"Broken fist."

In order to encourage prestige, Li shepherd shouted.

Then he choked into the lake, quickly pursed his lips, and tried his best to resist the impulse of severe cough.

He hit it half way——

The toad ran away.

The toad ran away like that.

When Li shepherd clenched his fist and stored his Qi in the Dantian, the boundless sea in his body also rippled with the water waves, ready to use his most powerful killing move - the breaking fist of breaking the body.

Unexpectedly, the toad rowed with two big fat feet, and the man retreated dozens of meters away.

Do toads still have integrity?

Do you deserve the reputation of your three eyed ice toad? Are you worthy of the great age you have lived for thousands of years?

You ran away before you started to do it - isn't it a paper tiger?

However, when Li shepherd was standing on the shore just now, he could see clearly that it was jetting into ice, which could affect the changes of the surrounding environment, and the temperature suddenly became cold. Moreover, the skin and flesh are strong, which can almost be called sword impenetrable.

Lin Canghai's sword technique is so powerful that he can't cut it to death. Chu Xun went into the water several times, but he was chased by it and fled in panic.

How can such a tough guy run away without backbone when facing himself?

Li shepherd became more angry.

Think it's still insulting itself.

"It must feel that its strength is weak and has no lethality to it. I want to make a good trick before swallowing it -- that's what those male classmates thought before -- "

Thinking of those male classmates who bullied him, Li shepherd hated the toad even more. I think it's the same thing as them.

Even if the students bully themselves, dare even a toad bully themselves?

It's unbearable.

Li shepherd's body turned twice in the cold pool. When he found that the toad had run without a trace, he wanted to drag the Toad out and kill it.

When thinking so, he rowed his hands and swam desperately towards the cold pool.

He's running away!

Toad knows to run for his life. He can't be worse than a toad, can he?

He only rowed a few meters, and there were water waves rolling behind him.

Ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho ho.

"That's good too -" thought Li shepherd.

When the strong current pushed him to the lake, his body suddenly borrowed strength, then jumped from the cold pool to the lake bank and shouted 'QianDu help'. At that time, QianDu and Lin Canghai attack suddenly. I think I can escape this disaster——

Chu Xun probably won't help.


A black curtain wall appears in front.


Li shepherd's body bumped against a soft wall. He didn't feel any pain and felt very good.

Reached out and touched it. It was slippery and soft, cold to the bone——

Li shepherd raised his head, and the huge toad several meters high looked at himself with its three eyes.

I don't know when it went around from behind to in front of itself, blocking Li shepherd's way to escape.

Ferocity, cruelty, and a trace of confusion.

The three eyed ice toad has practiced for thousands of years, has a little wisdom and is the first to understand human nature.

It can feel the strength of Li shepherd's body and smell the dangerous smell from Li shepherd.

However, this feeling is intermittent and unreal.

Therefore, it is not clear whether it is better to eat Li shepherd in one bite or give up the prey.

Its IQ is not high. Subconsciously, it feels that it can't just let Li shepherd leave.

So when Li shepherd punched, he ran far away.

When Li shepherd wanted to escape, he used the terrible water to chase and intercept.

In any case, Li shepherd should be controlled in the palm of his hand.

The mouth of the three eyed ice toad was bubbling with bubbles. Because the distance was too cold, Li shepherd's body, which had just adapted to the water temperature, became cold again.

Li shepherd bit his teeth and punched his round stomach.


The fist hit the thick flesh and made a crisp sound.

When Li shepherd wanted to take out his fist, he found that his fist was wrapped by the fat accumulated on his stomach. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't take out his fist.


The fat on the toad's stomach suddenly stretched out.

Then, Li shepherd felt a huge thrust and suddenly pushed his body towards the depths of the cold pool.

"Quack -"

With a strange cry, the three eyed ice toad chased Li shepherd.

Because of this belly bump and the three eyed ice toad chasing after him, Li shepherd couldn't swim back. So he desperately went downstream. Keep swimming, keep swimming. The cold pool is deep and bottomless. The more it sinks, the darker it is. Li shepherd even thought to himself whether the unknown mountain is as high as the cold pool, which leads to the unknown underground world - what Li shepherd doesn't know is that his diving depth has exceeded the depth that ordinary humans can reach. Even Chu Xun and Lin Canghai, who have entered the water for many times, have no way or courage to go here. Instead, they look for it in the shallow water and return. Another very important thing was ignored by Li shepherd. When he entered the water for a long time, he had no chance to surface for breath, and just now when he shouted "broken fist", his mouth was filled with water. However, until now, he didn't feel the feeling of dyspnea. It's like he can breathe freely in the water, or he doesn't need to breathe at all. Even those famous masters in the sky may not be able to achieve such ability. The whole world at the bottom of the lake is as dark as ink. It is difficult for normal people to see things at all. Abnormal Lin Canghai and Chu Xun became blind after entering the cold pool. Li shepherd can not only see the underwater world, but also with the extension of his time in the water, his eyesight is getting better and better, and the distance he can see is getting farther and farther. He could clearly see that the cold pool was funnel-shaped, with big head and big feet. When he swam from his huge head to the bottom tail, the space he could move was getting smaller and smaller. Two huge jagged rocks are used as door frames, opposing each other, leaving a small hole in the middle that can only accommodate one person to squeeze through. Seeing that Li shepherd dared to swim towards the small door, the three eyed ice toad was more worried. It's like there's your own treasure house, or what kind of secret you're guarding. Its four fat fins paddled desperately, with the roaring water waves, opened its huge mouth, stretched out its long tongue and swept towards Li shepherd's body. Li shepherd looked back and saw that the toad dared to put out its long tongue to bind itself, and the struggle to escape was even more crazy. Hands and feet, wheezing toward the small hole. His hand touched the tip of the stone wall, and then his head plunged into the abyss. The toad behind him had caught up, and the long tongue in his mouth was like a long rope that could extend indefinitely. The tongue has rolled up Li shepherd's body, and the mucus secreted by the tongue is about to wrap it tightly. Li shepherd took a dagger from his arms and cut it on the huge tongue“ Quack - "the toad cried out in pain and desperately retracted his tongue. Without restraint, Li shepherd's body passed through the small stone door and swam towards the bottom of the cone of the funnel. Plop - his body fell to the ground. He reached out and touched the dry ground. The cold pool disappeared, the frozen water disappeared. The desperately chasing toad disappeared. He came to a more strange and unpredictable world( PS: congratulations to Jin Dawei on becoming the new leader of our guards. Dawei is not only dahewei, but also very cute.) This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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