The car was in a mess, but the weather was very bad.

Alas, I just don't know when the next mission will come.

Holding the steering wheel with one hand, Chen Mu put one hand on the car window, feeling a little dejected.

I don't know if it's because of getting off work or other reasons, the traffic jam is very serious, and it takes several minutes to move a few meters.

Chen Mu, who was already a little annoyed, looked at the endless traffic, and his heart became more and more irritated!

Or planes are better! At least planes won't be stuck in traffic like this!

He himself has quite a few helicopters, but it seems that there is no such need. It's too high-profile to go out in a helicopter. He will never do it unless he has to.

In the end, it took Chen Mu almost two hours to get back to Haitian No. 1, to the top floor of the huge building.

After taking a shower and drinking some red wine, Chen Mu fell asleep on the huge bed.

The next day, the biological alarm clock rang naturally. After getting up, Chen Mu glanced at the black alarm clock on the bedside table. There were still more than 40 minutes before class, so he could slowly pack up.

When he took a shower, changed his clothes and came out, the housekeeper had already prepared breakfast.

"Master." The housekeeper, who was wearing a tuxedo and white gloves, bowed his head and addressed Chen Mu respectfully after seeing him.

"Well. Go and get busy." Chen Mu waved his hand and walked straight to the table of rich breakfast.

In addition to fried dough sticks and steamed buns, there were also Western-style sandwiches on the table.

Chen Mu picked up a sandwich and a glass of milk, eating and drinking at the same time.

After finishing his meal, he took another half-cut fried dough stick and started chewing it. Well, it was a little beyond his expectation.

After all, fried dough sticks, which are fried foods, will feel a little greasy when eaten, but this one was not.

After eating and drinking, Chen Mu came down from upstairs. Although Haitian No. 1 was near Tsinghua and Peking University, it was too big and it would take more than an hour to walk there. So Chen Mu drove his car to school.

When he came to the teaching building, he was surrounded by many people as soon as he got out of the car.

Although there are many luxury cars in Tsinghua and Peking University, there are not many people like him who drive cars worth hundreds of millions of yuan in a high-profile manner.

"Oh my god, who is this? He is so high-profile, aren't you afraid that his family will be investigated?"

"What are you afraid of? What if his family is innocent and he is confident and not afraid at all?"

"In this era, if you say innocent, I don't believe it."


The people around him whispered.

Chen Mu pretended not to hear anything and walked towards the teaching building calmly with his books.

"Chen Mu." Suddenly, a voice sounded behind him.

Chen Mu stopped and waited for the person to catch up.

"Huh, you finally came to class, otherwise I don't know how to explain to the teacher." Lu Bu, who was also Chen Mu's roommate, walked to Chen Mu's side, his eyes full of joy.

"I'm done with my work, so I came." Chen Mu said.

To be honest, he had nothing to do with Lu Bu, but Lu Bu helped him. He would remember this friendship and would naturally repay Lu Bu if he had the chance.

"That's good. This should be your first time to come to class. Let's go, I'll take you." Lu Bu nodded and said to Chen Mu warmly.

"Yeah." Chen Mu nodded, and his good impression of Lu Bu increased a little more.

When the two came to the door of the classroom, there was a panic in the classroom, "Chen, Chen Mu?"

Everyone was startled by this sound and looked towards Huang Jian in the corner of the classroom. It was obvious that the voice of Hong Ai was made by him.

"What do you think of me?" Chen Mu raised his foot and walked in front of Huang Jian, looking down at Huang Jian who was already trembling.

"No, no, no, how dare I." Huang Jian shook his head like a rattle.

"Heh." Chen Mu raised his eyebrows, he guessed so.

After all, when Huang Jian looked at him, his eyes were full of deep fear. Even if he was given 100,000 courage, he would not dare. Unless he wanted to experience endless terror again.

"Chen Mu, how about you sit here, there is no one here." Lu Bu, who was following Chen Mu, pointed to the position next to Huang Jian.

As soon as these words came out, Huang Jian's face changed instantly, and he could only stare at Lu Bu with bitterness.

"Okay." Chen Mu agreed and sat down immediately.

Huang Jian's originally pale face turned even paler. Just as he was thinking about how to persuade others to switch places with him, Chen Mu said, "Don't worry, as long as you don't provoke me, I won't

What will I do to you. "

Huang Jian: "······" Even though Chen Mu said so, he was still nervous. Who let Chen Mu know the evil magic? He was afraid that he was heartless and not very smart, which would make Chen Mu unhappy and curse him.

As the class bell rang, Huang Jian, who wanted to change his seat, had to give up.

The teacher wearing a pair of gold-rimmed glasses walked in from outside.

After calling the roll, the class began formally, and the content was about computer theory.

Although this was Chen Mu's major, he was so drowsy that he understood what the teacher said better than the teacher.

"Ahem, the student lying on the table in the back row. "The teacher standing on the podium, pointing his baton at the high-definition monitor, saw that the people in the back row actually lay down and fell asleep. He frowned. No one dared to sleep in his class!

Huang Jian thought about it and thought it was better to have one more friend than one more enemy, but he didn't dare to touch Chen Mu directly, fearing that he would be hit by the so-called evil spell after touching Chen Mu. So he had to wrap the book into a cylinder and poked Chen Mu's arm.

"Chen Mu, wake up, the teacher is calling you." He kindly reminded.

Chen Mu opened his sleepy eyes, raised his head, and looked confused.

"You! Get up and answer my question! "The teacher got even angrier when he saw that Chen Mu was a new face.

A new student actually slept openly in his first class. This shows that he doesn't take him seriously at all, let alone respect him!

Answer the question?

Just as Chen Mu was about to refuse, the system prompt sounded.

Ding Dong.

[System prompt: Task updated!]

Chen Mu: "······" It's really better to arrive at the right time than to arrive early.

Ignoring the teacher, Chen Mu first controlled the system with his mind and clicked on the task bar.

[Task: Successfully answer the teacher's three questions and be rewarded with god-level hacking skills! 】

Fuck! ! !

Chen Mu was shocked. Although he knew all the theoretical knowledge, it was still very difficult to put it into practice.

But now, he only needs to successfully answer the teacher's questions to get god-level hacking skills?

This reward really won his heart.

After turning off the virtual interface, Chen Mu was in a very good mood. After standing up from his seat, he stared at the teacher standing on the stage with anger rising, and asked with a smile, "Okay! Teacher, what do you want to ask? Just ask, just ask!"

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