The two of them were very close.

"What? What did you say? Chen, Chen Mu?" Hearing this name, Principal Liang's face turned extremely ugly.

No, no, he must have made a mistake!

How could the Chen Mu the other party was talking about be the Chen Mu they had just expelled? It definitely couldn't be him!

He was mediocre in their Nanjing University, let alone becoming the rare talent that the presidents of Tsinghua and Peking University said! He must have heard it wrong, and was confused!

"Yes, he is Chen Mu, and he seems to be from your sophomore computer class 02." Principal Jiang continued to speak.

At this time, Principal Liang was so shocked that he stood there, dumbfounded.

Wasn't it Chen Mu from the sophomore computer class 02 who they fired?

Turning his head, he immediately spoke to the Dean of Education who was also in shock, "Go check if there are two people named Chen Mu in Class 02 of the Computer Science Department of the second year."

The Dean of Education shook his head in disbelief, "Principal, there is only one person named Chen Mu in the whole school."

"How, how could it be?" The principal took a step back in fear, "Are you sure you didn't make a mistake?"

"Yes, Principal, I didn't make a mistake!" The Dean of Academic Affairs also looked extremely ugly.

He was afraid that he had made a mistake, so he specially asked someone to check all the students in the school. Indeed, there was only one person named Chen Mu, and that was a student in Class 02 of the Computer Science Department of the second year.

Swish, the principal's face almost turned pale.

Principal Jiang on the side noticed something was wrong and asked quickly, "What's wrong? Did something happen to this student named Chen Mu?"

"Of course not, he, he is fine." Principal Liang shook his head quickly and smiled apologetically.

Then he pulled the dean aside and whispered, "Go and find Chen Mu now!"

"Find him back? But didn't we expel him?" The dean was puzzled.

"Are you stupid? If he doesn't come back, we won't be able to cooperate with Tsinghua and Peking University! Only when he comes back, we have a chance!" If it weren't for the leaders of Tsinghua and Peking University watching, Principal Liang really wanted to slap the dean on the head. How could there be such a stupid person!

"Yes, yes, yes, I'll go find him now." The dean responded quickly.

Then he greeted the people from Tsinghua and Peking University and turned away in a hurry.

And Principal Liang called others to go to the principal's office building.

After everyone left, Chen Mu came out from the dark. His hearing was very good now. Even though he was dozens of meters away, he could still vaguely hear their conversation.

Soon, Chen Mu received a call from an unfamiliar number.

After thinking for a few seconds, he finally chose to answer the call.

"Chen Mu, where are you now! Come back to NCU immediately, do you hear me?" As soon as the phone was answered, the Dean of Education's voice that could not be disobeyed was heard.

"Is this your attitude when you invite people?" Chen Mu snorted disdainfully.

The Dean of Education was stunned, and when he thought of the previous incident, his attitude immediately changed, "Chen Mu, we have something urgent to discuss with you. Can you come back now? This is about your withdrawal from school. We just discussed it and felt that the punishment for you was too severe, so we gave you a lighter sentence."

"Oh, so that's it." Chen Mu raised his eyebrows, "Dean, I don't know if you still remember what I said before."

"What did you say?" The Dean of Education was stunned, and after a few seconds, he remembered that at the door of the dormitory, Chen Mu said to him before leaving, 'You will definitely kneel down and beg me not to leave! '

My heart skipped a beat.

The Dean of Education's face also changed dramatically, as if he had eaten shit.

And, was this kid really right?

"What? The dean doesn't remember? Then do you want me to help you recall it?" Chen Mu laughed secretly.

He, Chen Mu, will never fight a battle without any confidence!

What he said must count!

"No, no need. Haha, classmate Chen Mu, just treat it as a joke between us, how can you take it seriously." The dean laughed dryly.

"Serious? Why can't I take it seriously? Oh, it seems that you also invite me to do things perfunctorily like this?" Chen Mu held on.

"Chen Mu, let's talk about this later, you come back now." The dean could only continue to play dead.

What a joke!

He is the dean of teaching of Nanjing University, and he is asked to work like a cow and a horse for a young boy. Where is his face and his identity?

"Then I will go back when you want to talk." After saying that, Chen

Mu hung up the phone without hesitation and headed for the male god's dormitory building.

Listening to the busy tone from the phone, the dean was angry and anxious. If he didn't bring Chen Mu to the principal smoothly, he might have to give up his position as the dean!

Even though he was unwilling, the dean had to call Chen Mu again.

Chen Mu, who had already walked to the door of the dormitory, finally chose to answer the call after the dean called him for the 29th time.

"Hello. Have you thought it through?" Chen Mu asked as soon as the phone was answered.

This sentence instantly stopped the dean who had thousands of words to say. After a long silence, he put down his attitude, "As long as you come back, what I said will definitely count!"

"Well, remember what you said, even if you want to regret it, I won't agree." Chen Mu snorted coldly, "I'm in the dormitory."

After saying these four words, he hung up the phone and met the unfriendly eyes around him.

As he walked along, people were pointing at him, and his eyes were full of ridicule and gloating.

Seeing Chen Mu appear at the door of the dormitory, Zhang Wei, who was sitting inside and feeling sad and depressed, immediately stood up, quickly came to Chen Mu, and asked excitedly, "Brother Mu, is the matter resolved? Do you not have to drop out of school?"

"Yes, it is resolved." Chen Mu nodded.

Want him to drop out of school? Only if he, Chen Mu, wants to drop out of school!

However, this incident also made him understand that the power of the Wang family is indeed not easy to underestimate, but this has intensified his determination to be ruthless to the Wang family!

He has not yet gone to settle accounts with the Wang family, but they have come to show off their presence in front of him!

He will definitely settle this account carefully!

"Huh, that's good, that's good! I knew you could solve this matter." Zhang Wei, who got the answer, breathed a sigh of relief instantly, and his hanging heart finally fell.

"Tsk, you talk better than you sing. You were ordered to drop out of school, but you are still bragging! Who gave you the courage? Fish Leong!"

"Hey, some people are probably used to daydreaming, thinking they have the ability to change the school's mind."

"If he really has the ability to change the world, why would he stay in a second-rate university like ours, Nanjing University? Why not go to Peking University or Tsinghua University!"

"He goes to Peking University or Tsinghua University? Isn't this a big joke? You probably don't know yet, Chen Mu is the fourth from the bottom in our school. The first in our school can't go to Peking University or Tsinghua University, so what about him? If he can go to Peking University or Tsinghua University, I'll chop off his head and let him kick it like a ball!"


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