Chapter 1086

“Why are they all around the prisoner.”

“These are healing flying butterflies. They have the habit of attaching to the declining parts and diseased parts of humans and animals. The blue butterflies will stay where the symptoms are lighter, and the red ones will stop where the symptoms are more severe.”

“For people who are dying, these two butterflies will stop.”

“It’s no wonder that there are so many blue butterflies staying beside him.”

Although the recovery of cells has been accelerated due to Century Bisque, there are still many injuries on the body.

“let’s go.”

Entering the country of healing, there are many patients wherever you see, and everyone is wrapped in bandages.

After all, it is a country of healing. Most of the severely injured patients in the world will come here for treatment. Naturally, there are not as many people as the patients who come to visit here.

“Brother, there should be many specialties in this healing country, right?”

Although the surrounding environment is very good, what the women look forward to most in this country is their food.

“Well! The country of healing does have many special cuisines, and many plants that can maintain and heal the body.”

“Hehe! So the country of healing is really a good country.”

“Then let’s go quickly and taste the food of this country 07.”

The women took Xiao Ran and walked directly in one direction.

During the visit to the front, I also saw many unique treatment methods in the country of healing, as well as peculiar hot spring sharks.

That’s right, it is the hot spring sharks captured by Liu Xinyue and Gu Xiyao in the food world. Of course, the hot spring sharks in the food world are very different in terms of their size and the therapeutic effect of hot spring sharks.

The two girls liked it, because they didn’t know that there were hot spring sharks in the food industry, so Xiao Ran directly asked Xiao Ran to buy two hot spring sharks and put them in the space with a group of hot spring shark babies.

Then I came to one of the most famous restaurants in the country of healing, where I ordered a lot of specialties. .

“This healing pastry feels warm after eating.”

The ingredients here are not only delicious, but most of them have a certain healing effect.

For example, the healing pastries that Xiao Ran and a few women are eating now have a 37-level capture of natural ingredients, which has a strong stomach-nourishing effect for the human body.

“Unexpectedly, it even has Spiced Pig, which tastes very good.”

“Ah! Mr. Alu, eat slowly.”

A whole spice pig was eaten by Alu in three blows.

“It is full of flavors of various spices, but it is completely integrated with the meat.”

“Very good ingredients.”

The spice pig has a catch level of 43. Its meat contains many special spices and tastes excellent. It is the perfect dish to roast directly without any cooking.

“What kind of meat is Xiao Ran? It feels soothing in the body when I eat it.” Luo Xue asked, pointing to the meat on the plate.

“These should be the meat of the seventeenth-level relaxing cattle. After eating, there is a kind of relaxation and soothing for the whole body. It is a good delicacy.”

“And this rose tea smells so good!”

“That is the rose tea made by the Good Morning Rose. Drinking it can make the brain wake up immediately.”


The special ingredients in the country of healing have to be said to be very delicious, which is a good taste enjoyment for Xiao Ran and a few women.

As for the Toriko on one side, he was really eating wildly.

Satisfied after enjoying all the food in the restaurant.

“Let’s go, and then visit the mother tree.”

The mother tree of the country of healing, in which many regeneration masters live.

Regenerators, special occupations of food captives, can regenerate extinct ingredients.

Xiao Ran also took the women to visit here, especially the ingredients that these regenerants are resurrecting.

“This is the inside of the tree mother, also known as the Inn of Food. It is a space where many regenerationists build homes for treatment.”


“I succeeded.”


A middle-aged rebirth division ran out of his rebirth room with excitement, shouting that he had succeeded, and the surrounding rebirth divisions quickly gathered around.

“Let’s go, take you guys to see.”

“Belier, don’t you…!” A rejuvenator who is close to Belial looked at him in surprise.


“it is true?”


“What kind of dumb riddles are you playing? What kind of ingredients are regenerating?” Alu asked.


“Gourmet Four Mr. Uranus Toriko.”

I have to say that Toriko’s popularity in this world is still very high, and most people know him.

“Are you regenerating any ingredients?”

“Please see.”

The man excitedly took out the food he regenerated, and it looked like a seedling on the outside.

“The magma pitaya seedlings, extinct five thousand years ago, are high-class fruits in the world.”


Xiao Ran clearly stated the ingredients of the seedlings, which made this Belial even more excited.


“Oh my God!”

“Isn’t it.”

When the surrounding regeneration teachers heard the names you could still name, they were all surprised.

“How did you do Belial, you actually regenerate such high-level ingredients? Have you become a high-level regenerant?”

“I think I should be now.”

“Brother know?”

“In the IGO database, there is a record of extinct food materials. The top food material in the 063 world on earth has a catch level of 100. It grows in the largest volcanic magma in the world. It is also the only species in the world that can live in volcanic magma. Plants in.”

“so amazing.”

“The Regenerative Master is really amazing.”

After Komatsu learned about the profession of rejuvenator, he was also extremely shocked.

For chefs, no matter what ingredients are naturally, they don’t want it to be extinct, and regenerants can regenerate those ingredients that have been extinct.

Komatsu admires these people very much.


Xiao Ran controlled the middle-aged man, obtained some seeds of lava dragon fruit, endowed it with some spirituality, and threw it into the magma of the space world to see if it could grow up.

After understanding the ingredients for the resurrection of the middle-aged man, everyone was envious and jealous, but the crowd soon dispersed.

After that, Xiao Ran also took a few women to visit the regeneration rooms of many regeneration masters in this food inn, and saw many of them are regenerating or have regenerated ingredients.

It’s a pity that the blood-stained Yuzuo of the top regenerator here is not there.

Also failed to visit his regeneration room.

“Let’s go.”

After the visit, it was already night after the time flickered. Xiao Ran planned to spend one night in the country of healing with a few women, and head to that place tomorrow.

…! .

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