The Intelligent Potter

Chapter 45 - The Return of Lord Voldemort

*** Present

The Horntail had come to its senses and was about to belch more fire at Harry but he had no time to move anywhere and standing his ground and countering with elemental magic would be even more taxing on his magic which he had all but depleted already.

With an additional spurt of speed, Harry's finger grasped the golden egg and he portkeyed out of the arena…

Into a cemetery in Little Hangleton.

Harry came to his senses just in time to block a spell from a shadowy figure.

More spells were shot at him but he was able to just about push them away from himself and return fire, despite having very little of his magical reserves available due to the large amount of magic he had expended during the fight against the dragon.

Harry created a phoenix of fire and sent it at his opponent, attacking him and hoping to identify him as well, killing two birds with one stone.

It was…

The chess guy?

Indeed, it seemed to be the representative of the ICW's chess organization who had attacked him.

The man hadn't seemed too intimidating when he'd met Harry at Hogwarts but… he still didn't seem intimidating even when attacking Harry with strength and skill he hadn't expected of the man.

The man quickly and efficiently tore through the attack of fire with a blade of air.

Harry cursed and replied with more regular spells, he didn't have enough magic left to keep sending elemental magic at his opponent.

Suddenly, Harry's opponent began to transform.

"Polyjuice Potion." Harry realized, before quickly trying to capitalize on the transformation and overpower whoever he was fighting before he/she returned to their senses.

Unfortunately for Harry, his opponent was able to set up a powerful shield to block all of Harry's spells while he recovered from the sudden transformation.

Harry ran at him, unsheathing The Sword of Potter and cutting through the shield, causing his opponent to roll out of the way and return more spells.

Harry looked over to see who his opponent really was.

Barty Crouch Jr!

But he was supposed to be... well, dead.

Crouch grinned and flicked his wand, sending a wave of water at Harry who froze it into ice before it could hit him.

Crouch caused the ice to shatter and sent the shards hurtling at Harry once more.

With a gust of fire, all of the ice was turned to steam in a second.

Crouch had obviously noticed how little magic Harry had left and was using elemental magic to wear out Harry as quickly as possible.

Harry returned an onslaught of spells which Barty was barely able to counter, then moved in to strike with his sword, only to be blown off his feet by a quick wall of wind.

Harry rolled out of the way of a fireball and fought off a wall of water with a wall of fire.

Barty continued to funnel magic into his wall of water and Harry was forced to continue to funnel his magic into the fire in an attempt to protect himself.

Crouch grinned, as he increased the level of power in the water by a notch and Harry grunted as he fell to one knee, his vision going slightly blurry around the edges.

He realised there was no way he could keep it up while Barty had all his magical reserves remaining.

Harry ran behind a tombstone before letting go of his control of the fire, letting the wall of water barrel into nothing.

"You can't hide forever Potter." Crouch taunted.

Harry knew that continuing the fight would be his worst possible option right now, he had to get back to Hogwarts…

"Accio Portkey." Harry whispered out but the golden egg didn't budge.

Harry had faith in his magic enough to know that the egg must have an anti-summoning spell, probably to avoid cheating in the TriWizard tournament and just end the thing before you fought the dragon.

Harry cursed and ran out from behind the tombstone and began firing spells at Barty to distract him while he made a run for the cup.

Realising what he was going to do, Barty turned the dagger he was going to use to cut his arm off into a portkey that would transport Harry back and threw it at Harry.

Despite his best attempt at dodging, Harry was struck in the shoulder, but managed to yank out the thing before it activated and brought him directly in front of Barty and away from the portkey.

Despite the pain in his shoulder, Harry gritted his teeth and grabbed hold of the golden egg, and he was yanked away from the graveyard and back to Hogwarts

Barty let out a roar of frustration, his master wouldn't be revived after all.

Barty picked up the knife angrily, considering just killing himself for his failure as he knew his master would have.

Before he dug the knife into his heart, he noticed a tinge of red on the blade.

Harry Potter's blood.

A large predatory smile spread out across Barty's face, that would worry any Child Protection Agency who knew he was thinking about the blood of a 13-year-old.

"Blood of the enemy f.o.r.c.i.b.l.y taken…"

With a maniacal laugh, Barty began the ritual that would ultimately bring his master back to life.

He conjured up another knife to cut his arm off, making a fatal mistake with that.

You see, conjured knifes were made out of nothing therefore absorbed some of the magical properties of blood, whereas transmuted knifes, such as the one that Voldemort had painstakingly transmuted, which had taken Harry's blood, would work just fine.

As he finished the ritual by dropping Harry's almost congealed blood into the cauldron, smoke began to rise.

Voldemort began to step out of the cauldron, but his skin was burning red and he dropped to the ground immediately as he stepped out of the cauldron.

He began to have a seizure on the ground.

"Crouch, you fool!" he spat out, as blood began to leak from his nose and mouth.

"M-master." Barty stammered out.

Suddenly tendrils of darkness grabbed onto Voldemort and pinned him to the ground.

"Ah Tom…" a voice said sadly, "I had such…high hopes for you."

Voldemort struggled against his bindings, "Who dares restrain the Lord Voldemort." He rasped out.

"One much more powerful than you… one whose power you have used freely over the last few decades."

Voldemort's eyes darkened, "You are a manifestation of my magic! My books have mentioned that my magic can take on a manifestation if I truly embrace the dark arts…"

The voice laughed, "That is…one way of putting it."

"Help me, my magic, I command you." Voldemort gasped out.

"Very well then, I shall help you." The voice spoke.

"My Lord!" Barty yelled out in worry.

Voldemort rose, his skin now white as bone, clothed in a robe of darkness, similar to how he was before his fall… except for one major difference.

"Master, yo-your eyes!" Barty exclaimed.

Voldemort's pitch black eyes locked onto Barty's and his black lips twisted into a smile as he waved his hand, materialising a hand of darkness for Barty.

As he made the hand, Barty could have sworn his veins glowed dark black for a singular second.

"You have done well, Bartemius." Voldemort spoke, his voice smooth as silk and no longer raspy.

"B-but I let the Potter boy go!" Barty said.

"It matters not…we will get him eventually, now is a time to celebrate my return." Voldemort smiled, before his veins glowed black once and suddenly Barty felt his dark mark burning.

"Let's see how many of my faithful followers have stuck by me…"

*** End of chapte

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