The sea is full of life, and the sea is full of life.

In the vast universe, there is such a planet.

The sea is the only unchanging theme since its birth billions of years ago.

On this sea, countless legendary names and deeds have been left. Their stories have been sung to every corner of the planet, inspiring generations of people to raise their sails and bravely set sail in the face of the unknown sea.

Times change, and the world changes.

But the sea is still there, without joy or anger, without sorrow or joy, just like the beginning.

Quietly watching groups of creatures standing on it, making the bold oath that has been heard countless times.

"I want to be the Pirate King!" They said this in unison.

Pirate King? Sounds familiar?

Yes, One Piece.

Because this era is called

The Great Pirate Era!


The vast sea is extremely dangerous, but under the turbulent waves, it also hides its unique beauty, and this is also the fundamental driving force that has urged people to set sail without hesitation for thousands of years.

And our story begins from this sea that has remained the same for thousands of years.

It starts from this sea called the East China Sea, which is known as the weakest sea.

Among the islands scattered like chess pieces in the East China Sea, there is such an island with no name and no people.

The scenery on the island is picturesque, the blue water sparkles under the sunlight, and the white sand is scattered with colorful shells and corals. The sea breeze blows gently, bringing the fragrance of seaweed and the singing of seagulls, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

On the edge of the cliff, a figure lay quietly, as if he was part of nature, with a homemade sun hat on his head. The green color looked a bit out of place, but it was enough to help him resist the scorching sun at noon.

The boy put his hands behind his head and lay there, as if he was taking a nap, or perhaps he had a nice dream. Beside him, there was a row of fishing rods, with the fishing lines hanging down gently, swinging constantly in the breeze, and the fish hooks swaying in the clear sea water.

The picture was peaceful and beautiful.

And everything in this world, beauty is always fleeting.

It was the same now.

The boy, who was immersed in the wonderful rest time in the afternoon, was suddenly awakened by a bell. It turned out to be a bell he placed on the fishing rod. Once a fish was hooked, it would make a sound to remind him so as not to miss the prey.

After all, for him, fish was the easiest meat for him to get on this nameless island.

The boy immediately jumped up, and the straw hat that was originally covering his face was thrown aside roughly, but the boy didn't care. For him, food was the most important thing at the moment.

It was not until then that his true face could be seen clearly.

His skin became slightly dark and shiny due to long-term exposure to the sun and sea water, and it was a very healthy wheat color. The originally smooth face became rougher due to the sun and sea breeze.

The boy was about 1.78 meters tall, with clear muscles on his half-naked upper body, and six abdominal muscles neatly arranged on his skinny belly.

His hair, which had not been trimmed for a long time, had grown to his shoulders. Although he tied a bun with a straw rope, the extra hair hanging down still couldn't hide the fluffy and messy feeling.

If the boy were thrown into a modern big city, he would naturally be scrutinized and commented on for being unkempt. He might even be regarded as a homeless person. If he happened to appear in a live broadcast of a certain internet celebrity, he might even start a legendary life. But now he is on this uninhabited island, and there is no such thing.

The boy was very happy at this moment, because he could feel from the fishing rod that the fish caught was definitely a big fish, and it should be the biggest fish he has caught since he came to this world.

Now, at least there will be no shortage of meat for a week.


The boy tried his best to pull it up, and he shouted rhythmically.

But soon, he realized that something seemed to be wrong.

Because from the weight of the fishing rod alone, the fish caught was definitely a big fish, but this big fish did not have any signs of struggling, that is, there was no feeling of wrestling with prey when fishing.

It was more like... catching a dead big fish, but because of the weight, the boy

It's just hard to pull it up.

After realizing this, the boy immediately relaxed his strength a little, tried it out, and found that the fishing rod did not feel any pulling, so he carefully bounced his head off the cliff.

Good guy, it doesn't matter at first glance, where is the big fish? It's just a huge wooden barrel floating in the sea.


The boy who had experienced ups and downs couldn't help but burst out a swear word, and threw the fishing rod under his feet angrily. As a result, the fishing rod suddenly rushed down. It turned out that the waves pushed the wooden barrel and wanted to pull the fishing rod down.

The boy was shocked when he saw this, and he grabbed his fishing rod with a flying pounce, and then took a straw rope he carried with him and tied it to a nearby tree, and then he breathed a sigh of relief.

Although the wooden barrel is not as good as a big fish, it is better than nothing, at least it can get a good storage container.

Because this is a sunken location on the island, the boy often sees all kinds of miscellaneous things brought by the ocean currents, and the wooden barrel that looks like a blind box is naturally one of them.

At the beginning, the boy was also very excited. With the mentality of buying lottery tickets, he always felt that if he tried his best, the bicycle would become a motorcycle. He imagined that he could get some magic weapon or the legendary devil fruit from it. In addition, a full box of food would also be good.

But what about the reality?

He didn't see the magic weapon or the devil fruit. He didn't know how long it had been stored. He saw a lot of spoiled food. Although he lacked food, he was not brave enough to eat everything.

"Alas~~ I hope my luck will be better today."

The boy sighed and started to walk down.

As mentioned earlier, the place where he fished was a cliff, about four or five meters above the sea below. It was no problem to use it for fishing, but if he was asked to pull a wooden barrel up, it would be a bit difficult.

The boy walked briskly along the path he had walked countless times, heading toward the coast below.

The straw sandals made of leaves and weeds gently stepped on the fine white sand, leaving a footprint that was neither deep nor shallow.

From a distance, the boy saw the wooden barrel, which looked quite large and was floating on the sea.

"It looks good."

The boy muttered, then walked over and fished it out to the shore.

Removing the handmade fish hook that was stuck there who knows how, the boy stood the barrel up and tapped the lid with his fingers.

As a result, the next second, the barrel exploded as if a time bomb had been triggered.

"Hahahahaha, I'm finally saved!"

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