Li shepherd gradually adapted to the anger of Nujiang.

Used to seeing the bright red river like blood, and listening to the roar of the roaring waves, my state of mind has gradually calmed down.

But the inexplicable but lasting sadness lingers in my heart. Day after day, it will eventually turn into the power to peel away layers of clouds and the giant hand to rewrite human history books.

Even though he has officially entered XingKong college, Li shepherd still has pressure that ordinary people can't understand.

How are his parents? Has Li met any danger?

He held so many thighs in XingKong college. Did those thighs play a big role - until now, no thigh gave him any feedback, as if he had completely forgotten being held or held by himself.

Star College is too biased, and communication is extremely inconvenient. Li shepherd wanted to ride a crane down to Jiangnan to go home, but he couldn't ride without a crane-----

Li shepherd thought that he had to make up with worry free senior brother some time. He asked him to send a letter to Jiangnan.

"Elder martial brother Wuyou is a good man. He will not refuse his shameless request, will he?"

You see, no wonder many people say that society is a big dye vat. Once pure white as paper, Li shepherd was dyed black like his skin color.

Oh, it's like his old skin color.

Now Li shepherd's skin is much whiter, and his originally good face is even more beautiful. Wearing a white Nebula robe, cloud climbing boots and long hair tied with a wooden hairpin, it gives people a feeling of elegant and beautiful youth.

Li shepherd was reading on the stone in the backyard. What he saw was the unknown recorder he borrowed from the library.

He always felt that the book was very familiar, as if he had read it before.

But the time was too long and the memory was too vague, so that he could not remember when and where he had seen it-----

Vigorous and powerful small characters, every stroke seems to be deeply engraved into parchment with a membrane pen.

Li shepherd has seen the contents of the unknown recorder several times and can almost recite them. Since his body began to "mutate", his memory began to get better and better, so good that even Li missing and Cui careful, two talented women in Jiangnan, were amazed-----

The reason why Li shepherd hasn't returned the book is that he hasn't figured out a question: who wrote the book? Who the hell is this anonymous?

He recorded the artifacts in the world, even the tears of the Dragon King, an extremely rare thing. I don't think he will be a simple figure.

"Who is it? Who is it? Who is it? " Li shepherd closed his eyes and said something in his mouth“ Who is it? Who is it? Who is it -- "

Suddenly, a lightsaber stabbed him in the chest.

The lightsaber was like a huge column of light, overwhelming the sky and almost illuminating the whole night sky.

The light of the sword was bright and towering, but it made him feel a suffocating sense of oppression and danger.

It is the sword of light and the sword of destruction.

He makes life difficult to hide, only a sense of powerlessness of death.

"Ah -----"

Li shepherd suddenly sat up.

The sky is bright and the sun is warm.

False, illusory.

Li shepherd was sweating profusely, and his Xingyun robe was about to get wet.

"That sword" -- muttered Li shepherd.

The sword was so real and dangerous.

It's like I've stabbed myself in the chest.

"That's the sword of reincarnation -" Li shepherd finally remembered“ This sword reincarnates itself, the black dragon in your body. "

"That is to say --" Li shepherd had to admit such a fact“ This anonymous is the person he knows, the person he knows - and the person who finally destroys himself. "

"But who is he? Who is he? " Li shepherd worked hard and tried hard to recall. I have a splitting headache, the sea of memory is torn apart, and the blood vessels on my forehead are about to burst. But still didn't think of the man's face.

He couldn't see the man.

Li shepherd was panting heavily.

He dared not think any more. He was afraid that he would sink into the unknown world forever.

However, he didn't want to think about it. Some thoughts were like wild grass growing in the fields in spring.

"Because the black dragon can't resist this sword, he hid his lifelong cultivation and wisdom in this drop of Dragon King's tears when he was dying?"

"The countless nightmares - the black dragon tearing his chest and breaking into his body is his dying state --"

"What kind of opponent is it - what kind of person can make it difficult for such a powerful black dragon to resist the sword?"

----------Dong Dong - someone knocked at the door. Li shepherd answered and hurried to open the wooden door. The knock was Lin Canghai, who stood behind Lin Canghai with a smile on his face. Since the last time they worked together to defeat the Changbai seven gourd, their relationship has been obviously close. That sentence is true: only those who have carried the cylinder together can be their best friends. There are seven people in the Dragon slaughtering major, but they are divided into three small groups. Lu Junji walked alone, and Chu Xun was her constant attendant. Tie Muxin, a big man from the desert, and Cai PA, a big man from Tianfu, walked closer. Li shepherd saw them go to Qingshan hall for dinner several times. The three parties are now in peace, but there are many crises. In fact, it is mainly the contradiction between Li shepherd and Lu Junji. Chu Xun is connected -- take the lead. Li shepherd always wondered why Lu Jiji kept staring at himself when he first met him. The look in her eyes is like how many times she has forked OO her - the beauty she wants! With a signboard like smile on his face, Lin Canghai said, "I'm going to class. Master Yang said to learn the Dragon language today -- "Li shepherd nodded and said," OK, I'll go right away. But I'll take a bath first. " Lin Canghai turned around and looked at him for a thousand degrees and said, "well, we'll wait for you --" Li shepherd originally wanted to let them go first, but since Lin Canghai had said to wait for himself, Li shepherd was embarrassed to drive people away again. So he stepped aside, made an invitation gesture and said, "please come in and sit down." QianDu and Lin Canghai entered Li shepherd's yard. QianDu looked at the magnificent red Nu River in the distance and sighed: "the river of dragon blood really deserves its reputation - how heroic and heroic it was when countless dragon slaughtering warriors cut the dragon head and released the dragon blood to form this red blood river." "----------" The sweat on Li shepherd's body flowed more rapidly. Chidu looked at Li shepherd fiercely and said, "shepherd, when we learn the Dragon killing skill, we should follow the example of the sages, kill the giant dragon and leave a name in history - what do you think?"“ I think -- "Li shepherd nodded desperately and said," very good. Many people think so -- "what's the matter with you, brother shepherd?" Lin Canghai asked with concern“ It's all right, I'm all right -- "Li shepherd stretched out his hand to stop Lin Canghai from approaching, and repeatedly explained:" when I think of that picture, my heart is surging -- - "(PS: I'm really grateful and grateful. Lao Liu has relatives hospitalized in Guangzhou and is in urgent need of type O blood support. I sent a help message on the wechat public platform, and countless friends lend a helping hand. There are still many friends coming from Shenzhen, Beijing, Hebei, Fujian and all over the country. People are the most sensitive and vulnerable in times of crisis. You really make Lao Liu very warm. Thank you, a thousand times, ten thousand times, thank you. Thank you for your kindness and for being the new leader of our guards. You said what you said five years ago -- what did you say five years ago? At that time, you didn't marry me, so let's have fun? Sorry, I'm not the kind of person you think. I would like to recommend Lao Liu's wechat public account: liuxiahui28. I will often publish various information on it. We will also answer all kinds of questions from time to time. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this someplace, they have stolen our translation

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