Chapter 289

“Old man Lu gave me an explanation of how my grandson Liefeng would die in your Lingbao Pavilion? I know there are people behind your Lingbao Pavilion, but my Lie family is not easy to provoke.”

At this time, Liehong’s whole body was full of vigor and fiery flames emerged from his body. One of his favorite grandsons died, just like that, his mood can be imagined.

“Old man Lie, you know the rules of my Lingbao Pavilion. People who come here can buy anything but my Lingbao Pavilion will not be responsible for your personal safety. We don’t care about how Gale died and why it died.” An old man flew out of the Lingbao Pavilion and said softly.

“Okay! Very good, I will destroy your Lingbao ~ Pavilion if I can’t find a murderer today.”

Liehong came to the pool and walked straight to several young people.

“Tell me how my grandson died, don’t tell me that you don’t know…!” At this time, Liehong will explode at any time. If these young people say they don’t know he will shoot them directly.

“Lee…Elder Lie was killed by that young man.”

The young man tremblingly pointed at Xiao Ran. They were all young masters of the small family. Even if they were killed by Liehong, their family would not trouble Lie’s family. Mingzhe could only answer honestly.

“Go to hell!”

Hearing the youth said that Gale was killed by Xiao Ran, Lie Hong did not use nonsense to raise his hand to perform martial arts. A palm of a huge flame attacked Xiao Ran. The power of this palm could even directly destroy the Lingbao Pavilion.


“Lu Yuan, what do you mean?” Seeing Lu Yuan’s move to counteract his attack, he was furious.

“I don’t care if you want to kill Liehong, but you can’t destroy my Lingbao pavilion every plant and tree. Your attack just now scared the dragon carp in the pool very much. If they have problems, your Lie’s family will wait. Bleeding heavily.”

Although Lu Yuan said so, he actually kept paying attention to Xiao Ran, from the beginning to the end Xiao Ran looked indifferent, even if Lie Hong arrived, he was not worried at all, but this aroused his curiosity.

“Haha! Liehong is a powerful emperor, what kind of card does this young man have that can be so calm.”

“Okay, I won’t do it in your Lingbao Pavilion.”

“Boy, you can go to Lie’s house with me.”

“Go to the Lie’s house, the son is really finished, entering the Lie’s house is worse than death.”


Lie Hong stretched out his hand to catch Xiao Ran, but found that he couldn’t get close at all. Xiao Ran was blocked by an invisible force.

“No one told you, are you talking too much nonsense?” Xiao Ran said while looking at Liehong.

“you wanna die.”


Before Lie Hong shot a black wind, he completely enveloped Lie Hong.

“What is this?”

“Fire supernatural power.”

Liehong used his family’s strongest natal supernatural powers. He wanted to rush out of the black Gangfeng but found that he still couldn’t destroy the Gangfeng. Liehong finally calmed down a little bit at this time. He knew that he was in trouble today.

“After all, it’s just a fighting emperor.”

Because Mengqing has already recognized the master, Xiao Ran can easily control the power of Wanjiegangfeng, but it consumes too much. Mengqing’s real strength is far more than Douxian. A little bit of Wanjiegangfeng can make him crushed by fighting against a strong fighting emperor. .

“This young man.”

Lu Yuan was stunned when he watched from the side. Although he knew that Xiao Ran must have some trump cards, he didn’t expect that he would trap Liehong in the Martial Emperor Realm with such a powerful wave. of.


“Who are you? Killing my Lie family’s direct line now traps me in this weird gang wind.” Feeling the power of the gang wind’s destruction, coupled with the fact that Lie Hong is finally afraid of not being able to get out, he has cultivated to Emperor Wu. I don’t want to die like this.

“How is the Lie family?” Xiao Ran asked Lu Yuan.

“I don’t know why the son asks like this?”

Lu Yuan now understands that Xiao Ran is definitely a figure like a big power, young master, and Lingbao Pavilion dare not offend such a character.

“Haha! If you don’t tell me, I also know that Liehong is not a good bird because of the character of Liehong and his domineering appearance. Since it is not a good bird, there is no need to exist. You can say yes.”

“You…! What are you going to do?”

Hearing what Xiao Ran said about being trapped in the wind, Lie Hong was shocked.

“Of course it is to destroy your Lie family.” Xiao Ran said.


“Blade Ghost Corps.”

Xiao Ran, a call for hundreds of ghost soldiers around the Lingbao Pavilion, their strength is equivalent to the peak power of the world’s Dou Huang.


“These are the soldiers of the Demon Race. Is this young man the Saint Son of the Demon Race?” Lu Yuan guessed looking at the Ghost Shadow Corps that appeared around him.

0 ·······Find flowers 0 ····

“But it’s not right. Although these soldiers are full of demons, they are not like demons, and how can there be so many appearing in an instant? How can this be?” At this time, Lu Yuan was completely confused.

“Destroy the Lie family, with this little bit of annihilation wind.”

Xiao Ran handed a bit of annihilation gang wind to a sharp-edged corps, and got Xiao Ran’s order, they sneaked into the ground instantly and disappeared.

“For the last time of the old man’s life, watch the Lie’s family disappear.”

“Zero zero seven…!”

“Good host.”

A huge virtual screen unfolded. Lie Hong and Lu Yuan watched a sharp-edged corps throw the Death Gangfeng into Lie’s house. Lie’s house was turned into ruins in a blink of an eye. Some of the strong men who had not died all rushed out and joined the sharp-edged corps. Fight together.

….. ……… 0

“Ah! Why do you demons attack my Lie’s house.”

The Patriarch of the Lie Family looked at the surrounding sharp-edged corps in anger. He was still dealing with some things and a huge destructive force swept the Lie family. Some of the low-strength warriors in the family instantly turned into dust, leaving only some of the stronger ones. The elder rushed out with him.


“Elder Fire.”

“Damn it’s demons go to death.”

“It’s over! Lie’s house is over.”

“Guru! Who is that son?”

“No matter who it is, the Lie family must be over today. The strongest elder of the Lie family, Lie Hong, is trapped here. The remaining Dou Huang and Zhunwu emperors are definitely not the opponents of those Demon soldiers.”

“But this is really pleasing. This Lie family should have been annihilated long ago. I didn’t know how many families were killed in order to plunder resources. Now they should be retributed.”

“The Lie family is over. Don’t be too happy. We just betrayed that young man. Later…!”

“This…that young man shouldn’t care about little people like us, right.”

“That’s right, we couldn’t help but die if we didn’t talk about the situation at that time.”

“Pray now.”

“You are so vicious, why do you want to do this?” Lie Hong looked at the scene in the picture and his heart trembled, heart palpitations, panic, and all negative emotions all emerged.

“Haha! This is the first time I heard bad guys say vicious, isn’t this the world of warriors?”

…! Four.

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