Ang Lee's fleet and Gumuda's fleet are still attacking the protective system of the Druan Star.

However, they were ready to counterattack the enemy at any time, and as time slowly passed, the fleet of the Druan Starmen gradually appeared nearby, waiting for the order to attack.

Druan Star, meeting room.

"Star Lord, all our fleets have returned, all of them are in ambush outside, waiting to be ordered to attack together."

Hearing the words of his subordinates, Clarence smiled on his face.

"Let the Fifth Fleet and the Eleventh Fleet be ready, and when I order, they will all rush out."

"Inform the other eight fleets that when the main star protection system is removed, give me the siege of all the enemy's fleets!"

"Dare to come to our Druan Star to find trouble, this time we will definitely let them come and go!"

As Clarence's words fell, everyone began to prepare.

But all the fleets were ready, and Clarence also directly ordered, "Attack!" "

"Buzz buzz buzz-"

In the next instant, I saw the protection system of the main star slowly disappear, and at the same time, the fifth and eleventh fleets that had been prepared for a long time also sailed out from the main star.


The two fleets, totaling 400,000 warships, attacked the fleets of Lee An and Gumuda in unison.

"Swish, swish, swish-"

Linear lasers, energy beams, missiles ... Various attacks poured out, making the dim universe bright again.

"Is it finally here?"

"Fight back!"

Looking at this scene, Li An and Gu Muda sneered, and also gave the order to attack!


"Boom, boom-"

"Boom, boom, boom-"

For a time, various energy attacks flew across the universe, and the warships on both sides were also impacted, and many warships were also destroyed under these attacks.

"All fleets! Siege! "

At this time, Clarence ordered again, and saw the eight fleets that had been hiding on the distant planet quickly appear.

A total of ten fleets, more than two million warships appeared, trapping a million warships on the side of Lee An and Gumuda.

"Swish, swish, swish-"

"Boom, boom, boom-"

When these warships appeared, they did not hesitate, and also burst out various means and bombarded Li An's side.

"In the face of the siege of so many warships, I don't believe you can resist!"

Clarence sneered, and the other pavilion elders of the Drouan Star also smiled.

The number of warships on both sides was not on the same level, and now coupled with the surprise siege, they have the upper hand.

But soon, the smiles on the faces of Clarence and the others began to disappear.

"Captain Gumuda, the enemy has appeared, according to our previous layout, start counterattacking."

"No problem, all warships, aim at the eight fleets of the enemy, attack me!"

As soon as Gumuda spoke, all the warships under his command directly turned their direction and attacked the warships in different directions according to the previous layout.

Li An glanced at it, then nodded, the other party intercepted the eight fleets, and his goal was to destroy the two fleets near the Druan Starman.

Although the number of these two fleets reached 400,000, twice the number of his fleet, in Li An's eyes, it was only that.

"Frigates all attack!"

"Assault ships cover interceptor ships to block the opponent's attack."

"The battleship hitched on the genetically modified body to approach the enemy's main ship, and the destroyer suppressed it with long-range firepower."

"Forty large warships are activated, the Hive Fortress is attacked, and the main turret of the Star Battleship is activated!"

"Swish, swish, swish-"

As Lee's orders fell, 50,000 frigates bore the brunt of the attack and rushed towards the enemy's fleet.

Fifty thousand assault ships covered the advance of 50,000 interceptors, and 10,000 battleships carrying a full 100,000 genetically modified bodies gradually approached the enemy's fleet.

And in the vicinity of the Star battleship, the 50,000 destroyers did not move, but remained in place, bursting out various powerful attacks and suppressing the enemy ships.

"Boom, boom, boom-"

Cannon fire appeared in the universe, with warships on both sides attacking while dodging each other's attacks.


I saw that the enemy ships burst out one after another linear lasers, only pounced on the frigate in the front, and the frigates also hurriedly dodged, even if they could not dodge, they began to resist with energy shields.

At the same time, the frigate also counterattacked, and one missile after another burst out, temporarily suppressing the enemy's firepower.

"Remote beam support!"

Seeing that the opponent's frigate was getting closer and closer, the Druan Starman also activated other means again, and beams of light swept out.

"Boom, boom, boom-"

When the beam fell on the corvette's shield, the shield shattered instantly, and at the same time the corvette was hit by the beam, temporarily losing the ability to fight.

Seeing that the second wave of beams was about to fall, at this time, the assault ship closely following the frigate finally struck.

【Heavy particle beam! 】


Tens of thousands of particle beams engulfed the enemy's attacks while continuing unabated towards the fleet.

"Bang bang-"

Under these particle beams, tens of thousands of enemy warships were suddenly destroyed, exploded and turned into fragments floating in the universe.

[Beam Cannon! ] 】

This is not over, the interceptor ship also took the opportunity to launch an attack, suppressing the battleship that the enemy had just charged up and was ready to break out again.

[Power pulse turret! ] 】

The 10,000 battleships that had already followed up also opened a powerful artillery suppression.

"Not good, the enemy's firepower is too strong, we have already lost fifty thousand battleships."

"And the enemy's warships have begun to approach our main ship, and if it goes on like this, I am afraid that it will not be able to stop the other party, but it will be easy for the other party to enter our main star!"

In the conference room, Clarence and the others looked at the battle situation with gloomy faces.

It was thought that their superiority in the number of warships, coupled with the surprise attack, was enough to easily take the enemy.

But they did not expect that their two fleets could not stop even one of the enemy's fleets, but instead lost a large number of warships.

"What are the other eight fleets doing? Why hasn't it come to support yet? "

Clarence asked.

"Star Lord, the other eight fleets have been dragged down by another fleet of the enemy, and there is simply no time to support."

"And it seems that the other side has long known about our ambush, and when these eight fleets just appeared, they encountered a fierce attack."

"At present, there are almost more than 100,000 warships lost. A sitting duck! "

Hearing this, Clarence's heart trembled, could it be that the enemy had long known that their plan would not work?

"Abominable! Give me an all-out attack, this battle must be won, no matter how big the price is, we must win! "

"In addition, activate the main star protection system again, and at the same time order the ground forces on the main star to be ready for battle at any time!"

Clarence said coldly.

If this battle is lost, their entire Druan Starman will probably become slaves, which is unacceptable to them.

"By the way, turn on all the gene warriors on the main ship, if anyone dares to approach, directly kill me!"

Clarence continued.

Gene warriors are their greatest scientific and technological achievements so far in addition to battleships, coupled with the assistance of mecha, and they are not a problem.

At this time, the frigates of Lee An's side had also come to the vicinity of the opposing main ship, and at the same time began to attack the two wings, opening the way for the warships behind.

"This is too slow, activate all mech fighters, attract enemy fire, and create opportunities for the approach of battleships."

Ang Lee said.

[Wisdom Brain]: After receiving the captain's order, 800,000 mecha soldiers were dispatched!

"Swish, swish, swish-"

In the next instant, I saw 800,000 figures flying out from the Star Battleship and the Hive Fortress, quickly attacking the enemy's battleship.

"Boom, boom, boom-"

Looking at these mecha warriors who appeared, the enemy's warships also began to gather fire, with the strength of mecha warriors, how can they block the attack of the battleship.

Under the gaze of Ang Lee, these mecha warriors were also constantly killed under the attack.

But Li An's face was calm, these mecha fighters were originally cannon fodder, in order to attract firepower.

800,000 mecha warriors, which is only 1.6 billion points of energy, is harmless to Li An now.

Sure enough, after the mecha warrior dispatched, the enemy's large amount of firepower was attracted, and if it did not attack the mecha warrior, it would also be approached, and then directly self-detonated and destroyed the battleship.

"Crazy, these guys are crazy!"

Looking at this scene, the Druan Starman had horror in his eyes.

Are these guys dead, and they intercepted them by self-destructing.

Of course, if they knew that these mech warriors were just androids operating and were not real creatures at all, they would not be surprised.

In about ten minutes, the enemy's main ship was exposed, and at the same time, 10,000 battleships also came to surround it.

"All genetically modified bodies, dispatch!"


Under Rosen's order, 100,000 genetically modified bodies covered their entire bodies and flew towards the enemy's main ship like demons coming out of hell.

"Wisdom brain, activate the electromagnetic waveguide!"

Ang Lee said that now that the enemy's main ships are approaching, they only need to let these warships lose control, coupled with the power of genetically modified bodies, they can easily occupy them.

【Wisdom Brain】: The electromagnetic waveguide is activated!

"Boom boom-"

As soon as the words fell, a streamer swept away, and then exploded, a huge electromagnetic field appeared, and the enemy's main ship suddenly lost control.

"Landing enemy ships, not one left!"

Ang Lee gave the order again, and at this time the genetic modifications also came to the battleship.

"Swish, swish, swish-"

But at this moment, attacks broke out one after another in the main ship, and Rosen and others also hurriedly dodged.

Looking again, I found that there were already more than 100,000 genetic warriors waiting for them with weapons.

"Laser rays!"

Rosen and the others did not hesitate, and they all used the power of the battle armor, and the light swept away.

"Boom, boom, boom-"


After directly killing some gene warriors at the door, Rosen and the others also landed on the enemy ship.

"Give me death!"

At this moment, a Drouan Starman burst into a roar, his figure instantly became several times larger, and he swung a lightsaber and slashed down towards Rosen.

"Gravity field!"

"Boom, boom, boom-"

Looking at the attack, Rosen snorted coldly, and a gravity suddenly fell on the opponent's body, making the opponent's figure unstable, and the lightsaber in his hand also directly avoided Rosen.



Rosen, on the other hand, drank lightly, a red streamer appeared, and the sound of tearing sounded, and the head of the Druan Starman was cut off on the spot.

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