great spy if he wanted to be, not to mention he was picked as the TriWizard Champion from the entirety of Hogwarts, beating out Diggory and all of the other strong witches and wizards from the entire school, though to be fair, many of the strongest from Slytherin chose not to enter.

Potter was definitely going to be much more than a pawn in the upcoming war between the Dark and the Light, and there would be a war, she was sure of that.

The current Lord Greengrass, Daphne's father Iliad was deeply involved in several rituals through which he had divined that The Dark was spreading into Earth at an alarmingly fast rate.

At this point, Voldemort was nothing more than a pawn being manipulated by the immense power of The Darkness.

Without the power and support granted to the supposed Dark 'Lord' by The Darkness, there would be next to no chance of him attempting another successful rising but he was out there, the body of the Dark Lord stored in a literal shell of darkness.

The Greengrass family was staunchly neutral, and they would never stand underneath that fool Dumbledore or even the more cunning Lord Black but in this case, there was too much Darkness entering the world, at this rate, the entire world would be overcome by its power.

Even 1% of the being could be dangerous for the world, but estimates showed the Darkness to be near 10%!

With that much power, the entire world could be crushed under the boot of the Darkness, leading to another 'Dark Age' unless the light side fought back, and at the moment, even with the power of Harry Potter, Daphne wasn't sure they were strong enough to beat back the Darkness on their own.

They would need the help of at least one more powerful ally.

If they didn't find one fast, it was looking more and more like that ally would be the Greengrasses.

With all of this in mind, Daphne opened her hand-mirror, in the safety of her dorm and whispered her father's name.

"Iliad Greengrass."

The surface of the mirror distorted for a few seconds, and Daphne's face disappeared, to be replaced with the rather severe face of her father.

Iliad Greengrass was still in his 40s but you could mistake him for an older man.

He was very tall and thin, standing at 6 feet exactly.

The hair on his head was a dark grey and his wrinkles were easily visibleand his lighter grey eyes glinted with untold wisdom behind his glasses.

"Daphne." Iliad acknowledged.


"So what news do you bring, how prepared is the Potter boy."

"His full fighting strength is still unknown but he has shown strong demonstrations in the Under.-.1.8 dueling cup and in simply getting selected as champion of Hogwarts. He is undoubtedly a strong student in every subject." Daphne started.

"You know that I know all this Daphne, do you have any real report."

"After offering Granger and Potter my copy of 'TriWizard Tournaments, A History', I sat in on their strategizing, and found out that Potter has an invisibility cloak, which was let slip by Granger. While she seemed oblivious of the information she was leaking and was completely off-guard, Potter realized from the very start that I was information gathering, and he was careful not to reveal any important information to me. However, he did scan the top of my mind lightly using legilimency, most likely assuming I would not be able to feel it. At the same time, my own legilimency was easily blocked by Potter's Occlumency shields." Daphne reported.

"Legilimency and Occlumency! It seems Dumbledore has been teaching Potter more than we anticipated…"

"After a little snooping, I have found that both Potter and Granger have training lessons with Dumbledore and Black." Daphne confirmed.

Iliad seemed to zone out, which Daphne knew from experience knew meant that he was thinking deeply.

"So that is Arcturus' plan. I was wondering what a man like him was doing teaching at a school."

Daphne raised an eyebrow politely.

Iliad looked at his daughter, "I've met Arcturus Black several times, he is one of the least likely men in the world to simply decide to settle down and start teaching. He is a General, he was in the war with Grindelwald and the first war with Voldemort. He may be a cunning politician but he was a fish out of water in the time between the wars…there is no way that he of all people could settle for simply teaching children as his profession." He explained.

"He seems happy enough where he is." Daphne supplied, "I have been watching him since I learned that he had been brought by Dumbledore to tutor Potter but he seems to be fitting into his role of teacher very well, unlike Quirrel when he was posing as a teacher."

"Arcturus Black is one of the most dangerous men in the world not only because of his immense strength but his incredible intellect, not even you, my daughter, could find a break in his act, if he chose to be a teacher at a school." Iliad said, "In any case, I have a lot to think about, keep information gathering on Potter and report in one week's time what you have learnt."

Daphne nodded, "Yes father."

*** End of Chapte

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