Looking at the kung fu in the blink of an eye, his side actually lost two thousand battleships, and Norkey was stunned in place.

"How could it be... How could the opponent's firepower be so fierce? "

Norki muttered, it was two thousand warships, and in the face of enemy attacks, they had even activated their energy shields, but even so, they were all destroyed!


Just as Norki was stunned, a dazzling light suddenly lit up in front of him, and he saw an energy beam with a diameter of more than ten meters coming towards his fleet.

"Not good! Defend quickly! "

Norki's face turned pale and he hurriedly yelled.

The energy beam has come to the eyes, and it is too late to dodge at this time.


After receiving Noki's order, I saw hundreds of warships hurriedly blocking the front of the main ship, and at the same time turned on the energy shield.

In the next instant, the energy beam struck and hit the shield directly, but after only holding out for less than a second, the shield shattered instantly.

"Boom, boom, boom-"


The energy beam was unabated, directly engulfing these hundreds of battleships, and with the screams of the Druan Starmen in the battleships, the battleships were also turned into ashes on the spot.

And the remaining energy beam also continued to attack the main ship that Norki was riding on.

Fortunately, although he lost hundreds of warships, it also bought him time, which was able to avoid this attack.

But although he was fine, Noki was already palpitating.

Ten seconds!

In less than ten seconds, his escort team totaled three thousand warships, and at this time, there were less than five hundred left.

And the other party did not lose at all, he had never suffered such a huge loss.

"Captain, the other party has started to attack again, what should I do?"

At this time, the adjutant shouted, and Noki hurriedly looked and found that the opponent's battleship had indeed burst out energy beams again, coming towards them.

"Quick! Notify the electromagnetic cannon beam cluster and let them gather fire! "

Norki hurriedly said, now he was a little flustered.

Previously, he was confident in his fleet, thinking that it would be enough to take the enemy.

But now it seems that he thinks too simply, and he is not the opponent of the enemy at all.

The adjutant nodded and hurriedly informed the cluster of electromagnetic beam cannons that had been prepared on the satellite for a long time, but his face soon changed.

"Team, captain, it's not good, our electromagnetic beam cluster is occupied by the other party!"

The adjutant said in shock, and at the same time a picture appeared in front of him.

The picture is on a natural satellite of the star Durham, which has been controlled by thousands of enemy warships at this time.

"What? Controlled? "

Hearing this, Norki was shocked in his heart, when did the opponent's warship run to the satellite, and also controlled the entire satellite.

He didn't even notice it at all.

"How long will it take for the latest support to come?"

Norki asked hurriedly, by this time he had realized the seriousness of the problem.

Most of the battleships have been destroyed, even a natural satellite has been controlled by the other side, and in this area, they can no longer confront the other side.

"It will take at least half an hour."

Half an hour?

Norki gritted his teeth, they still had less than five hundred battleships left, let alone half an hour, they couldn't hold out even five minutes.

Even the cluster cannon that he used as a hole card was already controlled by the other party at this time.

"Boom, boom, boom-"

As soon as this idea fell, the opponent's attack also struck again, and more than two hundred battleships were blown up by the way, and even his main ship was impacted, and cracks appeared on the fuselage.

"Retreat! Withdraw to Durham Star! "

Norki did not dare to hesitate any longer and hurriedly ordered.

At this time, where did he dare to go head-to-head with the other party, the other party was just a battleship, and they could not collapse.

Soon, the remaining two hundred or so warships quickly retreated to the star of Dalam.

"Is this a retreat?"

Li An smiled at the corner of his mouth, the other party was quite arrogant just now, and now it doesn't look good.

"Captain, shall we take advantage of the victory and pursue?"

Kudam asked, his heart filled with excitement.

Unexpectedly, this first battle was a big victory, and if they can keep doing this, then they really have a chance to retake their home planet.

"No need, destroy and control all the other party's forces outside the planet first."

Ang Lee shook his head.

Just now, he let his wisdom brain interfere with the signal of the opponent's battleship, and there were no thousand assault ships he secretly sent.

It was also by relying on these assault ships to quickly control a satellite occupied by the other side.

However, outside of Durham, there are a total of three natural satellites, and only one is controlled at this time, and two more must be controlled.

Otherwise, after he activates the natural disaster satellite for a while, he will easily be attacked by the other party.

"Kudam obeys the order, you lead the Hive fortress and occupy the satellite on the left."

"I will lead the team to occupy the satellite on the right and set off immediately!"


With Ang Lee's order, the Hive Fortress suddenly attacked one of the satellites, while Ang Lee drove the Star Battleship towards the other satellite.

Durham Star, meeting room.

The scene outside space just now was also seen by Keniv and others.

"Lord Lord, I didn't expect that this alien civilization invited by Kudam really has some skills, and even our escort team can't stop it."

"Now that the other side has controlled one satellite, it is now heading towards the other two satellites, and if they are all controlled by the other side, we will be besieged."

"Although the other two satellites have some protective power, it is difficult to block each other's impact, Lord Lord, what do we do now?"

Everyone who was still talking and laughing just now had a solemn face at this time.

If it was just Kudam, they were not afraid, but they did not expect that the alien civilization invited by the other party was so powerful.

Kenif's face was calm, and although he was a little surprised in his heart, he did not panic.

"Guys, you have also seen the strength of alien civilizations now, although there is some strength, but it is only so."

Kenif looked at everyone at the scene and said, "Now that they are divided into two ways, who is willing to lead a team to annihilate the enemy?" "

"Retribution Lord, I am willing to lead the team to battle!"

"I would like to too!"

"And I..."

Everyone looked at each other, and then got up and said.

Although the strength of Li An's side surprised them, it did not make them fearful.

"Very well, Abner, Kelly, the two of you each lead 10,000 battleships, now set off immediately!"

Kenif nodded.

The two named nodded, and then hurriedly walked outside.

"After so many years of silence, it's finally not so boring."

Looking at the fleet on Ang Lee's side in the picture, Kenif had a sneer on his face.


Not long after, the Star Battleship and the Hive Fortress also came to the two satellites respectively.

There were more than a thousand warships stationed on both satellites, but they could not stop the forces of Ang Lee's side, and soon the entire satellite was occupied.

"The opponent's main fleet should also be coming soon."

Ang Lee's gaze looked at Durham Star, the opponent's main fleet was still on Durham Star, and the power on the satellite was only a sentinel point.

[Wisdom Brain]: Report to the captain, a fleet is being found ahead, numbering more than 10,000.

[Wisdom Brain]: Captain, 10,000 warships also appeared in the direction of the Hive Fortress.

Ang Lee looked at the picture and saw a huge main ship sailing out of Durham Star, and near this main ship, there were 10,000 small warships.

On Kudam's side, he also faced such a powerful fleet.

"Wisdom brain, probe the information of the other party's main ship."

[Wisdom Brain]: I got the captain's order and is investigating... Probe Successful!

[Wisdom Brain]: Please check it out by the captain.

As Zhi Brain's words fell, an interface appeared in front of Li An.

【Enemy ship information】

[Name]: UI-25P giant battleship

【Appearance】: 7841 meters long, 814 meters wide and 592 meters high

【Mass】: 87.89 million tons (running)

[Speed]: Hyperspace level x2, spare x4, subspace speed 20

[Passengers]: 150,000 passengers can be carried

[Assists]: Reload Armor, Energy Shield, Traction Beam, Wormhole Jump...

【Function】: Temperature control system, communication system, instrument and lighting system, escape survival system, attitude control and orbit control system, landing system...

[Artillery positions]: 2000

[Soldier position]: 100,000 (including individual mech soldiers, medics, scouts, pilots, Janissaries, and assault soldiers)

[Installation Engine]: Drouan photoparticle engine

[Armament configuration] :(1) 10-barreled missile launcher x46 guns, (2) anti-aircraft turret x25 seats, (3) close defense weapons x128 seats, (4) drum beam launcher x8, (5) large beam cannon x12 guns, (6) electromagnetic shaped energy cannon x6 ...

[Evaluation]: The super battleship made by the Druan Starman has extremely strong attack power, and the surface of the battleship is covered with a layer of armor, which greatly improves the defense power, and is the most commonly used invasion warship by the Druan Starman.


Looking at the information of the other party's main ship, Li An narrowed his eyes.

This Druan Starman is indeed powerful, and the other party actually took out two battleships like this.

And he is sure that this is not the full strength of the other party, I am afraid that there are more powerful warships still in the Durham Star, but there is no time to mobilize it.

"It's strong, but it's not too much of a threat to me."

Ang Lee muttered.

Before he came, he had already built a large number of warships, and coupled with the strength of the main ship, there was no big problem in dealing with the other party.

"Captain, we have found a large number of enemies on our side, what should we do?"

At this time, Kudam also reported the situation to Ang Lee.

"What to do? Naturally, destroy them all, don't tell me that you can't even take this little enemy. "

Ang Lee said with a smile.

The opponent's Hive Fortress itself has extremely strong firepower, plus the battleship he created, there is no problem at all.

"Understood, Captain, I've been waiting for this moment for a long time."

Kudam nodded, with determination in his eyes.

At this time, the enemy ships on Li An's side had also stopped, and the distance between the two was about 100,000 kilometers.

"General, we are already approaching the enemy, do you want to start attacking now?"

On the main ship of the Druan Starman, the adjutant looked at General Kelly and asked.

"Four thousand warships divided into two teams to outflank from the flank, four thousand fleets to attack head-on, and two thousand warships to escort the main ship!"

"The main ship is ready to fire at full range, give me a comprehensive suppression of the enemy."

Kelly nodded.

After receiving the order, the battleships of the Druan Starmen also moved and quickly attacked Li An's side.

And seeing the other party start to act, Li An did not rest.

"Four thousand frigates escort, two thousand destroyers resist head-on, three thousand assault ships are ready to kill, two thousand interceptors follow closely behind the assault ships, approaching the enemy gradually, preventing the enemy from escaping!"

As Li An's words fell, the wisdom brain also received instructions, and the small battleships in the Star Battleship also dispatched one after another.

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