The new job is a big success.

[Random task has been refreshed, cure the target Xu Guohao's heart disease and get a private hospital! ]

Seeing the task popping up in front of him, Chen Mu was overjoyed. He didn't expect that one day he would have the opportunity to own a hospital of his own.

Needless to say, how profitable the hospital is, how high the profit is, not to mention that it is a, no, a private hospital!

Chen Mu had a hunch that if he continued to complete the task like this, sooner or later, the industry under his name would be all over the world.

He was not going to miss any opportunity, and quietly set a small goal in his heart to quietly become the richest man in the world! Industrial tycoon!

Looking at Xu Shiyin, who was sitting in the co-pilot seat, with her head buried deep, her fingers on her thighs, tightly grasping her trouser legs, a crystal tear fell down.

Chen Mu comforted her: "Don't worry, your father will be fine. I also know some friends in the medical field. If necessary, I will ask them to help."

Although this is false, Chen Mu can become friends with those people in the medical field.

For example, investing hundreds of millions? Donating a building or something like that?

The saying that money can make the devil push the mill is not just talk.

What's more, Chen Mu does not intend to rely on those people. It is better to believe in the [God-level Medical Skills] he has obtained than to believe in them.

If even the God-level medical skills can't save Xu Shiyin's father Xu Guohao, then no one in this world can save him.

Unless there are really gods and God in the world.

"Thank you, classmate Chen Mu." Xu Shiyin was moved and rippled.

Even if it was just a word of comfort, she did calm down a lot.

Soon, the car drove to the hospital in the city center, which is the largest and best hospital in Jiangcheng.

Many outsiders would drive thousands of miles to come for treatment. The reason is very simple. In addition to being the best hospital in Jiangcheng, it can be ranked in the top ten in Daxia in terms of influence and strength.

Many medical technologies can even be ranked in the top five, which is very famous.

After getting off the car, the two quickly entered the hospital building. After confirming the floor and room number where Xu Guohao was being rescued with the nurse at the counter, they quickly rushed there.

They did not choose to take the elevator. At this time, there were too many people waiting at the elevator door, which would delay a lot of time.

Chen Mu asked Xu Shiyin to go up first and he would come later.

He did not want to escape at the last minute. He planned to go to the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine. Even if he was a miracle doctor, he had to have tools to treat people.

Not to mention, it was a major disease such as heart disease.

Decided to find someone from the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine to buy a set of silver needles.

"Okay, see you later." Xu Shiyin did not think much and hurried upstairs.

Retracting his gaze, Chen Mu followed the sign above his head and walked towards the area where the Department of Traditional Chinese Medicine was located.

"Is this it?"

After making sure he was in the right place, Chen Mu raised his hand and was about to knock on the door when he heard a woman's voice from behind the door, "Please, save my son. The foreign doctor can't find out what disease my son has. Now I can only count on you."

"Miss, you get up first. We will do our best to treat your son." The doctor's voice followed closely.

In order to avoid disturbing them, Chen Mu pushed the door open gently.

The doctor asked the little boy to take off his shirt, revealing a body with pustules and swollen white spots, which was a great test of his psychological endurance.

"Is there an analysis report?" the doctor asked.

"Yes!" The woman quickly took out several examination reports from her bag and handed them to the doctor. "Every time I checked, those people said it was okay and prescribed some ointment to apply at home, but the more I applied, the worse it got."

"Is that so." The doctor touched the pustule with his hand and asked the little boy gently, "Does it hurt?"

The little boy shook his head, "No."

"It doesn't hurt normally, but it will suddenly flare up at night, with a rapid rise in body temperature, severe vomiting, and diarrhea." The woman explained in detail.

Listening and looking at the situation in front of him, the doctor was also a little embarrassed. According to his experience, it was indeed just an ordinary pustule. Logically, as long as the pus was cleaned up and ointment was applied to inhibit bacterial reproduction and accelerate anti-inflammatory, it would recover within a week.

The doctor was very sure of these words, and his colleagues had also said them. It didn't make much sense to say them again.

With his hands folded across his chest, his brows furrowed, and his expression was embarrassed, he carefully recalled the medical books he had read in his mind, wanting to confirm whether there were similar difficult and complicated diseases.

"Make way." Chen, a holder of god-level medical skills,

Mu, he saw the cause of the boy's illness and the treatment method at a glance.

Just as he was about to open his mouth to remind him, a man suddenly jumped out from behind and pushed him away.

Fortunately, Chen Mu's lower body was stable enough. If it were someone else, he might have fallen hard.

"Lu Cheng, I didn't expect these two people to come to you. I advise you not to waste your time. How can you Chinese medicine solve the problem that we foreign doctors can't solve?"

"The safest way is to let them go to the imperial capital, where there are the most advanced instruments, and there may be a glimmer of hope." The visitor sounded like he was providing reasonable suggestions, but his actual tone was full of ridicule for doctor Lu Cheng.

And distrust and contempt for Chinese medicine.

"Doctor Qian, I'm seeing patients in the outpatient clinic. If possible, can you please not interfere with me!" Lu Cheng, who didn't like Qian Guangduo, disliked him even more after hearing this.

More annoying than flies and mosquitoes.

"Tell me about you, you are a dog biting Lu Dongbin, you don't know the good heart. I am kind enough to provide you with a solution, but you don't know the good heart, so why are you so aggressive to me?"

Qian Guangduo's skill in the matter of the benefactor complaining first has long been perfect.

As long as he wants, he can say black is white.

Seeing that Lu Cheng was unwilling to pay attention to him.

Qian Guangduo turned to the woman and said, "If you want to save your son, there is no other possibility except relying on more advanced imported medical equipment. If the probability of foreign doctors treating him is 10%, then Chinese medicine has no 0.001!"

His words were decisive and strong, with an indisputable strength.

"Qian Guangfa! Don't go too far!" Seeing Qian Guangfa slandering the Chinese medicine and faith that he had studied for more than ten years, Lu Cheng could no longer bear it, and stood up from his seat suddenly, his anger could not be concealed.

"Why are you so anxious to tell the truth?"

"Can it be that the problem that the machines and equipment can't detect, your eyes, a few broken needles, and a few broken grasses can solve it?"

"In that case, you might as well tell everyone here what disease he has." Qian Guangfa looked proud, and he was sure that Lu Cheng couldn't explain it.

"..." Lu Cheng was speechless.

Dong! Dong! Dong!

Just when Lu Cheng was in a dilemma and didn't know what to do.

Chen Mu raised his hand and knocked on the door frame, "There is something I have to correct you. Chinese medicine is not as bad as you said. Secondly, the only thing that can save him is the ancient Chinese medicine."

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