Chapter 247

“The scene here is spectacular.”

“But where is Laputa’s gold and silver treasures?”

“It should be in those palaces, anyway, if we don’t worry now, we have time to find it slowly.”

“Hehe! I get excited when I think of countless treasures of gold and silver.”

“That’s it!”

“Can you guys be quiet? It’s rare to be in such an environment not to talk about topics such as gold and silver treasures.” Dora scolded his opponent.

“Yes! Mom.”

“I really don’t see that my mother still has this side.”


“This city is really magnificent and technologically ahead of us, but why…!” Baru looked at the courtyard and the sky and was very puzzled.

“This is really incredible.”

Xiao Ran did not understand why Laputa’s royal family had to return to the ground to live. The Sky City was clearly safe and sound. They had no reason to return to the ground to live an ordinary life. It must have happened in Laputa that caused them to return to the ground. However, Xiao Ran didn’t intend to find the answer about this matter. The past let him dissipate the best in history.

07 “What a big tree…!”

The follower robot Xiao Ran and his team came to the location of the huge tree, which is at least a thousand years old, and its lush branches have enveloped the entire Laputa.


Walked in and saw that a huge tombstone appeared in front of everyone under the tree, and there was a dead robot next to it, which should be the watcher here.

“This should be the tomb of the Laputa royal family, Sida, do you still know the words on it?” Xiao Ran asked.

“do not know.”

“How about zero and seven?”

Xida didn’t know Xiao Ran, so Ling Qi parsed the text above.

“The master recorded above is the Laputa kings and members of the royal family. This is their sleeping place.” Qiqiqi said softly.

“Similar to what I thought.”

“There are flowers on this. Did you pick these flowers?” Sida looked at the robot and asked.


“Thank you.”

“Are you alone here? Are there no other robots here?” Baru asked.

Baru had just finished talking about a group of small animals on the tree crawling on the shoulders of the robot to play, obviously it is not lonely here even if it is alone.

“Great, it doesn’t look lonely at all. It has many friends here.” Baru said with a smile.

“Woo~ It’s so touching, mom.”

“Brother, this robot has been born with very high intelligence.”


Intelligence will evolve over time. Xiao Ran can see that the robot’s intelligence is not low now, but it’s a pity that it can’t speak, and the performance of the robot shell has also decreased a lot due to the corrosion of thousands of years. If it continues to do so, Eventually it will die like a robot next to the tombstone.


“It’s gone.”

The robot turned and left without knowing where it was going, but Xiao Ran and others did not prevent it from having its own life here.


“That now the robot is gone, should we go looking for Laputa’s gold and silver treasures.”

“Well, first take you to find gold and silver treasures.”

Xiao Ran led everyone out of the palace courtyard and came to the bottom of Laputa. He easily found a mountain of gold and silver treasures in a huge building. The various gold and gemstones were dazzling, and the pirates on the side were completely crazy. He got up and threw himself into the gold and silver treasures.

“There are so many gold and silver treasures…!”

“It’s great, it’s great. We have made a fortune, and we don’t have to worry about food and clothing for a lifetime.”

“Well, these gold and silver treasures are all yours, you can move as much as you can.” Xiao Ran said to Dora and his party.

“Yeah! Then we’re welcome.”

After Xiao Ran said that a group of pirates started to move out gold and silver treasures, that’s what they did.

“The gold chair is really luxurious.”

“It’s all a belt made of gems and gold. This thing is great.”

“Hurry up and help me. This big gold clock is too heavy for me to lift it alone.”

“I still have a great scepter of gold here.”

“Damn! No time, you can choose some small ones, the big ones are too heavy for me, and our flying boat is so big that it can’t hold too many gold and silver treasures.”


“It’s a shame that there are so many gold and silver treasures that can’t be put back in all.”

“Don’t chirp, choose some high-value gems so that they don’t take up space.” Dora said loudly.

“Yes! Mom.”

“Xida, Baru, go get some too.”

“no need.”

“Haha! The most indispensable thing in life is money. You don’t want to live in poverty and hardship in the future.” Xiao Ran said softly while looking at the two.

If these were high-level spirit stones, Xiao Ran would have swept away without saying a word. Unfortunately, these are useless gold and silver jewels. Xiao Ran and the two women would naturally not care.

“Brother is right, Baru, you will have to take care of Shida in the future to use your current income, but you can’t give Shida a happy life.”


“Go ahead, get more.”

“All right.”

Although Baru is an upright little boy, he also needs to live, so he didn’t refuse in 570 and picked up some gold and silver jewels while holding Shida’s hand.

“You two go and drive the flying boat here.”

“Good mom.”

Dora asked the two pirates to drive their flying ship below, open the hatch and move all kinds of gold and silver treasures to the spacecraft. The rooms, kitchens, and warehouses were filled with gold and silver treasures as long as there was space. Although this has taken away a lot of one-tenth of the treasure, they are already very satisfied with these treasures.

“Get rich!”

“Every day we can sleep on the pile of gold and silver jewelry, we have no regrets in our lives.”

“Unfortunately, there are still so many to take away.”

“Don’t be too greedy,” Dora said.

“I know, mom.”

“Why don’t you take it?” Dora looked at Xiao Ran and asked.

“I plan to live with Laputa for a few days and it’s never too late to take it again.” Xiao Ran said softly.

“Do you need to teach you how to drive a flying boat?” Dora pointed to the military flying boat.

“Need not.”

You can easily pilot the spaceship with zero and seven, Xiao Ran naturally does not need Dora’s instruction.

“That’s good. This time we are very happy to cooperate and find Laputa to celebrate in the evening.”


…! .

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