After checking, I found that, including the completed task, four new tasks were refreshed.

[Task 1: Take Xu's family to the restaurant for dinner, and the relationship will be further improved, and you can get a five-star hotel +1! ]

[Task 2: If the amount of reward exceeds 1 million in any live broadcast platform within 24 hours, you can get a chance to draw a god-level skill! ]

[Task 3: Participate in the purchase of a car, and the consumption amount reaches 5 million, and you can get the full-level repair ability! ]

[Task 4: In addition to the target object Xu Shiyin, get the favor of a beautiful woman with a beauty score of more than 90, and reward 1 trillion! ]

Now, Task 1 has been completed, and the five-star hotel has been successfully taken, leaving only 234 tasks to be completed.

Chen Mu was so happy that he could get unexpected rewards even though it was a spur-of-the-moment decision.

He hoped that the system would continue to work hard. He would never despise it. No matter how many orders were given, they would be accepted.


With a reminder sound, the elevator door slowly opened.

Chen Mu closed the system panel and thought about the task later. He couldn't complete it at the moment.

Anyway, the task did not limit the completion time, so he didn't need to rush.

Even if it was within 24 hours as mentioned in Task 2, the reward would be calculated from the beginning of Chen Mu's reward, not now, so he had plenty of time.

Coming out of the elevator, looking at the luxurious scene in front of him.

Although the Xu family was not poor and had not been to a restaurant before, they were still shocked by what they saw and heard.

Finally understood why hotels were divided into star levels.

If I remember correctly, the highest-level hotel they had been to should be one-star, and the hotel in front of them was five-star!

The difference was visible to the naked eye.

Xu Guohao couldn't help but worry whether the balance in his bank card was enough to pay for the meal.

He looked at his wife Liu Lan beside him and hoped that she could bring enough money with her. Otherwise, as an elder, he would be embarrassed.

Xu Guohao didn't want to lose his dignity as a future father-in-law in front of Chen Mu, his future son-in-law.

As a couple who had slept in the same bed for so many years, how could Liu Lan not see what Xu Guohao was thinking?

She straightened her chest and showed a confident expression, telling him not to worry.

Seeing this, Xu Guohao's nervous heart finally settled down.

"Excuse me, is this Chen Mu, Mr. Chen?" The waiter who received the news in advance and was guarding the elevator door saw Chen Mu and others walking out of the elevator, and immediately stepped forward to greet them warmly.

"Yes, it's me." Chen Mu nodded in affirmation.

"Okay, everyone, please come this way." The waiter turned sideways, raised his hand, and made a very standard gesture of invitation. Every word and action was extremely professional.

Not long after.

Chen Mu, Xu Shiyin and others were led by the waiter to sit down.

A seat near the window, from here, you can see the beautiful scenery of most of the city.

At night, after the sun sets, when the lights are on in all houses, it is so beautiful.

Xu Shiyin couldn't help but take out her mobile phone and decided to take a photo.

In her opinion, today is a very memorable day in her life.

It feels that the past six months this year are not as rich as the one day with Chen Mu.

There are really too many things happening.

"Here are the menus, please take a look." The waiter distributed four menus to Chen Mu and others one after another.

"Xiao Chen, order whatever you want to eat, don't be polite to us." Xu Guohao said generously while taking the menu.

However, after opening the menu, he regretted it instantly.

It's not that he regretted inviting Chen Mu to dinner, but that he regretted saying it too early and too big.

The four-digit or even five-digit price of the meal really surprised him and Liu Lan.

"Uncle and aunt, since it was me who proposed to have dinner here, how can I let you treat us? Let's do it next time. I'll keep this opportunity first." Chen Mu saw Xu Guohao's embarrassment and took the initiative to speak up.

Xu Guohao knew Chen Mu's good intentions very well, and he sighed in his heart, 'What a good child! '

At this moment, not only was he very satisfied with Chen Mu, the future son-in-law, but he also felt that his precious daughter had picked up a big bargain and found such an excellent man.

Just when Xu Guohao was about to grit his teeth and politely refuse Chen Mu's kindness.

The waiter suddenly spoke, interrupting his words, "Mr. Meng, why are you here?"

Seeing the hotel owner walking straight towards him, the waiter became nervous

, I can't help but worry, is there something I did wrong, will I be scolded, or even fired.

I can't stop thinking about it.

'Boss Meng? He is the owner of this hotel? '

Xu Guohao was wondering why the owner of Haotian Hotel showed up at this time.

He stopped in front of Chen Mu and asked, "You are Chen Mu, Boss Chen, right?"

Hearing this, Xu Guohao and Liu Lan were both shocked.

I really didn't expect that Chen Mu's background would be so big that even the big boss of a five-star hotel would rush to greet him as soon as he knew he was coming.

Exaggerated! It's really too exaggerated!

Suddenly I realized that what I knew about Chen Mu was just the tip of the iceberg, a drop in the bucket.

His real background is far more terrifying than I imagined! A hundred times! A thousand times! Ten thousand times!

Then, the mood of Xu Guohao and Liu Lan changed again.

From thinking that their daughter got a great bargain, to, ‘Is Shiyin really worthy of Xiao Chen? ’

If it were anyone else, Xu Guohao and his wife would not be so unconfident.

It was really Chen Mu’s power, too strong! Unfathomable!

And the most praiseworthy part of their daughter was her appearance…

To be honest, in their opinion, Chen Mu was definitely not inferior to Xu Shiyin in terms of appearance.

Under the condition of equal appearance, the favorable conditions were gone, combined with Chen Mu’s terrifying background, they would worry about whether Xu Shiyin was worthy of Chen Mu, which was reasonable.

On the other hand, Xu Shiyin didn’t think so much.

First, she looked at Meng Chengliang, then at Chen Mu, and always felt that this scene was familiar.

It seemed that the same situation had happened in the previous hotel.

‘Could it be…’

Before Xu Shiyin finished thinking, the “could it be” in her mind was verified.

Meng Chengliang took out a contract from somewhere, put it on the table in front of Chen Mu along with a pen, and said, "Mr. Chen, I have prepared the hotel acquisition contract, please take a look."

"If there is no problem, I have signed and stamped it. As long as you sign your name on it, this Haotian Hotel will be your private property from now on."

Hearing what Meng Chengliang blurted out, Xu Guohao and Liu Lan looked at each other, both of them were confused.

"..." Xu Shiyin also didn't expect that her words would come true.

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