Li shepherd was stunned.

I'm just saying it. God, don't be so serious? Can't you make a joke? Do you have any sense of humor?

"I said I was willing to go through fire and water behind Cui's back, so you immediately reduced such a mountain torrent - do you know that men's promises can't stand the test?"

Li shepherd wants to die.

The roaring sound from far to near, like thunder, constantly exploding in the ear.

Huge white curtains poured down from that height.

They rushed all the way to destroy the mountains and forests, and pressed in the direction of Li shepherd and Cui carefully.

Li shepherd's mouth was slightly open. He wanted to say something, but he couldn't say anything.

Cui was very careful and anxious and said, "Li shepherd, run ------ run ------"

Only then did Li shepherd react, throw away the wooden crutch in his hand, and turn around and run down the hillside.

That's the mountain path he climbed just now. But I didn't expect to go back now, and faster than before.


The sound of branches breaking kept coming.

The flood behind him roared like a group of mad dogs chasing after him.

"Put me down - put me down -" Cui's careful voice was more worried“ You can't run away behind my back ----- Li shepherd, you can't run away from the flood. You put me down. "

"No." Li Shepherd said firmly“ Anyway, I won't leave you. If you want to run, run together, if you want to die, die together -- "

"Li shepherd." Cui was worried and said, "do you know that you will die. You'll drown in the flood. You idiot, put me down -- "

"I know. If I put you down, you will die too - "said Li shepherd.

He is not a fool. How can he not know his current situation?

The flood fell from a high place, possibly because the levee above collapsed.

The nameless mountain rises into the clouds, and the flood rushes down from above. Its strength is more than hundreds of millions of pounds? How to resist with the body of Li shepherd?

What's more, he is carrying Cui carefully, who is walking with a foot injury. Put down Cui carefully and escape by himself. Cui carefully has a dead end. Running away with Cui carefully on his back is two dead people - how should Li shepherd choose in such a desperate situation?

The roaring sound approached, and the sound of spray slapping chased behind his ass.

The spray has flooded Li shepherd's ankle. If he is careless, he will be pushed down by the big wave behind him.

"Li shepherd, put me down, I'll come down" -- Cui carefully shouted. Cui carefully, who had always been quiet and calm, got up in a hurry, and his voice became sharp.

Li shepherd shouldn't and ran away madly behind her back.

"Li shepherd, put me down, put me down --" Cui carefully and desperately patted Li shepherd on the shoulder.

Li shepherd gritted his teeth and ran away without saying a word.

He won't put Cui down. Be careful to run away. He won't die.

"Li shepherd" -- "Cui was careful, his eyes were red, and his voice choked." put me down, put me down "--"


A flood flooded, and Li shepherd's body was pushed down by the huge impact of the flood.

The overwhelming flood swept through, and there were no figures of Li shepherd and Cui on the vast water surface.


The flood continued to pour.

A hundred birds fly and a hundred animals run away.

Rock slides and mountain cracks. The water in the sky seems to wash the whole nameless mountain.

"Hoo" -- "Li shepherd showed his head from the flood. As he drifted forward by the flood, he looked around and shouted anxiously: "Cui careful ----- Cui careful ----- Cui careful, where are you? Cui, be careful, say a word -- "

The huge waves hit him on the back. His body could not stand stably. The whole man fell to the ground. Before he could get up from the ground, the flood hit him again.

His body was submerged in the ground. It was not easy for him to get up from below, but he found Cui carefully missing behind him.

I think it was the moment I fell that I couldn't grasp it firmly, which threw Cui away carefully.

Li shepherd's eyes turned red and his voice roared hoarsely, "Cui careful, Cui careful - you have to say a word quickly. "Be careful ----"


Li shepherd, who was busy looking for someone, didn't have time to see the road. He bumped heavily against a millennium old tree.

He was knocked dizzy, his face was skinned and his nose bled.

Li shepherd didn't care about his face. He held the trunk of the huge tree tightly in his hands, and kept shouting, "Cui careful -- Cui careful -- bah --"

He vomited heavily because all the blood in his nose flowed into his mouth.

The flood # discharged wildly and didn't stop for a while.

Li Shepherd is worried. He doesn't know if Cui can swim. He doesn't know Cui's current situation. If she had an accident, it would be hard for her to let go all her life.

"Li shepherd" -- a faint voice came.

Li shepherd listened carefully and shouted, "Cui, be careful, is that you? Cui, be careful, where are you? "

"Li shepherd" -- "the familiar voice came again.

This time, Li shepherd determined the direction.

He took a few deep breaths, then suddenly released the tree and swam towards the edge of the cliff.

The flood force is infinite, pushing Li shepherd forward.

Li shepherd was soon pushed to the edge of the cliff, and then grabbed an unknown vine.

"Cui be careful --" Li shepherd shouted again. Next to it was the abyss, but Cui carefully could not be found.

"Li shepherd" -- Cui's careful voice came from below.

Li shepherd looked down and found that Cui was carefully pushed off the cliff by the flood and caught by the dense branches.

She held a thick trunk tightly in her hands and would fall down if she was careless.

Li shepherd was worried, but his face remained calm and said, "Cui, be careful, are you okay? Are you hurt? "

"Li shepherd, I'm fine - I'm dying." Cui carefully said in a weak voice. This toss made the spoiled little girl really suffer.

"No. You won't die, and neither will I. " Li shepherd grinned foolishly“ I threw the vine over, you strangled your body with the vine, and I dragged you up - ---- "

"Li shepherd, I have no strength. I have no strength. I'm afraid I can't catch it ----"

"It doesn't matter if you can't catch it. You wait, I'll go down and save you. "

"Li shepherd, don't come down --" Cui shouted carefully“ Don't come down. If you want to come down, I'll jump down -- "

"What are you talking about? If I don't come down, can't I let you lie there all the time? " Li Shepherd said with a smile. His body kept twisting and wrapped the vine around his waist“ Wait, I'll go down and pull you up - - I just recited it. You don't have a few kilograms of meat on your body. The vine is very strong and can pull us up at the same time -- "

"Li shepherd, don't come down, don't come down" -- "Cui carefully discouraged again and again“ You can't go up after you come down. Don't you know? "

The flood is still pouring down from the side. Li shepherd's body is swayed left and right, and may fall into the bottomless abyss at any time.

Li shepherd grinned and said, "I know very well, but I still want to try - if I don't go down, you can't climb up. When the trunk you hold can't support, you'll fall -- "

"Li shepherd, why are you so stupid?"

"I just don't want you to die." Li shepherd began to climb down. He must climb down. If he doesn't climb down, he can't drag Cui up carefully.

Cui is careful to take off his strength. If he doesn't go down and tie her with himself, he's afraid Cui will fall down in the middle of the pull.

However, there is also a very important problem - if you go safely, you will be tied to Cui carefully. How could he drag up the bodies of both men at the edge of the cliff?

Is he strong enough to support this huge amount of exercise?

Too late to think too much, Li shepherd climbed down the mountain and put himself down to a position parallel to Cui carefully.

Then he grabbed the top of the tree and climbed towards the trunk Cui carefully hugged.

"Be careful --" Li shepherd's face was full of blood. It was a mixture of blood from the face and nose and splashes“ It's okay. I'll save you. "

"Li shepherd" -- "Cui carefully burst into tears and cried," Why are you so stupid? Why are you so stupid? You know it's just a test. It's not true. It's just a test - - I'm not Cui careful, I'm just - - I just become Cui careful. "

Li shepherd wiped the blood on his face to make his eyes see more clearly.

After listening to Cui's careful words, he didn't look disappointed and said carelessly, "I know. I know you're not Cui careful, and I know it may be a test ------ but you look the same as Cui careful, and I'm worried ------ what if you really Cui careful? "

He climbed towards Cui carefully step by step, and then tied Cui carefully's body with vines.

"No matter who you are, since you have become Cui careful, I will take you up ------ I can't let you have an accident -----" Li shepherd smiled brightly and showed two rows of white and neat teeth when he opened his mouth. It looks like a sunny and handsome boy“ "Li shepherd" -- "Cui carefully hugged Li shepherd's body and murmured his name:" Li shepherd "--" Cui carefully jumped hard, and then dragged Li shepherd's body to fall towards the bottomless cliff covered with clouds and cold wind all year round( PS: I know I owe a lot of chapters. Fortunately, Lao Liu is not too old ----- pay back one chapter first!) This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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