Chapter 206

“Thirty Million Intermediate Purple Gold Spirit Stone once, twice,…! The deal.” Ji Yueyao announced softly.

“I thought that guy was going to smash with us to the end, but I didn’t expect to give up.” Xiao Ran said with a smile looking at Long Lidan that had been auctioned off.

“With this bottle of Dragon Power Pill, you should be able to easily cultivate the first layer of the spiritual glass body.” Luo Xue looked at Xiao Ran and said with a smile.

“Hmm! There should be no problem.”


“This young master is the Dragon Lidan you auctioned off.” The young beauty walked in and handed the crystal bottle to Xiao Ran and said softly.

“Okay, I accept it.” Xiao Ran took the crystal bottle and put it directly into the space.


Xiao Ran accepted the crystal bottle, and the woman took out an instrument. Xiao Ran used the smart bracelet to gently transfer 30 million yuan to end the transaction. Originally, Zhou Yi wanted to rush to give the money, but it was only one, five, four, three small items. No need for him to give money.

“Yeah! It seems that Ji girl’s auction was a success.” An old man in the auction said with satisfaction on the picture in the hall.

“Has the Wangcheng family who came to our auction investigate this time?” the old man asked.

“Sorry uncle, we only found out that they were from the royal city. As for the surname of that royal city, we didn’t find out.” A middle-aged man reported quietly.

“It’s not surprising. They should arrive on the last day. That thing is okay, right?”

“Don’t worry, our uncle’s thing is very well kept.”

“Yeah! That’s good. If the Wangcheng family auctions, we might still be able to improve our relationship with them. Our Ji family has been in the first-tier cities for too long…!” The old man said with emotion.

“Go down.”

“The next species to be auctioned is our Linhai City, a kind of spiritual fruit that is unique to Linhai Forest, which matures only once in 50 years. Eating one can allow the peak martial artist of the reborn state to easily break through the mortal stage and the mortal stage. You can also increase your strength. Because of its powerful aura, this kind of Tianyuan fruit can only be eaten by warriors who are born out of the womb or mortal stage.”

“In addition, Tianyuanguo also has an effect, increasing the life span of a warrior for thousands of years. Of course, this should be of no use to you. Then a Tianyuanguo starts at two million intermediate-level purple gold spirit stones, please bid.” Ji Yueyao said loudly.

“Tian Yuan Guo is useless.”

Xiao Ran looked at the Tian Yuan fruit exuding crystal light and huge spiritual energy on the auction stage. The Tian Yuan fruit is in short supply. This Tian Yuan fruit needs to be eaten by warriors at the minimum level of birth. There is still a gap between Xiao Ran and this level. As for another effect, it will increase. Xiao Ran does not need a life span of one thousand years.

“Don’t you want Zhou Yi?” Xiao Ran asked, looking at Zhou Yi.

“Big brother, our family has a spirit fruit similar to this Tianyuan fruit, and it won’t be of much use after auction.” Zhou Yi said softly.

“Okay! There is no way to compare this background.” Listening to Zhou Yi’s relaxed words, Xiao Ran sighed inwardly.

“Five Million Intermediate Purple Gold Lingshi.”

“Eight million.”

“I give out 10 million intermediate-level purple gold spirit stones.”

Although this kind of spirit fruit is useless for Xiao Ran and even most people, there will always be people who use one of its effects. It is enough to make many warriors go crazy. Some of them are bought for themselves and others are for the family. After buying, the bidding crowd is still the crowd in the lobby.


“My mother has been stuck at the pinnacle of the reborn state for five years. With this Tian Yuan Guo, she will definitely be able to make a breakthrough and buy it this time.” A young man in the hall said with firm eyes.

“Bid fifteen million.”

“Twenty million.”

“thirty million.”

“Let me go! The people below are crazy, and a Tian Yuan Guo actually raised the price to 30 million intermediate purple gold spirit stones.” Xiao Ran said softly as he looked at the crowd in the hall who was still arguing frantically.

At the beginning of the auction, Xiao Ran also asked Zero Seven to check. Although Tian Yuan Guo is a unique spirit fruit in Linhai City, it does take 50 years to mature, but the normal price only needs more than 13 million intermediate purple gold spirit stones. That’s it, but now the auction house has actually been raised to more than 30 million…!

“Sure enough, the auction house is profiteering.” Xiao Ran said softly.

“Thirty-seven million.” The young man quoted again.

The crowd in the 30 million hall also calmed down. After all, more than 30 million intermediate-level purple gold spirit stones are already a large sum. For many of them, small families and small groups, they must carefully think about what they want. No more.

“37.5 million.” A middle-aged warrior in a suit quoted.

“Master, we only brought one hundred thousand high-grade purple gold spirit stones this time. You have to think clearly….” a young woman next to her reminded.

“Aunt Qin, I know, but it’s rare to meet Tian Yuanguo who can help my mother to break through. I can’t miss it. I won’t be able to auction it off again,” said Qing Young.


“Forty Million Intermediate Purple Gold Spirit Stone.” The young man quoted loudly, and the price in his heart was no longer high.

“Forty million once, twice…! Congratulations to this young man in the hall for auctioning the next Tianyuan Fruit, which is also the last Tianyuan Fruit in 50 years.” Ji Yueyao said with a smile.

The original 13 million Tian Yuan Guo was raised to 40 million, and Ji Yueyao was unhappy, not to mention that Tian Yuan Guo was originally owned by their family, the imperial government, and the academy, which was equivalent to a no-profit business.

“The next thing we are going to auction is a technological item, the particle pulser, which covers a radius of ten kilometers. Within this range, everything can be destroyed. The power is comparable to the one-shot disposable items of a martial artist in the good fortune.” Ji Yueyao introduced road.

“It’s just such a small thing?” Xi Yan looked at a square instrument on the auction stage that was less than the size of a palm and couldn’t believe it. It would have such a great power.

“This particle pulser is a scientific and technological weapon developed by Tiangong Group, a large group of first-tier cities. The quality is absolutely guaranteed. It only needs to be easily deployed when in danger,” Ji Yueyao said softly.

“A total of three high-end purple gold spirit stones with a starting price of 10,000 yuan, please bid.”

“Hee hee! It’s just over 0.4 to go to Otherworld, this thing is a good life-saving prop, Uncle Chen, I want this particle pulser.” A beautiful woman in the private room said softly.

“Good lady.”

“Thirty thousand high-level purple gold spirit stones.”

“I’m paying 50,000 high-grade purple gold spirit stones.” Xiao Ran quoted the price in Zhouyi’s private room.

“Do you need this?”

Seeing Zhou Yi’s bid, Xiao Ran was very confused. In Xiao Ran’s opinion, this kind of thing should be a very tasteless item for Zhou Yi, but he didn’t expect him to bid.

“Big brother, I like to collect technology products, this thing should have just come out, so I want to buy it back for collection.” Zhou Yi said with a smile.


After listening to Zhouyi’s explanation, Xiao Ran, Luo Xue, and Xi Yan were speechless in their hearts, but the summary did not still feel very interesting to look at.

…! .

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