Chapter 264

“The fifth floor of the Martial Emperor Realm is the Supreme Elder. The strongest Emperor Zhunwu of the Holy Sword Sect seems to be far away from the Sanyuan Sword Sect.”

According to Xiao Ran, there are dozens of Sanyuan Jianjue elders in the Martial Emperor Realm alone, and there are even more of them including the head of Emperor Zhunwu and the Supreme Elder of Emperor Wu, if such sects are not the largest here. Power, it can only be said that he has been far away from the boundary of the Sanyuan Sword Sect.

“What is the name of this continent?”

“Longmai Continent.”

The young man wondered why Xiao Ran would ask like this. Even a three-year-old kid knew the name of the mainland, but he still answered Xiao Ran’s question honestly.

“Dragon Vein Continent?”

The name of the continent, Xiao Ran, is a bit impressed, but what the world is Xiao Ran is still unclear, because there is too little information.

“Do you know Sanyuan Jianzong?”

Just in case, Xiao Ran still asked these people.

“Sanyuan Jianzong has never heard of it.”

“I don’t know Senior.”

“You have to think clearly-I don’t know…!”

“That predecessor is a bit impressed. I have seen records in some ancient books of the sect. The Sword Sect of Sanyuan was the most powerful sect in our area before. There are several powerful martial emperors who are sitting in town. In the end, I don’t know how. The news is gone, and now we are in charge of the Holy Sword Sect.”

“Huh! What disappeared without seeing them is that they were severely wounded and hidden from the world.”

Xiao Ran searched the memories of the inner sect disciples of the Sanyuan Sword Sect, and knew that their sect had been hidden from the world, but did not expect that their secret work was so good. I am afraid that except for the martial emperor of this realm, the other martial artists don’t even know about Sanyuan. The fact that Jianzong still exists.

“Yes Yes!”

They naturally didn’t dare to refute what Xiao Ran said. After all, Xiao Ming was pinched in Xiao Ran’s hands. The only thing they thought was to let them go after answering Xiao Ran’s question.

“I didn’t expect that I hadn’t left the realm of Sanyuan Sword Sect.”

According to the news from the youth, Xiao Ran can basically be sure that he has not escaped from the territories shrouded by the forces of the Sanyuan Sword Sect. Although the Sanyuan Sword Sect is hidden from the world, their strength has far surpassed that of the Holy Sword Sect. From this it can be judged that they continue to control this boundary from light to dark.

I am afraid that they are afraid of their opponents if they are not born.

“That…! Can senior let us go?” The young man looked at Xiao Ran nervously.

“Haha! Yes.”

“Haha! The young man finally found you.”

“The old guy really caught up.”

Xiao Ran was just about to solve these young people’s departure, but he didn’t expect that the elder Zhu of the Sanyuan Sword Sect in the sky had already found his place.

“Senior…Senior, save us.”

Seeing the old man appearing in the sky, these young people shouted as if they had seen a savior.


The reality is always cruel. The Sanyuan Jianzong suffered a heavy loss today. The elder was not in a good mood. He didn’t need Xiao Ran to shoot him and smashed several young people to pieces.

“It’s really tough.”

“Haha! I’m helping you solve the trouble, didn’t you just plan to kill them.”



“Well, young man, I won’t talk nonsense with you, you should go back with me.”

Speaking of Elder Zhu, a powerful force directly enveloped Xiao Ran, Xiao Ran raised his head and looked to the sky, his pupils contracted sharply, and an extremely shocked expression appeared in his eyes.

It turned out that Elder Zhu Taishang arranged a huge formation to prevent Xiao Ran from leaving. A large hand of spiritual energy emerged from the rift in the void, in order to prevent Xiao Ran from using other means to escape, blocking the sky and grabbing the big hand towards Xiao Ran.

“Awesome, is this the method used by Emperor Wu to be strong.”

“It’s an insight.”

“Boy is in the palm of my hand, don’t you want to run away.”

“Yeah! I won’t run anymore, but you’d better be polite to me and serve me deliciously, otherwise you will be over after my father comes.” Xiao Ran said with a relaxed expression.

“Young people really have sharp teeth, do you think I can’t help you?”

“Elder Zhu, you caught this kid.”

Another elder not far away received the news and rushed over, looking at Xiao Ran trapped in the palm of Reiki’s palm and finally heaved a sigh of relief.

“This kid’s teleportation disk is really extraordinary. It directly teleported him to the edge of the desolate ancient forest. If you let him escape for a while, I am afraid that he will enter the realm of the soul sect. By then, it will be a little troublesome to search for it with all his strength. ”

0 ·······Find flowers 0 ····

“The kid is now honestly handing over the resources of our sect’s treasure house and telling us your origins that you can suffer less.” The elder’s sword spirit surged all over his body, and his sharp eyes pointed directly at Xiao Ran.

“If you let me tell you, I’ll just say it’s shameless?”

“court death!”

“Hey! Elder Wu, don’t be irritated by him. If you really want to kill him, my sect will be buried with him, and now I’ll take him back to the secret world of the sect to slowly torture him.”


Said the two elders quickly flew towards the Sanyuan Jianzong.

“Haha! The two old guys still want to catch me, just dreaming.”

When the two elders of the Sanyuan Sword Sect left, Xiao Ran, who was hidden in the dark, appeared in the forest. Because he was worried that he did not escape from the boundary of the Sanyuan Sword Sect, Xiao Ran used the double puppet after appearing in the forest and killed it. And the control of those young disciples was done by double puppets, Xiao Ran just observed in the dark.

….. ……. …….

It is really wise to think about it now.

“I didn’t expect to waste precious lifting puppets here, it’s really…!”

Only inputting a little Reiki Stand-in Puppet will fully replicate his appearance and have half of his strength. The two super elders grabbed Xiao Ran’s Stand-in Puppet, which can just help Xiao Ran delay the time.

“Goodbye Sanyuan Jianzong, Xiao Ran opened the space channel and stepped out one step. As for the destination, Xiao Ran doesn’t know.”


At the moment Xiao Ran left, two old men appeared in the sky, and a huge hole appeared in the ground with one palm. The surrounding trees were completely shattered, and Xiao Ran’s seized double puppet had long since disappeared.

“The thief of Damn it let him run away again.”

“I really didn’t expect that there would be such a subtle copy of the double puppet, if it were not intended to seal his strength, I would not even notice it.”

“According to the direction of space circulation, it should be over there, we chase.”


Now these two supreme elders are furious, thinking that the result of seizing is a substitute. If they were not planning to seal Xiao Ran’s strength, they did not know that they seized a fake, but reacted quickly but came one step late.

…! Four.

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