Bang Bang----

Bang Bang----

The horses' hooves are in good order.

At the same time, he raised and fell at the same time, and rushed towards the caravan like a strong wind.

It is clearly a group of bandits. After a long time of looting and heavy killing, it has the power and blood of the regular army.

They wore tight black shirts and large black robes.

It's like a black whirlwind, rolling up smoke and dust all over the sky.

There was no messy shouting, no threatening shouting, and even the shortness of breath made people feel so silent and calm.

Their bodies leaned over their horses and made as little noise as possible.

Only the slender saber raised high exposed their identity as reapers of death.

Their riding skills are excellent, and their bodies fluctuate up and down with the running of the fierce horse. Don't use your hands, just use your legs to control the horse.

From far to near, in an instant.

It was still a black figure just now. Now we can see their strange faces, and the ferocious expressions on each strange face------

They are more terrible than blood wolves and more vicious than demons.

Gan Yang's face was cold, and he kept licking his cracked lips with his tongue. This is his habitual action, which will be done naturally every time he encounters danger or inner tension.

Sand bandits have been rampant for thousands of years. Like their escort profession, they have a heritage.

As the saying goes, the mountain eats the mountain and the sea eats the sea. Those human groups living in the desert have no means of livelihood. They can only accumulate wealth and goods by looting and killing for generations. Therefore, robbery and murder have become an aboveboard and indispensable means of livelihood for them.

Sand thieves want to survive, so they want to plunder, they want to kill.

The escort also wants to survive, so they have to protect the goods and sacrifice themselves.

Since ancient times, these are two opposing ethnic groups.

No hatred, but never die.

Gan Yang often deals with sand robbers. Many of his brothers were killed by sand robbers when protecting darts and died in front of him - including Gan Liang's father.

The frustration and powerlessness made him cry again and again in his midnight dream.

However, what they had experienced before were small sand robbers. Twenty or thirty, thirty or fifty at most. A round of charge, killing and robbing goods, turned and withdrew.

It's different this time. There are 100 sand thieves this time.

He didn't know what kind of escort they were guaranteed this time, but he remembered that Bai Fengrui, the giant of herbal medicine in Guanzhong, solemnly went to have a deep talk with the old escort agency, and then the old escort agency solemnly invited himself to the inner room and said that all the brothers of the escort agency must ensure the safety of the goods. Their escort agency can come back to life in a round trip, The families of the dead brothers can also live a more relaxed and comfortable life.

Obviously, the goods are worth a lot of money. These sand thieves smell the smell of blood and gather to prepare for a big deal.

We can't lose this escort. They can't afford to lose it. The escort agency is finished, and all their brothers are finished.

"Brothers, what are we here for?" Gan Yang roared sharply. He didn't understand what was going on, and his voice suddenly became like this. It's like being scalded by heat“ We don't want to defend our country, nor do we want to protect this escort -- we just want to earn a bite for our family. The goods are safe and everything is ready. The goods are lost, the escort agency is finished, and we are all finished. "

Gan Yang took out the big knife hanging around his waist and shouted, "there's nothing to say, just like before -- fuck the guy."

"Fuck the guy." Many escorts gathered around Gan Yang drew their swords and shouted loudly. Although there are few people here, the momentum is not weak.

"Kill." Gan Yang took the lead and urged his horse to raise his knife and charge ahead.

"Kill." Many escorts also urged their horses to attack.

Cutting off one's wealth is like killing one's parents. This is a deep hatred. How can we not fight hard?

Of course, those sand thieves think so.

There was no intention to slow down. When they were about to face the escort led by Gan Yang, the sand thieves accelerated again. The potential of stepping off the war horse was brought into full play by them.

"Kill." The head man's face was cold, and a cold word appeared between his teeth.

"Kill." Those people in black robes, holding sabers, ran into Gan Yang and others.


Gan Yang and the man in black cut each other, and then crossed the wrong horse.

Gan Yang only felt that the tiger's mouth was powerful and his chest was agitated. But the man in black had already rushed into the camp and cut off the heads of Gan Chao and Wang Xiaode.

The other side is a master. Their strength is not at the same level.

Other black robed sand thieves rushed into the escort team, just like wolves into sheep. They cut down the escort who only knew a few skills or was just strong and wanted to change their strength for a bowl of rice. They fell off their horses one after another.

Gan Yang's eyes were cracked, he drank violently, turned his horse's head and rushed towards the black robed sand thief again.

Catch the thief and catch the king first. As long as he can behead the sand thief, he will surely shake the morale of the army and let them return without success.

"Die." Gan Yang gritted his teeth and roared. The feeling of despair came again, and the reality that you tried your best to kill your opponent, but you couldn't do it no matter how hard you tried made people fall into hysteria.


Another interleaving.

Gan Yang's moon knife cuts into the chest of the man in black robe, and the man in black robe's horse chopping knife also cuts into his head.

Fight with your life.

Gan Yang knew that he was not the opponent of the black robed man. He was willing to exchange his death for a human life. I hope this will give my people and brothers a way to live.


Gan Yang flew in the air. He saw his horse and his body.

His jujube red Damascus dragged his huge body forward and didn't find anything they had dropped.

Flying in the air was his head. His great head was cut off by the horse knife, and then carried to the air.

He watched his horse and body run farther and farther, and finally disappeared.


His head fell to the ground and died in peace.

"Uncle Gan -" Gan Liang is cutting with a sand thief in black. Seeing Gan Yang's tragic death, he stopped moving and shouted.

Just because of this stagnation, the sand thief took the opportunity to cut his back.

It was like being bitten by an ant. He couldn't feel the pain at all.

"Uncle Gan - Uncle Gan -" he roared and shouted, turning his horse's head and rushing towards Gan Chao's head. This simple young man forgot the danger of the battlefield and the terror of deforestation. He just wanted to run to his uncle, hold his head and cry.

After his father died, uncle Gan was the hope of his family. It is the only shoulder he can rely on and his closest relatives. It was a man who replaced his father in his heart.

However, he also died in front of himself, and his head was cut off with a knife-----

The sand thief was covered with blood and his eyes were cruel. He thought Gan Liang wanted to escape. He drove the horse after him and killed Gan Liang with his horse chopping knife still dripping with blood.

"Gan Liang, run -- run --" Li shepherd was so anxious that he was going crazy.

He jumped out of the carriage and grabbed something around him.

He caught the sky sword.

It's a strange thing. No matter where he falls, the sky sword always follows him and is tightly tied to his belt.

He drew out his long sword and rushed towards the black sand thief who was chasing Gan Liang.

Just a round, just a face-to-face, these damn sand thieves, all the butchers who are going to hell, almost slaughtered the live escort just now.

The stout man said to himself with a worried face: if I save you from the mangrove forest, you owe me a favor. Don't let you return anything else, just live well. Live long and long.

The big brother with acne on his face was Huang Xuan. He handed himself a tin kettle and said: drink water to moisten your throat. This kettle of water is clean. I haven't drunk it yet------

The young man with black eyes said proudly to himself: one day I will go to Jiangnan City and escort a long escort team.

Some people have talked to themselves and smiled at themselves kindly when they don't know what to say.

They have wives, children and families to take care of. They are flesh and blood, living people.

However, they were hacked to death one by one by the demons in the desert.

That is, the blink of an eye, that is, the time to drink a sip of water.

They're all dead.

Li shepherd felt he was going crazy.



The blood of hate was stretched, and the body trembled.

He ran like hell, like hell.

He ran faster and faster. He ran faster than those war horses.

He caught up with the sand thief in black, and his body jumped high.

Then he raised the Tongtian sword with his hand, and a sword cut into his back.

The sand thief in black felt the danger behind him. He turned in horror. The bloody horse chopping knife wanted to stop him.


His horse chopping knife was cut in two, like cutting off a branch.


His body was cut in half, like cutting a piece of tofu.

There was still fear on both sides of his face, and he finally realized the despair of death.

This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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