Chapter 221

“Well, next is the third puppet, please make an offer.” Ji Yueyao said calmly.

“One million Lingjing coins.”

“One million and seven hundred thousand.”

“three million.”

“One time 5.7 million, is there still a bid? Then it is sold.” After Ji Yueyao said that the third puppet of good fortune was also auctioned off, the last puppet was also auctioned at the lowest price of 5 million. go out.

Although the Good Fortune Realm puppet is very strong, the family nurtures a genius and finally grows into a good Fortune Realm powerhouse, and the amount of spirit coins needed is probably that much. Therefore, many people are considering whether it is worthwhile. After all, the puppet is just a dead thing. There are only so many, and the ability to cultivate a genius can continue to improve.

Although this process will take longer, New Genesis Earth is a peaceful world after all. There is no grievances and hatreds that will destroy people and the whole family, mainly because they are managed by federal organizations and empires.

“Okay, everyone, today’s auction is over. Tomorrow is the last day of the auction, and I hope you don’t miss it. Similarly, the Ji family has already hosted a banquet in Jiyue Pavilion. go.

“I really look forward to not knowing what it is that attracts so many people to the auction house.”

“It will be announced tomorrow.”

“Big brother, let’s go to the Yunyue Hotel for dinner tonight. To be honest, you definitely don’t want to go to the Ji family banquet. There are profits everywhere and you can’t eat well.” Zhou Yi said to Xiao Ran.

“How do I feel that you are a little weird?” Xiao Ran said softly while looking at Zhou Yi.

“How come, I mainly want to taste the food of the elder brother’s hotel.” Zhou Yi said earnestly.

“Master, please don’t forget your agreement, if you insist on not going, I can only…!” At this moment, Mr. Zhou reminded him.

“Ah! I really convinced you Zhou Lao. I simply suspect that you are the person Ji Yueyao sent to me. How can I think about her and not think about me?” Zhou Yi complained loudly.

“Ji Yueyao? Interesting, it seems that you have concealed a lot of things, Zhou Yi.” Xiao Ran looked at Zhou Yi and said with a smile.

“Zhou Yi honestly told us what is the relationship between you and Ji Yueyao. Yesterday I felt something was wrong. You know Ji Yueyao so well, so it doesn’t matter if you show it now.” Xi Yan is most interested in this Eight Trigrams period.

“Good, good! I said, I’ll tell you all but the eldest brother and sister-in-law Xiyan and sister, you have to help me too.” Zhou Yi pleaded.


“It’s like this…!”

Then Zhou Yi told Xiao Ran, Luo Xue, Xi Yan, and Jun Yi about his and Ji Yueyao’s childhood, as well as the family’s arrangements for them and his fear of Ji Yueyao. Xiao Ran, Luo Xue and Xi Yan understood. But the summary is very puzzled.

“Big Brother Zhou Yi, why did Sister Ji Yueyao bully you?” Xiaojie asked Mengmeng.

“Yes, I also really want to know, summary Yi will see Ji Yueyao later, must I help my brother know?” Zhou Yi squatted down and said softly to Jie Yi.

“Come on, you, our baby Jieyi won’t participate in the affairs of the two of you.” Xiao Ran said softly, holding Jieyi in his arms.

“Jie Yi won’t talk about it yet, eldest brother and sister-in-law, Xiyan sister, you must help me, I really don’t know what happened to her looking for me this time, don’t you know how many times he trained me like a devil… !”

Thinking that Zhou Yi shuddered, Ji Yueyao shuddered inwardly.


“But I don’t think Ji Yueyao is a violent woman.” Luo Xue said suspiciously.

“Of course! She is an obedient lady in front of anyone, but that is a tragic word for me, please elder brother to save me out of the sea of ​​suffering.” Zhou Yi said with a bitter expression.

“Haha! I understand that this is the special way you two get along. One is willing to fight and the other is willing to endure. Ten Thousand Years will definitely last forever. When you get married, don’t forget to invite me to have a wedding wine.” Xiao Ran said with a smile. .

“What? Her character is really…! If Ji Yueyao has the gentle characters of sister Xiyan and sister-in-law Luo Xue, I will say nothing but she is really…!”

In Zhou Yi’s heart, it was extremely envious of Xiao Ran. It was also a childhood sweetheart. The comparison was completely bloody.

“I think Ji Yueyao is so beautiful, and the martial arts talent is excellent. The mall management is also a good way. What is better than you, why do you ask so much?” Xi Yan said softly.

“Just don’t be so demanding. I like you so I don’t like you. Ji Yueyao will take care of you? Do you think she usually treats other people like this? It’s because of you like you, don’t know to cherish it when you lose it. …” Xiao Ran whispered to Zhou Yi in the tone of a senior person.

“Um…! You guys.”

Zhou Yi looked at the people around him and felt that he was abandoned by the whole world. He wanted to find a way to get through this crisis. At the very least, he could share some burdens, but now they all persuaded him to enter the fire pit.

“Yes, Young Master Xiao Ran and Miss Xi Yan are right in their analysis. Young Master and Miss Ji are indeed a match made in heaven.” Zhou Lao agreed with this and said with a smile.

“Have you made a mistake?”

“Well, in Zhouyi, let’s go to Ji Yuege first.”

“Brother Ji Yuege has something delicious?” Jie Yi asked Xiao Ran.

During this period of time, Xiao Ran prepared a variety of gourmet dishes for Jieyi and her daughters every day, which completely satiated their tastes, and they would not like ordinary dishes.

“Of course Ji Yuege has an intermediate chef, and the cooking is indeed better than his brother, but it will not be long before my brother will make intermediate cooking for you to taste.” Xiao Ran rubbed Jieyi’s little head and said softly.

“Are you a junior chef?” Zhou Yi asked with a look of surprise looking at Xiao Ran.

“Yes!” Xiao Ran said calmly.

“No? Brother, you are only eighteen today, right? You are already a junior spirit chef?”

Listening to Zhouyi Xiao Ran admitted that he was completely shocked in his heart. The Spirit Chef was hailed as the most difficult state to break through in the New Origin Period. On average, hundreds of third-tier cities and 0.4 cities may be so rare without a junior Spirit Chef.

“Master Xiao Ran is really outstanding.” Old Zhou looked at Xiao Ran and said softly.

“Senior there, you praised it.”

“By the way, eldest brother, did you go to the Ling Chef Guild for certification?” Zhou Yi asked excitedly.

“I haven’t planned to go again after the auction is over.”

“Awesome! When the eldest brother is certified as the youngest junior spirit chef of Xinyuanji, it is about to be born. When that happens, we will personally witness that scene is okay, elder brother.” Zhou Yi said excitedly.

“Of course, but should we go to Jiyue Pavilion now? Everyone around has already left.” Xiao Ran said softly.

“Ah!” Hearing Xiao Ran’s words, Zhou Yi instantly withered.

…! .

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