The more you look at the picture, the more you will see.

"This guy is so strong!"

"I love him. He is not only handsome, but also rich. He is also very good at boxing and kicking. He makes me feel safe. It's a pity that his girlfriend is too beautiful. Otherwise, I would definitely chase him."

"You? A toad wants to eat swan meat."

"What's wrong with a toad? Aren't toads allowed to have dreams? What if they come true?"

"With this skill, I feel that many professional bodyguards would not be his opponent."


For a while, the evaluation of Chen Mu by the onlookers rose.

There are many young women who have a crush on him.

When Xu Shiyin, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, heard them say that she was Chen Mu's girlfriend and felt deeply envious, she couldn't help but clench her ten fingers on her thighs.

"..." The mood was very subtle, yes, very subtle.

There was no aversion.

Seeing that Chen Mu didn't speak, Zhao Dongyang thought that his sincerity was not enough, and hurriedly took out a bank card from his underwear pocket and offered it to him, saying: "This is all my property, a total of 200,000, the password is 233444, please accept it."

"Get lost."

Take the bank card.

For Chen Mu now, 200,000 is indeed not much, just as a lesson for Zhao Dongyang.

"Okay, I'll get out now, get out now!"

Chen Mu's casual word of getting out scared Zhao Dongyang and others, and they hurriedly rolled and crawled away.

Fearing that they would lose their lives here if they were a step late.

If it were someone else, they might doubt whether the other party had the strength and confidence.

But when this happened to Chen Mu, they had no doubt at all.

Judging from the ruthlessness of Chen Mu's attack, Zhao Dongyang was already afraid of him to the core.

He didn't want to see him again in this life, and he avoided him more than the plague god.

He decided to avoid Chen Mu wherever he would appear in the future, for fear of offending him again.

Seeing them fleeing in a panic with their tails between their legs like drowned dogs.

Chen Mu also turned back to the car, fastened his seat belt, and said to Xu Shiyin with a smile, "It's solved."

"Okay, okay." Xu Shiyin came back to her senses from the shock of Chen Mu's powerful strength and agreed.

"Then shall we continue with the original plan?" Chen Mu asked again.

"No problem." Xu Shiyin nodded.

Not ready to break the contract, she had already imagined several sets of clothing styles that were very suitable for Chen Mu in her mind.

Decided to wait until we get to the mall to match him well.

She stared at Chen Mu, thinking about it, but she couldn't figure out why someone as good as Chen Mu, who was almost perfect and had no flaws, was asked to break up?

From another perspective, if Xu Shiyin was that woman, she felt that she would definitely regret it.

She felt that Zhao Li was really short-sighted.

Some things, even if the person deliberately concealed, were not difficult to see from the small habits in daily life.

For example, even if Xu Shiyin didn't know Chen Mu's real background, just looking at his confident performance, it was not difficult to know that he was definitely not simple.

"Is there anything dirty on my face?" Chen Mu smiled and asked when he noticed Xu Shiyin's gaze towards him.

"No, no." Xu Shiyin blushed, reacted, and knew that she had been staring at Chen Mu for too long, and quickly turned her head to avoid her sight.

In this regard, Chen Mu saw through it but didn't say it, and concentrated on driving to the nearest, the largest shopping mall in Jiangcheng.

Chen Mu always felt that the system task of going to the mall to shop and getting a shopping mall would directly give him the current shopping mall as a reward, just like in the hotel before.

In this case, he must choose a larger and more valuable one.

The mall that Chen Mu chose to complete the task this time is called Century Mall, with a market value of hundreds of millions. What is more valuable is the land in the city center, which is worth more than 2 billion!

Chen Mu is ready to take a gamble to see if the mall will be distributed as a reward like the hotel, together with the hotel itself and the title deed.

Even if he can't get it, just spending money to shop can get a shopping mall. For Chen Mu, it is a good deal.

Find a parking space in the underground parking lot, park the car, Chen Mu, Xu Shiyin get out of the car.

The two found the elevator entrance.

Press the button and wait patiently for the elevator to come down from the upstairs. The numbers change little by little.

At this time, there are a few more young people talking and laughing behind him.

Xu Shiyin subconsciously looked in the direction of sight, and those people happened to look in the direction of sight.

Facing such a high-value face, that look,

I stared straight at her.

"Hey! Beautiful lady!" One person nudged his companion with his arm.

Although the voice was small, it was heard by Chen Mu and Xu Shiyin in such a quiet environment.

They ignored it.

But it was obvious that the young people did not want to miss this wonderful "fate".

He walked up and started to chat with her in a familiar way, "Beautiful lady, are you alone? Do you want to go eat sushi with us?"

[Random task has been triggered! When the target "Xu Shiyin" is entangled, you are not afraid of danger and help her get rid of the gangsters as a boyfriend, and you can get the skill: Perspective Eyes! ]

'Perspective Eyes? ! '

Chen Mu had thought that a random task would be triggered in this situation, but he did not expect that the reward would be so generous.

After obtaining the god-level medical skills, the role and value of the skill of Perspective Eyes in Chen Mu's mind is not limited to peeking at beautiful women.

More importantly, he can see through the human body more clearly than X-rays, and can see through the internal organs, meridians, limbs and bones, and accurately find out the problem.

Coupled with the god-level medical skills, he dares to keep the life of the person who wants to die at midnight!

He must have this skill.

It's just pretending to be a boyfriend, and there is no loss for him.

Even if it will make Xu Shiyin's favorability towards him decrease, Chen Mu doesn't care.

The reward is more important.

Before Xu Shiyin opened her mouth to say anything, Chen Mu raised his hand, hugged her shoulders from behind, and then pulled her into his arms, looking at those people with a fake smile, and said forcefully, "Sorry, she is already taken."

"..." Xu Shiyin's pupils were startled, raised her eyes, looked at Chen Mu in disbelief, and was stunned.

I didn't expect him to do such a thing.


No, not at all.

It's just very... subtle.

If someone else did that, Xu Shiyin would definitely push him away, back off, and stay away.

But at this moment, she forgot what to do, and just stared at Chen Mu blankly, distracted.

"Are you her boyfriend?" The yellow-haired young man asked with suspicion.

"Yes." Chen Mu nodded confidently, with no flaws on his face.

I thought the other party would give up.

Who would have thought that after hearing what I said, the yellow-haired young man actually smiled slightly, "That's great, I'm telling you clearly that your girlfriend is mine now!"

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