The Intelligent Potter

Chapter 58 - The End of the Fudge Administration

*** Present

Just as Anu was about to enter the house of the Minister, the front door opened.

Cornelius Fudge stood at the doorway with his hands on his h.i.p.s and an irritated expression on his face, dressed in only a towel that was wrapped around his lower half, his large stomach overflowing out of the towel

"Aurors!" he barked, "I thought I had made it clear I wanted no disturbances tonight" he said, "I wanted complete peace and-"

The Minister finally registered the carnage laid out in front of him.

"Well shit." he said, before an Avada Kedavra caught him straight in the c.h.e.s.t.

As the spell flew from the wand of Voldemort, Pierre moved towards the deadly green beam of light, moving his hand to raise a wall of rock to absorb the blow.

Voldemort sent shadows to hold down the defense Pierre had tried to place, holding it in place just long enough for the spell to hit the Minister before the wall burst out of the ground with excessive force.

The Dark Lord cackled loudly, "The Minister for Magic is dead!"

Cornelius Fudge crumpled to the ground, his eyes bulging outwards in surprise.

For better or for worse, the Fudge Administration had come to an abrupt end.

Voldemort waved his hand and darkness gathered around him once more.

The Dark Lord release all of the shadows at once, causing them to fly outwards quickly, causing destruction on a large scale.

With his quick thinking, Pierre put up a small magical shield to protect himself, his colleagues and the 2 dead bodies of Bromophenol and the Minister.

Just as the assault ended, the shield crumbled into nothingness, having just about weathered the assault.

Pierre took a look around.

Behind him the Minister's House was in ruins, the entire thing had been blown off it's foundation, bits and pieces of it lay all over the place. The trees and shrubbery had for the most part been ripped out of the ground and flung everywhere.

No sign of Voldemort.

Well shit.

*** Later

The scene of the crime was littered with Aurors, Babajide, Cyril, and Anu had been rushed to St Mungos to be treated for their injuries, and in Babajide's case, for magical exhaustion, which seemed to be quite severe with the amount of his magic that he had expended in the fight against Voldemort.

As the only one from the ICW Team still in any kind of shape to answer questions, Pierre had been hounded with questions.

The British Head of Magical Law Enforcement, Madam Amelia Bones was a no-nonsense woman, very smart and a hard worker to boot.

She had come personally to investigate the attack on the Minister's home once it had been reported.

It wasn't quite dawn yet, the attack having commenced in the middle of the night, but the bags under her eyes didn't seem to dull Amelia Bones' senses, Pierre noted with respect.

While the rest of the Aurors gathered the destroyed bodies of their dead comrades, others moved to investigate the scene.

Amelia herself, along with Rufus conjured themselves chairs and sat opposite Pierre.

Bones was quick and to-the-point, "What happened here." she said calmly.

"Voldemort attacked the Minister's home tonight." Pierre said calmly, noting Rufus' shudder at the name of the Dark Lord and Amelia's stoic lack of reaction.

"That seems pretty obvious," Amelia said tersely, "It would be much appreciated if you could shed some more light on this situation, Mr Moreau."

"I arrived later than the others, so I don't know the exact details of the assault, but Voldemort along with his Death Eaters attacked the Minister's home. Head Auror Bromophenol Blue had an enchanted stone, a device which could call the head of our ICW Inspection Team, Babajide Akingbade, in the case of an emergency. Baba himself sent Anu, Cyril, and I a message to meet him at the Minister's place. Baba exhausted himself magically in an attempt to take down the Dark Lord, while all the Death Eaters were forced to flee by Cyril and Anu. About that time, I joined Anu and Cyril to take on Voldemort. The plan was for Anu and Cyril to take Baba and get the Minister and escape while I distracted the Dark Lord, but the Minister chose that unfortunate moment to come out of his house," Pierre recounted grimly, "I tried my best to stop the curse, but Voldemort hit the Minister with an Avada Kedavra."

At this, Pierre looked over at the dead body of the Minister, who had been covered with his own towel to protect his modesty, for the moment.

Amelia massaged her head and sighed, "And what of my aurors?" she asked grimly, already anticipating the answer.


"All of them?" Amelia asked desperately.

"All of them, including your Head Auror Brom." Pierre said, with regret in his voice, "I'm sure they put up a valiant fight, all of them, but they couldn't stand up to the might of the Dark Lord."

Amelia nodded her head, taking a long sip of her strong coffee, "Off the books, Pierre?"

The Frenchman nodded his consent.

"How do you think the ICW will react to this?" Amelia continued.

"Not well, I fear, Baba may have been on your side, but there is a large part of the ICW which is not fond of Magical Britain in the slightest, they will be spurred on by this, they will attempt to install an ICW leadership in Britain, and it doesn't seem like the British Magical Government is in any state to resist."

Pierre looked at Amelia, "I don't even know whether the British Magical Government is in any kind of state to govern, no doubt Voldemort will attempt to take power in the vacuum of power that has been created by the death of Fudge, and the late Minister was simply surrounded by supporters of the Dark Lord, it would be only too easy to install a stooge who will not oppose him, then to simply walk into the Ministry after having, for all intents and purposes, taken over the entirety of Magical Britain."

Amelia looked determined, "Whatever Voldemort plans, it will not get through, I promise. Despite the kind of people Cornelius surrounded himself with, there are honest and strong politicians in the Ministry, I know it! Whatever happens, we will hold out."

*** End of Chapte

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