When someone asks you a question, your brain's first reaction is to think. This is caused by the natural structure of the human body.

Someone thought and found that there was no answer, so he said "I don't know" by the way.

Li Yangyang's brain was also thinking when he heard the problem of sheep and tiger.

Even he didn't expect that he was very familiar with such a sound in the depths of his memory, and he felt that the sound made by this tone was really very simple: joy.

That voice represents the joy of the dragon family.

When he thought so, his mouth said it casually.

"Joy?" This is self doubt

Even when he was not sure whether the answer was correct.

"Joy." That's for sure.

Even when he said the answer, he couldn't be clearly sure that he said the two words himself.

But he just said it.

Just let Mr. Yang Xiaohu hear it.

How can a student who has just entered the starry sky understand the obscure dragon language that the teacher has never taught?

Li shepherd really wants to slap himself in the face. What's wrong with you? Why do you have to die?

"No, I heard you. You say joy - "Yang Xiaohu strode to Li shepherd and said excitedly," Li shepherd, do you understand the Dragon language? "

"I didn't understand." Li shepherd shook his head and said, "I really didn't say anything."

"Didn't you say anything?" Yang Xiaohu looked at the other students and asked, "did you hear that?"

"I heard brother shepherd say the word 'joy'." Tiemuxin is a simple and honest good student. He reported to the teacher truthfully what he heard.

"I heard it, too." Lin Canghai said with a smile. He looked sideways at Li shepherd and said, "brother Shepherd is hidden. Don't you want us to know the secret of your understanding of the Dragon language?"

"Yes. I heard it, too. " QianDu looked at Li shepherd with a smile and said, "shepherd, isn't this something to be proud of? Why hide? "

Lu Jiji's face wore a sarcastic smile and said aloud, "some things can't be hidden. The fox will eventually show his tail. "

After listening to the words of QianDu lincanghai, Li shepherd had an impulse to break up with them.

Ben is a classmate. Why is it too urgent to fry each other?

Is this the time to show off?

I'm a dragon!

I'm a fucking dragon!

Now let you know that I understand the Dragon language. Next time you will doubt that I am a dragon - when all of you will kill me, can I live?

Li shepherd looked at the little tiger with a serious face and said, "master sheep, did you really hear what I said?"

"Yes." Yang Xiaohu nodded seriously and said, "others say they don't know. You are the only one who answered 'joy'. So I heard it very clearly. "

Li shepherd blinked his innocent big eyes and asked, "am I right?"

"Correct answer." Said the little tiger happily“ The tone I just sent out is really the tone of the dragon family when they express their joy -- "

Li shepherd jumped up excitedly, grabbed Yang Xiaohu's arm with both hands, and said happily, "master Yang, so I can understand the Dragon language? I learned the Dragon language without a teacher? Why am I so good? You say - can I be a genius? Am I the peerless genius left in the world? "

Yang Xiaohu tried to calm Li shepherd's mood and said, "Li shepherd, calm down - calm down. You did answer a question correctly, but the Dragon language is obscure, profound and complex. It is difficult for ordinary people to fully understand without ten or eight years of research - there are no cliffs in the sea of books, there is a long way to go, and you still have a lot to learn. Remember not to be complacent, lest you ruin your future. "

"Does master Yang think I'm not a genius?"

"You're not a genius - you can't say no. In the course of dragon language, you are still very good. As long as you study hard, you may become an expert in this field in the future. At least more savvy than other students. However, you just answered the right question, and your road has just begun. Therefore, continue to work hard in the future and give full play to your expertise in this field -- "

With regret on his face and a strong sadness in his voice, Li Shepherd said, "I thought I could communicate directly with the dragon people. I could understand all their languages. Master Yang, why don't you test me again and send me another dragon voice to listen to -- "

Yang Xiaohu thought for a moment and again picked up his mouth and sent out a more strange tone.

Li shepherd looked blankly at Yang Xiaohu and asked, "sheep teacher, is this also dragon language?"

"Nature is dragon language." Yang Xiaohu said happily, "you just got it right, or I may have heard it wrong - but it doesn't matter. I will teach you well and impart what I have learned to you without reservation. As long as you are willing to learn. "

Li shepherd bowed deeply to the sheep tiger and said, "thank you, master sheep."

The sheep tiger's palm pressed down and said, "sit down. Let's continue our class. "

"Yes." Li shepherd sat back in his chair.

When the "miracle" was broken and the hero was gone, everyone's eyes were taken back again.

Only Lu Jiji stared at Li shepherd sharply and regarded him as an extremely dangerous figure.

"I'm not a genius." Li Shepherd said to Chu Xun sitting next door.

Chu Xun snorted coldly and said, "of course you're not a genius. You're just a waste."

"How can you swear?" Li shepherd was indignant, but he was happy.

He just wants to keep a low profile and become a "waste" in the eyes of others. In this way, you are the safest.

"Yes." Tiemuxin now began to reciprocate. Li Shepherd said, "before attacking others, you'd better see what you are."

"Fellow students -" Yang Xiaohu gently tapped the table with his fingers and said, "you should respect me."

So all the students kept silent.

At the end of the course, Yang Xiaohu closed the textbook in his hand, looked at the people and said, "fellow students, you can take the textbook back to study and study, or you can carefully recall today's course and practice the standard pronunciation of dragon language - also, there is a long paragraph at the end of the textbook, which I copied from the original of dragon language. I'm also in the research stage. I don't understand what they mean for the time being. You can also have a look if you are interested. However, don't be rash. We should pay attention to circular and gradual learning. "

After taking a bath, Li shepherd took out the book the language of the dragon and studied it carefully.

He knows most of the monosyllabic words in it, but he can't understand some complicated hieroglyphics.

He remembered that master Yang said there was a long paragraph at the back of the page that he couldn't understand, so he turned the textbook to the last page.

Just as people will naturally read out when they see square characters, Li shepherd also reads out when he sees characters like tadpoles.

He knows those tadpoles.

If someone sees it, they will be surprised, just like God.

Because the strange tone read by Li Shepherd is the most pure and noble dragon language of the dragon family.

"Heaven and earth are dark and yellow, and the universe is in famine. The sun and moon are full and the sun and moon are full. Clouds make rain, dew turns into frost. Jin Sheng Lishui and Yu Chu Kungang. The sea is salty, the river is light, the scales are hidden and the feathers are flying - "

Li shepherd was stunned for a moment and thought, how can he be so familiar with these handwriting? It's like it's deeply imprinted in my mind.

He looked at the words on the paper and then read: "dragon teacher, fire emperor, bird official and human emperor. Only I, the dragon, live with the sky. Only I, the dragon, share the same territory with the land. "

Li shepherd's mood became excited. After reading these words, it was like eating some elixir fairy fruit, which made people energetic.

Dragon, what a powerful race.

I am actually one of them, although I have not been fully recognized by them - at least I have been partially recognized.

Nujiang River.

Behind Li shepherd, where Li shepherd didn't notice. When it reads this passage, the red river rises and falls, just like being boiled by a big pot.

At the beginning, the boiling water was gentle and gently rippling. With the improvement of Li's tone, the water began to get out of control.

Originally, the Nu River was very restless. The roaring river water was like a red dragon charging forward.

But today's Nujiang River is particularly ferocious and crazy.



The surging waves beat the shore and rolled up thousands of feet of red waves.

Before the water moon mirage, the red Nu River looks like when it is mad and angry.

Kong Li looked dignified and said, "Nujiang is angry. What happened? "

Xia Hou stretched out his fingers, tied one seal knot after another and waved it out.

He danced in his long clothes and looked like a crown of jade. He said, "I tried the five ghost search formula. I can't feel any strong breath on the Nu River -"

At the top of the stargazer tower of XingKong college, I don't know when an old man in XingKong war robe appeared.

He looked at the roaring red Nu River in front of him, sighed gently and said, "don't you reconcile to the eternal hatred? Do you still think that someone can summon your soul? "

Li shepherd's voice became louder and louder, and he also more and more substituted his deep feelings: "born as a dragon, you are blessed. When you die and become a God, your moral pulse flows long. "

"Born as a dragon, it sweeps the chaos. Death is God, and China is always prosperous. "

"Born as a dragon, you live up to hundreds of millions of people. Death is God, and life is king. "

(PS: thanks for the 100000 rewards from the children of the breeder. Yiyue has become the golden sprout of our guards. Golden cute - the name sounds cute.

Thank Yueyue moon for her 100000 gifts and becoming a domineering golden Meng - Hey, I said you two made an appointment? Would you like to form a CP for both of you? There is still one hour at the end of the month. Those with monthly tickets will be smashed to Lao Liu. This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation

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