The man was so angry that he was about to die.

Raising his hand secretly, Chen Mu controlled it with his mind, and the big gold necklace that was originally hanging on the man's chest flew up instantly, and as if it had its own consciousness, it dragged the man towards Chen Mu.

Oh? Chen Mu put down his hand, and the man who was dragged and staggered and couldn't keep up with the speed of the big gold necklace suddenly stopped like a car speeding on the road.

The next second, the whole person was still inertial, leaning back directly and then rushing forward like a dog eating shit.

"Fuck!" When the man stood up, his front teeth were knocked out, his mouth was full of blood, and his face was horrified, "Fuck, what the hell?"

Thinking of the big gold necklace on his neck, he hurriedly wanted to take it off.

At this time, Chen Mu secretly controlled it again, and the so-called big gold necklace seemed to grow on the man. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take it off.

Seeing this, the man's face became more and more ferocious and frightened, and he kept shouting, "Help, help, there is a ghost, there is a ghost..."

Puff, seeing the man's cowardly look, Chen Mu couldn't help but laughed out loud.

Hearing Chen Mu's harsh laughter, the man immediately turned his head to look at Chen Mu, staring at Chen Mu fiercely.

"Lao Yang, what's wrong with you?" The woman who had taken the photo looked at the man not far away with blood flowing from the corner of his mouth, constantly pulling the big gold necklace on his neck, and there were obvious marks on his neck. She stared at the man with some fear.

"Xiao Wan, please help me, help me take off the necklace quickly. It seems to be possessed by an evil spirit and wants to murder me." The man no longer glared at Chen Mu, but turned to the woman and begged her to help him take off the necklace.

"Are you sick? What are you talking about in the broad daylight?" The woman rolled her eyes at the man.

"What I said is true. I couldn't control it just now. It just flew up and dragged me..." The man said while pulling the necklace to try to restore the scene just now.

"Enough!" The woman interrupted him impatiently, "Give me the bag!"

"Xiao Wan, you want to help me take off the necklace, otherwise I will die." The man was scared and terrified.

The woman's face changed, she stretched out her hand and snatched the bag from the man's hand, and warned, "You, don't follow me, otherwise, I will call the police."

"Xiao Wan." As soon as the man took a step forward, the woman ran away like she saw a ghost, "Psycho, stay away from me!"

Chen Mu: "..."

Oh, how could a good person be regarded as a lunatic.

With his hands in his pockets, Chen Mu walked slowly towards his luxury car, thinking about which one to drive.

Is it Bugatti, or Maybach? Or Lamborghini? Or Bentley? Forget it, let's go with Rolls-Royce.

"Boy, if you help me take off the necklace, I will give you 10,000 yuan." Seeing that the woman had already disappeared, the man could only set his sights on Chen Mu.

"Okay, give me the money first." Chen Mu agreed without thinking.

The man was stunned. He didn't expect the other party to agree so straightforwardly.

But when he thought that the necklace was poisonous, he immediately took out 10,000 yuan in cash from his pocket.

After Chen Mu took the stack of banknotes, he looked around and finally fell on the sanitation worker who was cleaning.

Without thinking much, he trotted over and walked over with the sanitation worker.

"Squat down!" Chen Mu ordered the man.

"Ah?" The man was puzzled, but still did what Chen Mu said.

Chen Mu signaled with a look, and the sanitation worker easily took off the necklace that seemed to weigh tens of millions of pounds hanging on the man's neck.

"Here, this is your reward." Chen Mu stuffed all the cash the man gave him into the sanitation worker's hand.

In fact, he originally just wanted to embarrass the man. After all, who would wear a fake big gold necklace if they were rich?

But who knew that this man who looked strong and healthy could not help being scared and cowardly!

"Thank you, boss. Thank you, boss." Looking at the 10,000 yuan in cash in his hand, the sanitation worker hurriedly bowed to Chen Mu to thank him.

"Fuck! Are you kidding me?" The man saw the necklace being taken off like that, and saw the sanitation worker leaving with his money, so he immediately chased after him.

He snatched the money back and said to Chen Mu smugly, "I just told you to take it off and it's yours, I didn't say anyone else took it.

Come down and I'll give it to you!"

Chen Mu: "..."

Why are there always people who are blind and always like to provoke him?

Walking forward, Chen Mu said nothing and punched the man in the abdomen, threateningly, "Spit out what you swallowed!"

"Give it, give it, give it, give it to you." The man was frightened by Chen Mu's terrifying eyes and immediately returned the money to the sanitation worker.

"Go away." Chen Mu said to the hesitant sanitation worker.

"Ah, yes, yes, yes, thank you boss, you are such a kind person." After thanking the sanitation worker, he turned around and left.

"Brother, people, people have already gone far away, you, you can let go." The man trembled, not daring to let Chen Mu let go directly,

"Hehe, if you had this awareness earlier, why would you have to take such a punch. "Chen Mu snorted coldly, then loosened the man's collar, said nothing else, turned around and walked towards his Rolls-Royce.

"Fuck you, you dare to attack me?" The man rushed up immediately, intending to kick Chen Mu hard from behind.

Who knew that the back of the man's head seemed to have eyes, and as soon as his foot landed, the man dodged to the side.


The sound of pants tearing was very obvious.

Chen Mu tilted his head and saw that the man was splitting his legs in a difficult posture.

He couldn't help but feel pain in his balls. These two balls, are they okay...

The sound just now was not the sound of pants tearing, but the sound of balls breaking.

"Ah." The man's face was already covered with sweat from the pain, but he didn't dare to move at all. If he moved a little, it seemed that someone was pulling his balls alive.

"You're asking for trouble, you can't live, you can't live. "Shaking his head, Chen Mu sighed.

"Young Master?" But before he took a few steps, the doorman at the entrance of the mall suddenly ran over.

Young Master?

Chen Mu was stunned. It shouldn't be that serious. He hasn't even gone to the mall to spend money, but he was called Young Master?

This person has a good eye, unlike those blind people!

Just when Chen Mu sighed that the other person's eyes were very cunning, the person actually passed by him and ran towards the man behind him.

"What are you still standing there for? Help me up quickly." The man made an angry voice.

Chen Mu: "..."

Awkward, it turned out that he was not called.

Pursing his lips, Chen Mu looked up at the mall in front of him called the Crown Prince. He still spent too little money. He didn't lack his own things, but he couldn't treat his first and second wives badly. After all, they were his, Chen Mu's women.

"People, people. "The man stood up tremblingly with the help of the doorman, hunched over and covered his head.

Damn, it hurts so much! It hurts so much that he wants to cry for his parents!

"People? Who?" The doorman was puzzled.

"The person who was here just now!" The man slapped the doorman on the head, "What a good-for-nothing! Useless!"

The doorman could only lower his head and bear everything silently.

The man looked around, but he didn't see Chen Mu, and couldn't help cursing, "Stinky boy, you're so fast! Even if I dig three feet into the ground, I will dig you out! You can hide on the first day, but can you hide on the fifteenth?"

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