QianDu was swallowed by the three eyed ice toad, which made Lin Canghai fall into hysterical madness.

Although he knew that when QianDu pushed himself out, his heart must have been fully prepared.

But what if something unexpected happens?

He just tried with a long sword, and he couldn't pierce the belly of the three eyed ice toad, which looked very soft but as tough as the silk of a ten thousand year old silkworm.

Although Lin Canghai didn't use his best broken sword, the long sword in his hand was also a good sword that he carefully selected——

What if Chidu can't cut open the belly of a toad?

What if Chidu gets suffocated after going in?

In case——

Anything can happen when a man is in the stomach of a toad.

Most importantly, after swallowing a thousand degrees, the toad felt an extreme sense of fullness.

He burped twice, then turned his ass and rowed his big fins, so he was ready to swim to the depths of the cold pool and have a good sleep.

"Stop the animals." Lin Canghai shouted and ran after the toad with a long sword.

In any case, we should intercept the smelly toad and keep it within our sight until QianDu doesn't appear.

The toad didn't mean to fight. When he heard the violent drinking behind him, he didn't stop, but slipped faster.

Lin Canghai was so angry that he cut it out with a sword.


A red sickle flame swept away the waves and attacked the toad's ass.

One sword, another.

Another red sickle flame rushed out and formed an attack array with the front flame. The crossed head looked like a huge red cross.

Cross sickle cut!

The water pressure at the bottom of the pond is huge and the temperature is very cold, but it can not affect the speed and strength of the sickle flame.

They wrapped themselves in the power of destruction, drew a red vacuum channel in the dark pool, and then cleaved on the toad's ass one knife after another.

"Quack -" the three eyed ice toad cried out in pain.

"Quack quack -"

It kept barking and then disappeared into the boundless black pool.

The water gradually subsided, and there was no more sound in the cold pool.

The whole underwater world is dark. Even if we take Lin Canghai's cultivation as the realm and try our best to see things with "heavenly eye", we can only see how far away we are around.

"Toad -" Lin Canghai was so angry and anxious that he called out the toad with a loud voice through the water. The toad disappears, proving that Chidu will disappear with it. Without the toad, everything is in an uncontrollable state. When Chidu was in need, he couldn't help to rescue him desperately.

He had to make a big noise and force the Toad from the hidden dark corner to the light.

"Toad, you come out -- you come out for Grandpa --"

Lin Canghai shouted hoarse, but he didn't see any dynamic or static reaction from the toad.

Obviously, the two swords hurt him just now, and he is recuperating in the depths of the pool.

Lin Canghai wandered in the black water for a while and finally got impatient.

He waved his sword, and a sickle shaped Flame rushed towards the depths of the cold pool, just like one fire dragon after another at the bottom of the cold pool.


Long dragons fly.


The fire dragon touched something hard and exploded.

The water waves in the cold pool rippled, and Lin Canghai's body fluctuated with the water waves.

On the surface of the lake, hundreds of feet of water waves suddenly rise and cover the sky and the earth. Almost all of them are about to hold down the long-standing natural graben waterfall next to them.

"Toad, come out -"

Lin Canghai waved his sword after sword.

Every time a sword is waved, a sickle fire dragon blows out, and then instantly ignites the dark world at the bottom of the pond, and soon disappears.

He was almost crazy.

If QianDu is really buried in the cold pool, how will he explain to those people when he goes back? Will those people with ulterior motives frame themselves for deliberately killing sister Wang?

If the situation gets out of control, I'm afraid it will lead to a war between the two countries——

This is something Lin Canghai doesn't want to see anyway.

"Toad, you die for me, you get out -"

It's like hearing Lin Canghai's cry, or being completely angered by Lin Canghai's attitude.

The water rumbled and rolled, and the huge water rushed in its direction. Lin Canghai can barely fix his body in the middle of the lake without being washed away by the current.

"Quack -"

Three blood red eyes appeared at the dark bottom of the lake. In particular, the third eye on the forehead can't see the pupil. It looks like a huge hole filled with blood.

Then, the huge figure of the toad appeared in the eyes, waved his huge fins and photographed Lin Canghai's position.


When the huge waves hit, Lin Canghai didn't hide and didn't move.

The long sword in his hand flashed blue. When the toad approached, he fiercely waved his sword and cut it.


Qingmang burst up, and the original blue sword Qi of more than one Zhang extended to several Zhang away. The blue giant sword flew across the sky, as if it was going to cut the whole lake in two.

Emperor Zhu Xianjian!

Wield a sword and kill the immortal.


The long blue sword waved out, and the dark lake was cut in two.

For a moment, the lake was cut like meat. They are divided into upper and lower parts. The upper lake can't go down, and the lower lake can't go up.

There is a cyan gap and a fault in the middle.

The fault flashed away, and then the upper and lower layers of lake water merged and surged together again.


The sword gas exploded at the bottom of the lake, forming a huge cyclone and chopped at the toad coming at him.

"Quack -"

The toad is also crazy.

It opened its mouth and swallowed the cyclone sword.


The cyclone cut in its abdomen and exploded. Its abdomen suddenly swelled like a mountain bag, and then instantly returned to its previous big belly state.

After this serious injury, its expression was more ferocious and terrible, and its three eyes were more blood red.

The third eye aimed at Lin Canghai's position, the blood color inside quickly rotated, and then the whole eye suddenly jumped out, shooting at him like a sharp arrow.


The eye burst, and the red blood spread towards the location of Lin Canghai and hundreds of feet around.

All the lake water in contact with the red blood hissed out of the cold air and turned into an amazing dark green.

The three eyed ice toad has accumulated thousands of years of cultivation to cultivate the third eye.

The third eye is its inner alchemy and the sea of Qi it uses to store energy.

I don't know what happened, or what deep hatred I have with Lin Canghai. I don't hesitate to spray out the third eye to destroy Lin Canghai——

When Lin Canghai found that the three eyed ice toad locked its body, he already knew that it wanted to kill.

A sword breaks the current and shoots out like a sharp arrow.


Its body soared in the cold pool, and the strong dark green poison chased after it.

Soon, when the venom was about to erode his feet, he waved his backhand sword after sword.




Huge black water walls stand abruptly, blocking out the venom that emits a strong stench.

When Lin Canghai stood at the safe place, he found that the soles of his feet were still stained with the green poison, and the boots on his feet were rotting.

"Disgusting guy."

Lin Canghai quickly kicked off his boots and soaked his bare feet in the depths of the lake.

He looked at the three eyed ice Toad from a distance and found that the toad didn't come after him.

It doesn't know what kind of pain it is bearing. Its body rolls around in the cold pool, up and down, ups and downs.

Its mouth makes a painful sound. Its huge mouth opens wide and stretches out its short feet, just like trying to take out something in its stomach.

When it found that it was useless, it began to hit the jagged rocks at the bottom of the lake.

It uses its bulging belly to hit the stone tip of the boulder, just as it wants to cut its belly open with the tip of the stone.

A suicide attack.




Impact after impact.

The toad's stomach was not broken, but the big stones were smashed by it. One stone after another fell, and it seemed that the whole world at the bottom of the pond would collapse.

"Quack -"

The toad screamed more and more painfully and hit more and more fiercely.

The whole world at the bottom of the pond rumbled. It seemed that the whole broken mountain would be destroyed and cracked by it.




Again and again, never die. Suddenly, the three eyed ice toad stopped. It lay quietly in the lake and watched its bulging stomach grow bigger and bigger. It's like there's a baby inside, and that baby is growing up at a speed visible to the naked eye. Become a calf, become a tiger, become a giant bear, become a hill, become a mountain - boom - blood and flesh splashed all over the sky, and the red blood blurred Lin Canghai's eyes. The belly of the three eyed ice toad exploded“ Quack - "the toad let out a faint cry. After looking at his belly with a huge hole, he had a comfortable feeling of relief. It closed its eyes powerlessly and fell asleep forever like an old man. This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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