"Why did I die? I still have a lot of things I haven't done. I still have a lot of things I haven't eaten. What if I die, my parents? When they get old, who will feed them? What if I die? If she marries a lazy man who drinks and whores all day and beats her and scolds her, who will protect her and take care of her? Yan Xiangma must not be able. He is not a good man. I don't even have a daughter-in-law. Our Li family is going to be the last. "

Li shepherd was heartbroken.

In this world, what is more sad than death?

What is more painful than the coming of death is that death has come before you are ready——

You just jumped a lake, swam a swim, met a toad, drilled a small door, and then you died——

The more I think about it, the more sad it is. Tears fall down my cheeks.

Lu Jiji held a long sword and stared at Li shepherd sitting on the ground.

"This idiot." Although there was no sound in her mouth, her eyes at Li shepherd had expressed her emotional attitude.

Originally, the tip of the long sword was at the heart of his back. As long as Lu Junji exerted a little force, he could pierce his heart and make him a complete dead man.

But when Li shepherd suddenly fell to the ground, the sword tip naturally separated from the key part of his heart.

It's like Li shepherd deliberately avoiding.

Lu Junji's sword tip moved down and put the blade on his neck. His voice was cold and there was no smell of fireworks. He said, "you're not dead."

"I'm not dead?" Li shepherd was shocked. He looked at Lu Junji in surprise and said, "am I not a dead man? I am Alive? This is not the ghost King's hall? "

"You're not dead. This is not the ghost King's hall. " Lu Junji said again. She hates talking nonsense. But most of what most people in this society say is nonsense.

She can't change herself or anyone else. This is her contradiction with the world.

She hates the world and the constraints it gives herself.

"Why didn't I die?" Li shepherd got up from the white jade floor with a runny nose and tears. Ignoring the long sword put by Lu Junji on his neck, he walked around at will, looked at the magnificent and empty but majestic hall, and said, "if I'm not dead, where is this place? Why are we here? "

"Why are you here?" Lu Hansheng asked.

Lu Junji was invited by Chu Xun and they went out together.

When I saw this cold pool, I thought it was strange. The cold pool is plagued by the killing of gold, wood, earth and fire. It is a typical place of four evils.

And there are giant waterfalls on it. This is the famous pattern of "Galactic sunset", which is like suppressing and blocking something from rising. At first glance, it is the five element dilemma carefully designed by experts.

Based on the depth and breadth of the cold pool and the growth rings of the surrounding huge shrubs, the cold pool has existed for tens of thousands of years.

Ten thousand years ago, who would have set up a five kill dilemma here?

What are they trying to trap?

Curious, he said hello to Chu Xun and took the lead in jumping out of the pool.

The pool water is cold and piercing. The moment of entering the water is like the pain of being pierced by ten thousand needles.

However, her body was originally fire, and soon the heart of the Phoenix in her body naturally gave birth to a counterbalance force. She was also reborn in the pool.

Just as she was marching all the way to go deeper, a powerful three eyed ice toad came to harass her.

Instead of fighting with him, she swam quickly towards the darker depths.

The three eyed ice toad, who had been chasing closely, felt that another prey fell into the water, so he had to give up the opportunity to catch up with Lu and stop Chu Xun who dived after him——

This is also the reason why Chu Xun fought with the three eyed ice toad, and then was heard by Li shepherd Lin Canghai QianDu, who heard the sound, and then came to inquire.

Lu Jiji swam all the way to the bottom of the pond, and then drilled in from the end of the funnel.


She appeared at the gate of futu city and entered the palace that shocked her.

But why did Li shepherd follow?

Did he also find the strangeness of the cold pool? Or was he attracted by something?

"I'm so stupid. Why should I do such a stupid thing? Why should I hear that you jumped into the cold pool after being eaten by a toad. Anyway, you don't like me at ordinary times, and we don't have any friendship - if you die, you die. Why should I die with you? " Li shepherd was still in a trance state of fear and regret, and said endlessly“ My parents would die of grief if they knew I was gone. Miss Li will also die of grief. You have hurt me badly - "

Lu turned his eyes and asked quietly, "did you jump out of the cold pool to save me?"

"Otherwise?" Li shepherd suddenly turned around, stared at the landing opportunity angrily, and said angrily, "if it wasn't for you, why should I jump into this cold pool? Why should I be chased by that Toad? Why did it fall to this strange place where the bird doesn't shit? What are you doing in such a place? The nameless mountain is so big that other places are not enough for you to enjoy it? " Lu Jiji's beautiful eyelashes flashed and stared at Li shepherd's handsome face. He looked angry but full of worried eyes. He couldn't say anything cruel. Anyway, he jumped out of the cold pool because of himself, and the boy is not as annoying as he knows - no, he still hates it. He still deserves to die. However, he also has a likable side. For example, he is willing to sacrifice his life and death to jump down to save himself - "I didn't let you jump down." Lu Junji said strongly. However, the voice was much softer. It's not as hard as before. It's like a stone. Anyone who bumps into it will have a bloody face“ You're not a child anymore. You should be responsible for your actions. "“ Of course I am responsible for my actions. But shouldn't you? " Li Shepherd said angrily“ Don't let the people who care about you worry. Isn't this the most basic moral character a kind person should have? You are arrogant and willful, and don't care about other people's feelings or even life and death. A woman like you - why should I jump down with you? I must have got water in my head to do such a thing? "“ You -- "" what am I? Am I wrong? Aren't you such a person? "“ My business - "your business doesn't need me, does it? I just want to take care of it. I don't care if I can't - "as Li shepherd spoke, he strode towards the landing opportunity. He became very excited, reached out to Lu Junji's shoulder, made a very cool and affectionate confession, and said: "I just want to consider for you, just don't want you to encounter any danger, just don't want to hurt me who cares about you - so leave the sword in your hand. You have been captured by me. "-"( PS: thanks to Jin Dawei for his great reward. Now Dawei comes out to meet the big guys every day. Thank you Yueyue moon for your generous gift, Yueyue children v587. Thank ouer911 children for their generous rewards. Welcome new friends to join the Jinwei family of AI Laoliu.) This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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