Chapter 271

“Guru! The Lu family who is the dominant force in the small town of the Lu family is gone…!”

“It’s too strong, did you see the huge handprint in the sky just now?”


“I’m sure this strength definitely exceeds the Heavenly Sea Realm. We can’t guess what strength state it is.”

“The fairy can easily destroy a family with a single palm. It’s no regrets that she can watch this scene with her own eyes in this life.”


“Look, this pothole is big enough, but those from the Lu family are really dead and there is no scum left.”

“There is more to die, this Lu family has been doing evil in the town for so many years and finally got retribution today.”


Luo Xue razed the entire Lu family to the ground and caused a great impact on the surrounding crowd. These people usually can’t even see the martial artist of the Divine Door Realm, let alone see such a powerful force.

The same huge shaking sound spread throughout the town. Most of the people in the town ran towards here frantically, and Xiao Ran had already left with the three daughters and Wang Qingshan.

“Dad, 07 is…!” The young man was stunned when he looked at the scene in front of him.

“Ah! It seems that the Lu family has offended something powerful, and actually wiped it out with a palm.”

The Su Family Patriarch looked at the ruins in front of him with fear in his heart. He was shocked when he felt the huge spiritual fluctuations and powerful power at home. He thought that something might have entered the town, but he did not expect the Lu family to provoke him. The enemy was destroyed.

“From the perspective of the residual spiritual energy fluctuations, the power of this palm to destroy the Lu Family definitely exceeds the Heavenly Lake Realm.” An elder said.

“It must be beyond the Heavenly Lake Realm. Although we have never seen a martial artist in the Heavenly Lake Realm, the vibrations after this palm and the aura fluctuations left behind are definitely not reachable by the Tianhe Realm. There is also a warrior in the late stage of the Divine Door Realm who is sitting in town, and one palm can destroy their existence…!”

“A strong person beyond the Tianhu realm, how can such a strong person come to Qingzhou, a small remote place with thin spirits?” The Su family was very puzzled.

“Haha! But this Lu family is destroyed, and our family is finally no longer so passive.”

“This is the fact that the demise of the Lu family has really benefited our family too much. Our family’s strength can also be greatly improved by taking over the Lu family’s industry, and without the constraints of the Lu family, our family can even develop faster.”

“Patriarch I think the most important thing now is to understand who actually destroyed the Lu family.”

“Well! This must be investigated clearly.”

Without investigating it, the Su Patriarch will not be at ease.

“Brother Su…!”

“Brother Chen, you are here too.”

“Well! What is going on? Did the Su family offend anyone?” Patriarch Chen asked him.

The strength of the Lu family is stronger than that of the two of them. After all, the Lu family has warriors in the late stage of the gods, and they are completely incomparable in the middle stage of the gods. The safety of the family is better than that of the Lu family being destroyed in an instant. He doesn’t think his family can resist it.

“I don’t know very well either. I quickly rushed over when I felt the aura fluctuating at home. When I came here, the Lu family no longer exists.”

“But we don’t know what the people around should know…!” Patriarch Su looked at the people around, and these people must have known something when they came long before them.


“Who can tell us who the Lu family offended today and who destroyed my Su family and rewarded ten low-grade spirit stones.”

“My Chen family also rewards very junior spirit stones.”

“I see……!”

“I see.”

The two Patriarchs had just finished talking and a large group of people around shouted loudly. Twenty low-grade spirit stones are already a lot of cultivation resources for them, and they don’t want to miss it.

“Why do so many people know?”

“Forget it, just you.” Patriarch Su pointed to a young man.

“Let’s talk about what’s going on.”

“It’s like this. Just now, a young man brought two fairies and a little girl to our town. Then we went to the teahouse and we followed. There we witnessed a young man transforming a shop’s second-hand strength from ordinary. The person rises to the Tianhe realm in an instant.”

“Wait…! What did you say? An ordinary person instantly ascends to the Tianhe realm?” Family Master Su asked in shock.

“That’s right! It is to promote an ordinary shop second to the Tianhe level, most of the people present know it.” The young man said affirmatively.

“Tianhe Realm…! No wonder, I felt a breakthrough at home, thinking that it was the Houtian Realm who broke through the Divine Gate Realm, but I didn’t expect it to be the Tianhe Realm.”

Patriarch Chen also felt that the breakthrough was extraordinary, but he really didn’t dare to think about the Tianhe Realm.

“Go on.”



The youth told the two patriarchs about everything. The two patriarchs had never reacted when they got the information. They asked someone to give the youth twenty low-grade spirit stones, and they were still in the same place for a while.

“Brother Chen, the Lu family is also seeking a dead end to offend someone who shouldn’t be offended.”


The two were deeply moved by this.

“This is the case today, and you have also remembered for me that in the future, if anyone learns from the dudes of the Lu family and provokes trouble…!” This fact made the Su Family Patriarch scared and severely warned his tribesmen.

“Know the Patriarch.” 580

“The same is true for you. If you have a little vision and lack of strength, don’t mess around to provoke people, especially if you will chase me out of the family in the future.” Patriarch Chen said to his son.

“I know my father.” Now he didn’t dare to breathe and nodded quickly.

“Then next…!”

Then the two families began to carve up the rest of the Su family’s properties. As for the family’s residence, they did not dare to move, and even this area might be in ruins forever.

At the same time, Xiao Ran on the other side had already brought the three daughters and Wang Qingshan to Qian Yuanzong.

“Here, Qian Yuanzong’s aura is a little better than the small town. It’s really far from that Sanyuan Jianzong.” Xiao Ran said as he looked at Qian Yuanzong not far in front.

“My elder brother is one of the hidden Sejong sect and the other is a small sect in a remote place. Can you compare?”

“It’s incomparable, but this is after all the protagonist’s first sect of cultivation. The protagonist’s name of trash bullying and counter-force also started from here, but I have never understood why the protagonist must have risen from a remote area. Can one map be brushed on the map?”

“Xiao Ran, what are you talking about?”

What Xiao Ran said was completely unintelligible to the three girls.

“Hehe! Nothing to leave.”

…! .

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