Chapter 285

“What are you talking to yourself?” The Heishan woman looked at Xiao Ran and asked.


“You are fighting style, right?”

“Yeah! It seems to be.”

“What seems to be you is alright.” Xiao Ran felt that this fighting style was a bit dull, although his strength was strong, his mind was very low.

“I look at the black Gangfeng all over, with a destructive aura, this… Are you the No. 1 Killing Gangfeng in the fighting wind list.”

Xiao Ran obtained a ranking list of heaven and earth spiritual relics from the Full Moon Chamber of Commerce, which recorded in detail the Death Gangfeng. This kind of fighting wind had an aura of destruction at the beginning of its birth, and its existence is to destroy everything, so Named Death Gangfeng, Xiao Ran couldn’t think of this kind of fighting wind in this canyon.

Moreover, he has grown up and I don’t know the death of the Ten Thousand Years.

“What is Perishable Gangfeng? I don’t know about it?” The Heishan woman said blankly.


“My brother, this Death Gangfeng should have been living here since the birth of Lingzhi, and has never been in contact with the outside world, so I don’t know the ranking list of the classification of these heaven and earth spiritual things by the outside world.”

“It is so.”

It’s not surprising to hear Xingyue say that Xiao Ran, and at the same time, his mind has started to become active. Some spiritual things of heaven and earth have stayed in their homes since they were born. Knowing the sinfulness of the human heart is like the perishing wind in front of you.

Originally Xiao Ran had already lost confidence in regaining the Wind of Death, but now Xiao Ran wants to try it.

“Do you have a name?”

Xiao Ran asked, looking at the black fir woman.

“I don’t have a name, I’ve never been out at home, what’s the outside world like?” The Black Shan woman asked eagerly.

“This is really…! I didn’t expect to encounter such a simple fighting style.” Xiao Ran said with emotion.

“Brother, come on, this fighting wind has a chance to recover.” Xing Yue said.


Such a simple fighting style Xiao Ran has to fudge what he said, if he can really let the other party recognize the master, it would be a real profit.

“I am asking you?”

Seeing that Xiao Ran hasn’t answered her questions, the Heishan woman is anxious.

“Sorry, I was thinking about things just now. You said the outside world is right, huh! The outside world is very big, and there are many fun and delicious things. It is a very wonderful world.”

“It’s great, can you tell me about the outside world?”

“Why don’t you go out?”

Xiao Ran was puzzled about this. It should be easy for such a powerful fighting wind to go out, but she did not go out, which made Xiao Ran feel very strange.

“When I was born, I subconsciously told me that the wind in the outside world is dangerous and many bad guys will be arrested if they go out.” The black cedar said honestly.


“Okay, I really took it.”

Xiao Ran really didn’t expect that this Perishable Gangfeng was still a good baby, and she was so obedient. It’s normal to tell her subconsciously that she can’t run around. The heaven and earth spirit creatures were also very weak when they were born. Will be captured and regained by the strong, but the fighting style in front of him is not the beginning of its birth.

I don’t know how many Ten Thousand Years I have practiced, and Xiao Ran’s strength is unpredictable. Such a powerful fighting wind still obeyed the warning in the subconscious and did not go out. Xiao Ran has to say that fortunately this fighting wind is obedient, otherwise the human world is because of her. But the appearance of it will set off a lot of shock.


“Have you seen anyone other than me?” Xiao Ran asked.

“Yes, there was an old man who came to me ten years ago. He seemed to want to enter my house, but his strength was too low and he didn’t come in. You are also very weak but you can enter here. You are really amazing, and that You must have a lot of treasures in the dragon.” The black fir girl looked at the purple and gold dragon under Xiao Ran and said with a smile.

Although this Perishable Gangfeng is pure in mind, some things still exist in the memory and inheritance, but I don’t know the sinisterness of the human beings in the cultivation world, and these can only be understood by personal experience.


Xiao Ran spit out blood.

“What about you?”

“Can you put away the wind around you, it’s too strong.”

This is the core location. Xiao Ran, who is too strong in Doufeng, can no longer bear the consumption of the Dragon’s Royal Golden Crown.

“Okay, but you have to speak with me and tell me what the world is outside.” said the black cedar woman.


This is exactly what Xiao Ran wants, and of course he will not refuse.

When the black cedar woman waved her hand, the black wind around her disappeared. Xiao Ran finally breathed a sigh of relief, and at the same time retracted the Dragon Yin Imperial Golden Crown. After that, the black cedar woman took Xiao Ran to her cave. A very ordinary cave did not have anything. Decoration 0 …….

“Now it’s all right, you can tell me about the outside world.” The Heishan woman said with interest.


“Outside is the world of warriors, there are many cultivators, food, cities, towns and various people, and many beautiful scenery…!”

Xiao Ran slowly introduced the black cedar woman to the outside world, which fully aroused the black cedar woman’s interest.

“Haha! Show you this thing.”

Xiao Ran asked Zero Seven to play the cities of the New Origin Era, as well as movies, and the universe. The appearance of these scenes made the black cedar woman completely indulge in it, and then Xiao Ran took out some ingredients from the space to the black cedar woman. After cooking food, she was born in Doufeng, and she has never eaten any food. Xiao Ran believes that these foods can definitely conquer her taste buds.

“Woo~ It’s so delicious. What are these?”

“How is the food delicious?”


“I still want to eat.”


“By the way, you don’t have a name yet, right, how about I give you a name?” Xiao Ran said softly.


She has been cultivating since she was born until now. In addition to her cultivation, she has been cultivating until the birth of the spiritual intelligence transformed into a human form, but she has never had a name that belongs to her…!

“How about Xiao Mengqing.”

“Xiao Mengqing…!”

“Thank you, I finally have a name.”

Meng Qing directly threw herself down on Xiao Ran. She was overjoyed in her body and mind. She has been at home for tens of thousands of years and now she finally has her own name. Meng Qing’s inner joy can no longer be expressed in words.

“Can that Mengqing get up?”

Meng Qing’s upper body was plump and pressed against Xiao Ran. Xiao Ran felt uncomfortable in her heart. She kept praising that she was just a spiritual creature from heaven and earth, and she was just a spiritual creature from heaven and earth.


“By the way, I still don’t know what your name is?”

“My name is Xiao Ran.”

“Xiao Ran.” Meng Qing said it several times, obviously to remember the name thoroughly.

“Mengqing was very happy with you today, but I should leave now.”


I heard Xiao Ran say that he was going to leave Mengqing, and I was worried about gains and losses. I just got my name to meet Xiao Ran and she didn’t want Xiao Ran to leave her.

…! .

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