The money was so high that the owner was shocked.

‘One hundred million? Did this guy really spend one hundred million in this store? Are you sure you are not kidding? ’

Dai Enquan sincerely hoped that the salesperson and Zhao Xu were joking with him, but from the respect they showed to Chen Mu from the bottom of their hearts.

Dai Enquan couldn't even convince himself, let alone convince others.

I couldn't help but wonder, ‘Who is this guy who can spend one hundred million on clothes casually? ’

The rest was fear.

Dai Enquan knew his own weight very well, and he couldn't afford to provoke such a person.

In his mind, he was thinking about how to apologize to Chen Mu. If he had a better attitude, the other party might consider that he had some influence and make peace with him.

As the saying goes, it is better to have one more friend than one more enemy.

Dai Enquan thought that he was fully qualified to be friends with Chen Mu.

"Secretary Yang! Why are you here?"

Just as Dai Enquan was thinking about the words and preparing to speak, he was interrupted by Zhao Xu.

'Secretary Yang? '

Following the direction of his gaze, Dai Enquan turned around and looked.

He recognized this person as Yang Tao, a capable man beside the chairman of Century Shopping Mall.

He had seen him at a banquet before.

Dai Enquan was puzzled. Why did Yang Tao appear in such a place?

Could it be that he was here to buy clothes?

"Secretary Yang, what brings you here?" Zhao Xu greeted him and asked enthusiastically.

"I'm looking for..." Looking around, Yang Tao fixed his eyes on Chen Mu, quickened his pace, and walked towards him, "Mr. Chen, it's a great honor to meet you."

'Mr. Chen? ! '

Zhao Xu and Dai Enquan were both shocked. They didn't expect that Chen Mu and Chen Mu knew each other.

Then they thought it was normal. The upper class circle is big or small. You will see each other every day.

"Mr. Chen, Mr. Meng is overseas and can't come back for the time being. However, the contract is ready. As long as you sign it, you will be the owner of Century Mall from now on." Yang Tao handed over the 100% share transfer contract of Century Mall with both hands.

"What! He is the owner of Century Mall!" Dai Enquan said in astonishment.

Zhao Xu on the side was as dumbfounded as him. He didn't expect that Century Mall would change hands in a blink of an eye.

Suddenly, he finally understood why Chen Mu could take out a few hundred yuan and 120 million yuan to book a place like an ordinary person.

"What? Do I need your permission before I can buy this mall?" Chen Mu looked at Dai Enquan coldly.

"I, I don't mean that." Dai Enquan shook his head and waved his hands, explaining.

Chen Mu didn't care to argue with him, picked up the pen, took off the pen cap, and signed his name on the contract.

Officially became the owner of this leading and large mall.

When Dai Enquan saw Chen Mu signing his name on the contract, his heart suddenly sank.

"Then I won't bother Mr. Chen. There are still some things in the mall that I need to deal with." Secretary Yang Tao said goodbye.

"Okay, thank you for your hard work." Chen Mu responded.

"Mr. Chen, please allow me to express my gratitude to you again!" Zhao Xu bowed deeply to Chen Mu at 90 degrees, no, more than 90 degrees.

Such a big customer must be treated with 100% respect.

Even if they can't be friends, Zhao Xu definitely doesn't want to be an enemy with him.

If you offend such a person, you can imagine what will happen.

Dai Enquan, who just wanted to beat up Chen Mu, deeply understands this feeling.

However, the next second, a voice that makes Dai Enquan even more desperate comes from behind.

"Excuse me, is Mr. Chen Mu here?"

Dai Enquan will definitely not misunderstand this voice. It is Zhao Qiuan, one of the major shareholders of their Senmao Group, who holds 30% of the shares.

'Why would Mr. Zhao come to such a place? Mr. Chen, could it be that he also knows this person? '

'Could it be that Senmao Group is going to cooperate with Century Mall? Then I...'

Panic, Dai Enquan is panicking now.

Worried that Zhao Qiuan and other shareholders will abandon him as a pawn in order to smoothly reach a cooperation with Century Mall.

He knows very well that he is just a pawn elected by these shareholders.

This pawn can be replaced by anyone.

"Boss Zhao, I..."

"Get out of the way!" Zhao Qiuan didn't have the time to waste on Dane. He listened to his nagging and saw him walking towards him. He stopped him.

Blocking his way, he stretched out his hand and pushed it away.

He walked straight towards Chen Mu, and when he was facing Chen Mu, his face immediately changed his expression.

Perfect interpretation of what it means to change your face faster than turning a page.

"Mr. Chen, I have contacted the sixteen shareholders of Senmao Group and signed this share transfer agreement. Please take a look." Zhao Qiuan also respectfully presented the contract with both hands.

"I'm at ease with you doing the job." Chen Mu said that, but in fact, he had no doubt about the ability of the system.

He didn't think that Zhao Qiuan, an ordinary person, could resist the rules of the system.

If he dared to disobey the power of the system and set a trap for himself in the contract, Chen Mu would look up to him.

Chen Mu picked up the pen and signed his name on the contract. In less than ten minutes, after becoming the new owner of Century Mall, he took over Senmao Group, which was worth hundreds of millions of yuan.

"How is this possible? How could such a thing happen in the world?"

"Mr. Zhao, I don't understand. Now that the business of Senmao Group is expanding smoothly, it is thriving and has a bright future. Why do you want to sell your shares at this time?" Dai Enquan asked doubtingly, not understanding Zhao Qiuan and the others' train of thought at all.

"Because Mr. Chen offered a sky-high price that we can hardly refuse, how come we have to get your permission in advance to sell our shares?" Zhao Qiuan asked with a cold face.

"No, I, I don't mean that." Dai Enquan quickly denied it.

Even though Zhao Qiuan has sold his shares and has no relationship with Senmao Group, he is still someone Dai Enquan can't afford to offend.

Whether it is personal connections or financial resources, it is not something that a small character like Dai Enquan can compete with.

However, compared with Zhao Qiuan, the person Dai Enquan is now afraid of is Chen Mu.

He racked his brains but couldn't figure out what kind of terrifying power is behind Chen Mu.

After buying the World Mall, he could also spend an astronomical amount of money to buy the Senmao Group.

Little did he know that Chen Mu actually didn't spend a dime. The reason he was able to take over the Senmao Group was thanks to Dai Enquan's suicide.

Now this clown is no longer useful to him.

Chen Mu immediately announced: "Dai Enquan, right? You are fired."

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