
Anyone who knows Li's grades and sees this test paper again will have this idea.

In the past, in addition to being able to fill in multiple-choice questions indiscriminately, other parts were almost blank. However, most of the papers handed in this time were not only finished, but even worse, they were all right.

You know, Zhao Mingzhu said that the questions this time were not difficult. They were all done before, but she knew very well that the questions in this thorough examination were quite difficult. Even she set up several trap questions commonly used in the college entrance examination.

Li shepherd even answered the trap question perfectly. The answer he gave was even more correct than the correct answer he had in mind.

It's not cheating. What is it? Is it true that the unskilled Li Shepherd is more knowledgeable than his teacher of 20 years?

It's time for the exam. Most students are racing against the clock to answer the questions. Except that when Li shepherd handed in the paper, they looked up at their nostrils and made a sniffing sound, they could only focus on their own papers at other times. They don't even have the Kung Fu to laugh at Li shepherd now.

This time, the questions are very difficult. This time, there are a lot of questions. Except for Li shepherd, who abandoned himself, they can't solve them easily for a while.

Even Cui, the first in the class, had just finished the last question, put his pen on the table and began to check the test paper.

After hearing Zhao Mingzhu's roar, everyone looked up at the podium in amazement.


Zhao Mingzhu pushed the chair open with her ass, grabbed Li shepherd's test paper and stood up. She stared at Li shepherd fiercely and shouted, "Li shepherd, explain to me what's going on?"

Hearing Zhao Mingzhu's question, everyone's eyes shifted to Li shepherd's face.

They were full of schadenfreude and thought, what's your academic achievement? The whole class knows ------ no, the whole people of Fuxing middle school know. What's the significance of cheating at this time?

Besides, what's the difference between twenty and thirty?

Only Cui carefully checked his test paper with a leisurely look, and didn't take a look at the excitement. She had expected such a result long ago.

Li shepherd had sat back in his seat, looked up at Zhao Mingzhu and said, "Miss Zhao, I don't understand what you're talking about."

"You don't understand?" Zhao Mingzhu sneered“ Why don't you understand? All the questions you answered are right. Give me an explanation. What's going on? "

"Are they all right?" Li shepherd's face showed a happy smile, and the big stone hanging in his heart also fell down. When he answered many questions, he felt that he had seen them, but the memory was very distant and vague. He was not sure whether he had answered them correctly -- now teacher Zhao Mingzhu said they were all right, which proved that he could get a very good score in the exam this time.

"Li Shepherd -" Zhao Mingzhu grabbed the eraser and wanted to knock on the table of the podium again. But remembering the accident that she cracked the eraser last time, she forced herself to endure such a barbaric act. She really didn't want to associate her name with Li shepherd“ I asked you to give me an explanation. Do you think I'll let you go if I avoid answering? "

"Teacher -" the smile on Li shepherd's face gradually faded and said, "I just answered the question correctly. Why do I need to explain to you? Explain what? Because I tried hard, I answered correctly? "

"Pa -----"

Zhao Mingzhu slapped on the table and shouted, "Li shepherd, do you think we are all idiots? I wrote the test paper this time, and I chose the question type. I know better than anyone how difficult it is -- you not only hand in the paper one hour in advance, but also more than 95% of the questions are answered, and all the questions answered are correct. "

Zhao Mingzhu glanced at the whole class and asked sarcastically, "do you believe it? I can't believe it anyway. "


There was an uproar!

"No? Li shepherd answered more than 95% of the questions? I haven't relaxed for a moment, and I haven't finished half of it yet -- "

"All correct? He's lying to ghosts? How is it possible with his grades? "

"This guy is really stupid. Even if he cheats, he has to deliberately make a few mistakes. He doesn't have any combat experience -"


Cui carefully finally looked up at the podium. His delicate eyebrows were slightly twisted up, like being wrinkled by the breeze outside the window.

Looked at Li shepherd's expression and bowed his head to do his own thing again.

"Mr. Zhao -" Li shepherd sat on the chair, his dark and thin body was straight. At this moment, those students who had ignored his appearance or had a fixed understanding of his appearance found that Li shepherd seemed to be taller and stronger, and even his skin color was not as black and shiny as before.

He became a boy with spirit and dignity, not the deformed monster who was humiliated and beaten by them. A withered sapling suddenly sprouted new buds, which gave people a bright feeling. At this moment, Li shepherd's expression was very serious, as if he were talking about a big thing. Isn't it a big thing for a student to be wronged by the teacher for cheating in the exam“ Your student answered the question correctly. Compared with before, he has made great progress. As his teacher, shouldn't you be happy for him? "“ If I study hard and make such progress and achievements step by step, I will be happy for him. However, the student made such progress and achievements by cheating and plagiarism. In addition to his learning attitude, I will also be disappointed in his character - in my opinion, such a student is really hopeless. I'm ashamed to have such students. " Zhao Mingzhu has decided to kick him out. Drive him out through this cheating. She doesn't want him to stay in the classroom, and she doesn't want this black sheep to affect the study of other students. Now it's only a month before the college entrance examination. She and her students should make full use of this short time and can't be angry for this waste or waste a minute and a second. Get out! After making such a decision, Zhao Mingzhu calmed down, waved her hand and said, "Li shepherd, you don't have to say. Pack up your things and wait at the school teaching office. There will be processing results later. It's exam time now. Don't disturb other students' answers. "“ Mr. Zhao - "Li shepherd's eyes were ruddy, and even his voice became hoarse. That is anger, that is grievance, that is wronged and unspeakable cold. From childhood to childhood, except for his parents and sister, no one was close to him, no one loved him, and no one suddenly rushed up and put his shoulder on him and said, "guys, go to the game hall after school.". He is always alone, like an isolated person. The whole world stood on his opposite side, stood in the distance, pointed at him and said: you see, that's a monster. He is not a monster, he is just a child, a young man. He also longed for friends and recognition. Eager for someone to pass him a note in class, eager for someone to take his shoulder and eat mung bean ice with him after school - even those students who pass the note deliberately avoid him, as if he touched the handwriting in the note will disappear. He didn't do anything wrong. Why should everyone be treated so cruelly? It's not fair to him“ Miss Zhao - "Li shepherd looked back stubbornly, so that the tears gathered in his eyes would not fall down. Otherwise, those guys would say, look, shepherd Li cried. The black carbon in our class cried ----- shepherd Li never cried, even when he was forced to ride a sheep by those people. This is the only thing he can do to protect his dignity“ Mr. Zhao, even if you suspect that I cheated in the exam, should I check and confirm first, and then make this kind of heartbreaking conclusion? " Li shepherd looked at Zhao Mingzhu and said word by word: "do you know what your sentence means to me?" Li shepherd's voice choked. He was worried that he couldn't go on. He was worried that he couldn't stick to it: "Miss Zhao, you're killing me." This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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