The Intelligent Potter

Chapter 53 - The ICW Inspection Team

*** Present

"So it is settled then," Moutinho said, "Mr Akingbade, you are to propose your team to this Confederation at an impromptu meeting to be held at this time next week."

Albus felt a headache coming on.

This was bad.

*** Next week, British Ministry

Babajide Akingbade was a man of large stature. The Nigerian wizard was taller than Albus himself and far wider, with bulging muscles.

Babajide was a young man, at the peak of his physical might and a highly accomplished wizard to boot.

A graduate of Uganda's prestigious Uagadou School of Magic, he had quickly been hailed as a prodigy in the way Albus himself had at Hogwarts all those decades ago.

Unlike Albus, Babajide wasn't content to be a school-teacher in relative anonymity like Albus had been in his early days. The Nigerian Wizard had quickly risen through the ranks of the incredibly corrupt Nigerian Magical Government's political system, and had worked to get rid of corruption from the top down.

While Albus had been busy trying to keep Magical Britain intact against the threat of Voldemort, Babajide had been raising Magical Nigeria through the ranks of prestige on the international stage.

After a short two-year tenure, Babajide had given up the office of President of Magical Nigeria, but continued to delegate for the country in the ICW, eventually becoming Albus' deputy as Supreme Mugwump.

Babajide was clearly established as one of the strongest wizards in the Magical World. He stunned many not just through his magical prowess but also his dedication to both his magical and physical fortitude, both of which he trained immensely.

While his current prestige may not have been exactly what Albus' had been all those decades ago when he burst onto the scene by defeating Grindelwald, at the present moment, Albus' own influence was closely matched on the international level by Babajide. Thankfully for Albus, the Nigerian Wizard largely agreed with him and the two shared an amiable working relationship as well as a large amount of respect for the accomplishments of the other.

All in all, Babajide Akingbade was as good a choice to oversee the government of Magical Britain as Albus could have hoped for.

His main problem with the entire arrangement wasn't the appointment of Babajide, if anything, the Nigerian Wizard was likely to aid the fumbling British Ministry for Magic, but rather the implications of the ICW taking such an obviously suspicious stance of Britain. The dislike between the two entities was likely to make working together hard when international cooperation would most definitely be required.

"Babajide!" Albus smiled, enveloping the large man in a hug.

"Albus." Babajide responded in his deep husky voice, "How have you been, my friend?"

"Good, good." Albus replied cheerfully, looking analytically at the 3 men behind Babajide.

Cyril Cosmos, a Greek Wizard of Beauxbatons education, also a famously honest politician and a formidable fighter. So far so good.

Albus turned to look at the third member of Babajide's team only to double take at the sight of his old friend, Nicholas Flamel.

At the sight of his obvious disbelief, Nicholas cut him off before he could say anything.

"Pierre Moreau, at your service." Nicholas said, in a heavy French accent, that Albus knew for a fact was put on.

Thinking quickly, and deciding to keep quiet, Albus inclined his own head, "Albus Dumbledore, it's good to meet you."

The other two took the opportunity to greet himtoo, though Albus had met both before.

"Anu! It's good to see you." Albus said with a smile before turning to the Greek wizard, "Cyril, you look to be holding up well too!"

"Well indeed, Albus." The Greek replied with a smile, "But I wish I were meeting you under better circ.u.mstances."

Albus' smile faded a little, "These are troubling times indeed, but I do not believe that this kind of suspicion between the British Ministry and the ICW is going to benefit anyone." He said gravely, "I'm glad that Babajide, and you two are here, and I'm sure that Mr Moreau is reliable too, he must be if Babajide trusts him, but I fear the Minister has not appreciated this move, and it has taken much effort to stop the him from denouncing the ICW for this move of hostility, indeed, I doubt it would have been possible had we not needed help desperately."

Anu grinned, "Well, as you may have picked up, Albus, Baba has picked this team to help in the upcoming war more than be a pain in the a.s.s for your Ministry."


"Shush now Anu," He said playfully.

The Indian Witch scowled, fl.i.c.k.i.n.g a short wand which slipped into her hand out of thin air to unbind her lips.

"Meanie." The witch well into her 60s stuck out her tongue.

Albus cleared his throat, "I think I should show you up to the Minister's office." He said amusedly.

The Nigerian Wizard nodded his head, following Albus as he led the 4 into the Ministry building via the telephone box.

On the way down, he made some conversation with Nicholas in disguise.

"So, Pierre, I find myself quite surprised I haven't heard of you before, if you're worthy of Babajide's notice, you must be quite the wizard, and quite the fighter if our present company is anything to go by." Albus said lightly, but probingly.

Pierre laughed lightly, "I've been around but I keep a…low profile." The Frenchman said, meaningfully, "and I like to keep it that way."

Albus nodded understandingly, "Fame brings its own follies with it." He said understandingly and leaving the conversation at that, drew his wand and gave Pierre's hand a little tap.

Babajide looked at the older wizard strangely at the odd behavior but Pierre gave a little laugh so the Nigerian Wizard left it at that.

"Please inform Minister Fudge that Albus Dumbledore and Babajide Akingbade's ICW Team are awaiting him." Albus said politely to the young receptionist in the Minister's front office.

The young woman stammered her response, "Yessir, at once Professor Dumbledore…umm, would you like some tea sir?" she said to her former Headmaster.

Albus smiled, "I'm not your professor anymore, Linda, but a spot of tea would be nice."

Linda nodded her head quickly before disappearing into the Minister's office.

"Someone's popular" Anu grinned at Albus.

"Ah, old students." Albus said with a smile.

"You've been Headmaster of half of the workforce of this country at some point or other." Babajide said in his gravelly voice, "No wonder this country loves you so much."

"That's rich coming from you, Baba." Anu pointed out.

"I am not adored this much." Babajide argued lightly.

"The Minister will see you now, Professor." Linda said breathlessly, seeming to have gotten just a little less awestruck.

Albus and his entourage entered the office of the Minister.

Fudge got up to shake Albus' hand before turning to the others, lowering his hand in a show of hostility.

"Gentlemen." He said, trying to be intimidating but failing hilariously, faced with Babajide.

Babajide cracked a smile, "It is good to meet you Minister Fudge, as you know we have been assigned here by the International Confederation of Wizards to oversee the British Ministry during this time of crisis."

Fudge frowned and looked like he was about to argue when Babajide continued, "I am personally of the belief that there is nothing to be gained from pointless conflict, therefore I have assembled a team to help fight against the enemy rather than simply cause disturbances by monitoring your governance. We will however, require a weekly report from you on motions made and the ongoing war effort so that we can report it back to the ICW."

Fudge looked at Albus for an idea of what to do.

"It is good for our war effort, Minister, and they do not ask much, do as they say and we will avoid conflict and gain the aid of the ICW." Albus said calmly.

"Very well then, I shall do as you say."

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