The two of them were so angry that they had to go to bed.

When Chen Mu and Qin Man walked to the elevator, the young lady finally reacted and turned around and shouted at their backs, "Stop right there! Who do you say is dirty? You are the dirty one! You are so disgusting that you actually brought other women to get a room!"

Listen, this aggrieved tone is as if Chen Mu put a huge green hat on her, as if he abandoned her.

In fact, he saw her for the first time just a few minutes ago!

"Brother Mu, who is she?" Qin Man noticed the resentment in the woman's words, and she looked at Chen Mu worriedly.

"I don't know. She said that this hotel seems to belong to her father. She came here to help the singer, Zhang what's the name, to vent his anger." Chen Mu started to explain after entering the elevator.

"Is that so... The tone sounds like she likes you." Qin Man held Chen Mu's hand in return, "Brother Mu, you will like..."

Before Qin Man finished her words, she was interrupted by Chen Mu, "Unless my brain was kicked by a donkey, I would like this kind of person."

"Brother Mu." Qin Man's worries were swept away after hearing him say that.

It's not that she is not good enough or beautiful enough, but that Chen Mu is too good and too dazzling. He is like a piece of shining gold. No matter where he goes, people will miss him.

"Okay, stop thinking about it." Chen Mu pinched Qin Man's slippery cheek.

After leaving the hotel, Chen Mu asked Qin Man to wait for him at the door for a while.

He went to the parking lot of Lan'an and drove the supercar over.

The rumbling sound made Qin Man look around.

A super cool and dazzling supercar appeared in her sight, and she was stunned. It was said that this kind of supercar cost a lot of money.

Suddenly, she took out her mobile phone and just took a photo, she found Chen Mu in the mobile phone camera.

She looked at the mobile phone screen in disbelief, and then looked outside the mobile phone camera.

Really, it was Chen Mu?

Is this supercar his?

"Get in the car." It was not until Chen Mu drove the supercar to stop beside Qin Man that she came back to her senses from the shock.

"Oh, okay." Qin Man responded.

After getting in the car, she still looked at Chen Mu in disbelief, unable to imagine how strong Chen Mu's financial resources were.

On Dousha, he said he would give a reward, and the reward was millions...

"After eating, I'll take you to a place." Chen Mu caught a glimpse of Qin Man's shocked look, and he had already made another decision in his heart.

"Where?" Qin Man asked curiously.

"I won't tell you for now." Chen Mu smiled. If he told her now, wouldn't there be no surprise at all?

"Okay." Qin Man lowered her head in disappointment.

Soon, Chen Mu took her to the mall where all kinds of snacks were gathered.

"Wow, Brother Mu, there are so many street snacks here!" Seeing so many dazzling delicacies, Qin Man ran over like a little rabbit.

"Do you like it? Do you think it's not good enough to be in the lobby compared to the restaurant?" Chen Mu walked over.

"I like it! Street snacks are also very good. Sometimes the food in the restaurant is not as good as here." Qin Man shook her head and then hugged Chen Mu's arm, "I didn't expect Brother Mu to be so down-to-earth. I thought you only went to those high-end restaurants."

"No, I like taste more than the environment." Chen Mu asked Qin Man to order what she liked to eat, and he would pay later.

With his words, Qin Man asked about his taste and taboos and left.

Looking at Qin Man's back, Chen Mu thought of a sentence, rich people eating roadside stalls is down-to-earth, poor people eating roadside stalls is poor!

The world is originally above the poor, and only the rich are qualified to enjoy everything.

Just like how many celebrities are calling for energy conservation and environmental protection now, but they can't imagine that the poor don't even have a car, they squeeze into the bus and subway when they go out, and are squeezed by capitalists in various ways. They work hard all their lives just for a few taels of silver. How much does air pollution and environmental pollution have to do with them?

The so-called pollution is the result of these capitalists enjoying themselves. Now they don't want to bear it, so let the poor bear it.

In this society, whatever the rich do is right, and whatever the poor do is wrong!

He Chen Mu is not a person who hates the rich, but since he has the system, his net worth has skyrocketed, from a person with only a few hundred in his card to a person with countless numbers in his card. When he goes out, whoever makes him unhappy, he will cut him! Rich people

He was getting more and more used to this identity.

"Brother Mu, it's bad!" Not long after, Qin Man ran towards Chen Mu with a mobile phone in her hand, looking anxious.

"What's wrong?" Chen Mu asked.

"Look, everyone on the Internet is scolding you, and someone just took a photo of you." Qin Man quickly handed the phone to Chen Mu.

Chen Mu glanced at it casually. Indeed, they were all insulting him with all kinds of dirty words, and the photo of his face was taken from outside the elevator.

If his guess was correct, it should be that the young lady took the photo while he was talking to Qin Man.

Ha, I won't offend others if they don't offend me, but if someone offends me, I will pay them back a hundredfold!

What young lady, Zhang Chengzhi, he will not let them go.

"Eat something first, and then I'll take you to the airport." Chen Mu said.

"Ah? Brother Mu, are you going to make me leave?" Qin Man looked at him in disbelief, tears kept gathering in her big watery eyes, as if they would roll down in the next second.

"No, now I have become a target of online criticism, and maybe there are people around watching me. If you continue to be with me, you may be implicated. Damage to your career is just a small matter. I am afraid that some brainless keyboard warriors will attack you indiscriminately." Chen Mu explained immediately.

This is why he wanted Qin Man to leave, not because he had already got her, so he abandoned her.

"Okay, then I'll listen to you." Qin Man pondered for a few seconds and nodded heavily.

She believed that Chen Mu would not lie to her!

She also knew what a disaster cyberbullying was and what impact it would have on her career.

More importantly, if she stayed by Chen Mu's side, she could not help him at all, and she might not necessarily drag him down and implicate him.

So, she had to listen to Chen Mu, his arrangement was the best arrangement.

"I'm sorry to bother you. I'll come to you when things calm down in a few days." Chen Mu breathed a sigh of relief.

Although Qin Man is young, her thinking is different from that of other girls. Fortunately, she is not as pretentious as other girls, otherwise he would have a headache.

"Okay, then I'll wait for you to come to me, Brother Mu." With Chen Mu's words, Qin Man immediately felt relieved.

After sending Qin Man away, Chen Mu returned to the car and returned to the bar where he lived before with a clear goal!

There was a bit of murderous aura in his eyes!

Since there are always people looking for death, why doesn't he help them?

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