Chapter 422

“Okay! That’s it.” Xiao Ran obviously made up his mind.

“elder brother……!”

“Big Brother.”

“Let’s go to the capital planet of the Silver Dragon Empire to take a look, and at the same time see which colleges have spent more than 500 billion like ours.” Being able to plunder and spend more than 500 billion points in just a few days shows that this college doesn’t care. Whether luck or strength is very strong, Xiao Ran also wants to know which colleges there are.

“Then Black Dragon Mountain Empire?”

“Xiao Ran, we have to plunder tens of thousands of things. This time we will waste some time to go to the Silver Dragon Empire, or forget it.”

Luo Xue knew that Xiao Ran’s primary goal was to plunder tens of thousands of resources, first to redeem the Dead Sea and the Ancient Sea of ​​Sacred Underworld, and if he went to the capital planet of the Silver Dragon Empire to search with the imperial army and those colleges, he would definitely not get much resources. , And a waste of time.

“Yes, big brother, or we should go to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.”

“Don’t worry, we will not only go to the capital planet of the Silver Dragon Empire, but also take the lead in the Black Dragon Mountain Empire~ to start plundering.”


“Don’t forget that we also have an interstellar fleet composed of tens of thousands of advanced starships. It is not enough for them to go to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire first, and we will go to the Silver Dragon, the capital planet of the empire.”


“I forgot all of it.”

“Haha! Then it’s decided-it’s.”

Originally, Xiao Ran was now going to the Oha Galaxy and the starship to converge, but now Xiao Ran directly orders all the starships to gather in the Oha Galaxy and go directly to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire to start plundering resources. Of course, the starships and battle robots just exchanged The bionic Xiao Ran also directly teleported through the teleportation array to a starship that had already arrived in the Oha galaxy.

The starship’s commander bionics released all the high-level starships exchanged by Xiao Ran. The entire cosmic starry sky was all huge starships, and they turned their course towards the capital planet of the Silver Dragon Empire.


“The resources plundered by the master starship have all been transferred, and the total value is a little over 5.7 trillion.”

“not bad……!”

Xiao Ran has exchanged more than ten high-level starships, and more than twenty new-generation mid-level starships, and of course the bionics and combat robots that every starship must have ^……! After all, this time I went to the capital planet of the Silver Dragon Empire to plunder resources, and the speed of plundering by one starship was naturally not as fast as that of multiple starships.

At the same time, the Imperial King-class mothership has taken the lead to reach a planet more than ten light-years away from the Silver Dragon Empire.

“How about it?”

“The chief has already notified that the colleges that have spent 500 billion are all on their way, and the farthest one is expected to arrive in half a day.”

Needless to say, for the academy with a consumption of 500 billion, the starships are naturally top starships in terms of speed.

“Very well, let’s start plundering directly when those colleges arrive.”

The current goal of the imperial army is the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, and the capital planet of the Silver Dragon Empire is just an appetizer to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire.

“Why have to wait for those academies? Wouldn’t it be great for us to head to the Black Dragon Mountain Empire after plundering them?”

“that is.”

Those academies that chose to join the imperial army at the beginning are a little uncomfortable with the imperial invitation to those academies, because then those academies know the Black Dragon Mountain Empire…!


“Even if you don’t invite you to think those colleges will not know?”

“Moreover, not all the colleges were invited this time. Only those colleges with a consumption of 500 billion in the empire are in the scope of invitation. Other colleges don’t know.”

“The threshold for 500 billion points is so high?”


“Awesome, we followed the information on most of the planets of the Army Master Silver Dragon Empire, and now it’s only a few trillion points after the division of the empire, and the cost is only more than 300 billion. How do those academies spend more than 5,000? Billion, how many resources did they plunder?”

“I’m afraid anyone here is very curious about this.”

“Those colleges that spend more than 500 billion points shouldn’t be many, right?”

“It’s definitely not much. In just a few days, I can plunder the colleges that cost more than 500 billion points. I guess there will be ten colleges. After all, the territory of the Silver Dragon Empire is so wide. strangeness.”

“In fact, five hundred billion is nothing, and I heard that there is an academy that has spent more than tens of trillions.”


“Are you kidding me, what is the concept of tens of trillions.”

“Anyway, I listened to a major in the resource management office. I don’t know if it is true.”

0 ·······Find flowers 0 ····

“If it’s true, it would be a bit scary. All the academies we are there will only add up to more than tens of trillions, and it will cost dozens of trillions…!”

“After all that much, let’s wait for those colleges to come.”


The imperial army is waiting for the arrival of the academies, and the capital planet of the Silver Dragon Empire is already full of major defense lines. Hundreds of thousands of starships and spaceships are all dispatched. In this situation, as long as a smart person knows that the Silver Dragon Empire has a major event Something happened, coupled with the constant loss of contact between planets during this period, most people on the capital planet guessed that other civilizations must have invaded.

But now knowing that it is too late, the Silver Dragon Empire’s complete blockade does not allow any starship to leave the capital planet.

…… …….. …

“Thank you very much for coming.”

The senior officials of the Silver Dragon Empire looked at the senior officials of the Black Dragon Empire fleet who came to support them. Tens of thousands of resource-rich planets have lost communication in the past few days. They are already ants on the hot pot.

“Well, don’t talk so much nonsense, do you know the information about the invasion of civilization?”


“Don’t you know the news yet?”

“They are too powerful. Our starship was destroyed as soon as it approached, and it was impossible to detect it by any means.”


“According to you, this should be a certain intermediate cosmic civilization, or a certain top-level pirate organization, and only they can crush you like this, but the intermediate cosmic civilization does not look down on your resources, and it is very possible to eliminate this pirate combination. Big.”

“Then what shall we do now?”

“Do you know where they are now?”

“They are on a planet more than ten light-years away from the capital planet. This time they did not hide, so we directly discovered their whereabouts.”

“Haha! Obviously their goal is your capital planet. In this case, let them have no return and let them know that the dignity of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire does not allow anyone to provoke.”

The high-level commander of the fleet is also very confident, and feels that no matter how strong the pirate organization is to face their fleet of the Black Dragon Mountain Empire, it can only be ruined.

“Thank you so much.”

…! Four.

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