The Intelligent Potter

Chapter 88 - The Leaders of the Light

An: To read the latest chapter of TIP a little bit earlier, you can read this story on webnovel.

An2: So for all my webnovel readers, so far I have not included the author notes in the chapters that I have uploaded to this site...this is because most of these are specific to the time that I write them, and it made very little sense to include them months to years after they were written in the first place. From this chapter onwards, I will upload these chapters exactly the same as they can be found over on FFNet.

*** 2 months later, Headmistress' Office, Hogwarts

The office which had once belonged to Albus Dumbledore had been turned into a sort of a war council.

The organisation which has been named 'The Order of the Phoenix', the fighters of Dumbledore, now simply went by 'The Light Side'.

Over the two months since the passing of Dumbledore and Nicolas Flamel, a few individuals had come together to try and fill the big boots of Dumbledore's position. He may have been a powerful and influential wizard, but what mattered more than that was his symbolism.

Albus Dumbledore symbolised the Light Side, and everything it stood for. His very existence could make people feel hope in the more dire of circ.u.mstances, and without him, the entire magical world was even more terrified than it had been before his demise.

These individuals came together to try and fill his role, and dubbed themselves the 'Leaders of the Light'.

Minerva McGonagall, she really was a necessity, considering that her office was being used as a base.

Babajide Akingbade

Amelia Bones

Arcturus Black

Sirius Black

Kingsley Shacklebolt

Anu Iyer

And quite reluctantly, due to wanting to maintain his family's grey standing, Iliad Greengrass.

Harry, and the rest of the Leaders of the Light had been going through all of the notes of Dumbledore quite thoroughly. Dumbledore had found that there were seven horcruxes which had been made.

Harry counted that they had only destroyed two so far. The diary from his second year had been the first horcrux to be destroyed. The locket which Dumbledore had found in one of the Black homes was the second one which had been destroyed. The Resurrection Stone which was in the ring which Harry had on his finger at that very moment was the third horcrux which had been destroyed. That left four other horcruxes which had to be destroyed.

Dumbledore had several leads which he had written about in his papers. He postulated that there was definitely a horcrux hidden somewhere within the walls of Hogwarts. When Harry first read this, he had planned to use his ring to walk around the school to detect where the horcrux had been hidden. It wasn't exactly the most efficient strategy, but Harry figured that he would be able to find the next horcrux eventually. The problem with this was that The Resurrection Stone had not been as helpful as Harry had hoped. It was malfunctioning. It was always warm, and Harry could not for the life of him figure out why. He suspected that Death's enchantment had gone a little bit haywire.

In any case, Harry had not been able to speak to the primordial being since the time that Death himself has approached him, directly after Dumbledore's death. Because of this, there was no way that he could ask Death to fix the ring, so at the moment, he was stuck without the super-useful horcrux detector which he had been promised.

Oh well, he'd have to make do with ONLY the overpowered wand and the cloak of invisibility.

Please note the sarcasm.

"So," Amelia Bones brought Harry out of his thoughts and reminiscence on how the past few months had gone, "The first order of business, of course, is relating to the horcruxes of the Dark Lord, Voldemort… has anyone found any new clues in their research."

Babajide Akingbade, the Nigerian wizard, cleared his throat before beginning to speak in his gravelly baritone, "I have been researching the history of this ancient castle, and I believe that I may have found where this horcrux of Voldemort might be stored."

Whispers broke out across the room, this was the first time that any of them had had any idea of where any of the horcruxes could be, beyond what Dumbledore had told them.

"You interviewed the house-elves?" Hermione asked incredulously at how thorough the Nigerian wizard had been in his investigation, even with a war effort for him to balance in the meanwhile.

Baba nodded, "Yes, yes I did, and I found out about this room known as the come-and-go room-"

"You mean the Room of Requirement?" Harry inquired.

"You know about this room already?" Baba said, "And you haven't even bothered to check it?"

Harry scratched his head sheepishly, "Well, it's a room which becomes whatever you want it to...and I guess we have never thought about checking if it could show us a horcrux."

"Well," Baba said, "It seems like that is the next priority of yours, isn't it?"

Harry nodded, "I will head there after the meeting."

"Not so fast, little one," Baba said , "You may be the Champion of Death, but you are still a teenager, we need to send an a.d.u.l.t with you."

Harry nodded, not happy at the implication that he was any less than any of the other wizards and witches in the room, but agreeing on the principle that two heads were always better than one.

"I can go with him," Sirius said from the cushy beanbag he was sitting on with his feet up on the polished wooden desk of the Headmistress. Sirius had not let the war get into the way of his sense of humour. Sometimes it was just plain annoying, but other times, it was the little bit of life and hope which they all needed to keep going, which was why nobody ever stopped Sirius from being and doing as he liked.

He kept them feeling alive.

"That would work," Babajide inclined his head towards the younger Black in the room in thanks.

Sirius raised his hand to his godson for a high five, "It can be our little godson-dogfather adventure!"

Harry chuckled.

Babajide began to contemplate whether it was a good idea to send Sirius Black of all people with Harry.

*** End of Chapte

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