Gu Haiwu didn't know the worry in Li shepherd's heart. He patted Li shepherd on the shoulder and said with a smile: "after I took back your picture of the sudden release of spring, I've been trying to figure it out carefully these days. The more I see it, the more startled and happy it is. There are no peach flowers in the whole picture, but it makes people feel that there are peach flowers everywhere. The spring light is suddenly released, and the painting is full. It is a rare masterpiece seen in recent years. "

Li shepherd had to bow again and said, "thank you for your praise. Disciples need to continue to work hard. Please give me more advice. "

Gu Huangwu nodded and said, "it's strange to say. I thought it was your first painting, so the technique is strange. However, I think you are an old hand in the layout and composition of this painting and the handling of some details -- "

Gu Huangwu looked at Li shepherd suspiciously and asked, "are you really painting for the first time?"

Li shepherd was surprised. Learning the painting skills of the old dragon by himself really had sequelae. It was easy to be seen by Gu barren, a national figure.

Of course, Li shepherd would not admit it. He said, "I used to love painting and watch painting, but I never started painting. I really have no confidence. "

Gu Huangwu has doubts, but Li shepherd doesn't say. He can't think of the reason anyway.

"In the future, we should practice hard and guard against arrogance. Only in this way can we go further."

"Yes." Li shepherd respectfully replied.

Gu Yanwu glanced at all living beings and said, "students ask for mutual benefits and improve together. Excellent. In the future, when I am away, Li shepherd will comment and explain for you. From today on, Mr. Li Shepherd is my assistant teacher. "

The so-called auxiliary teaching is naturally auxiliary teaching, that is to say, it is the teacher's helper.

Most of the famous masters in the starry sky are busy, and they have to practice and break the environment by themselves. Therefore, most of them have hired assistants. When they can't get away, the auxiliary teachers will teach on their behalf.

However, this position of assistant teaching can not be held by anyone. Most of them are knowledgeable teachers, at least not far from the teachers they assist. In the past, Yang Xiaohu was born as an assistant teacher, and then became a famous star teacher step by step.

There are also students who choose the best to become assistant teachers, but these students have to be the top talents of the whole college. It doesn't mean that you are 10% better than other students, but you have to be excellent to 35% or even higher before you can be their teacher.

Hearing Gu Huangwu's proposal to let Li shepherd serve as his assistant teacher, everyone present was surprised.

However, thinking of Li shepherd's painting level, and his attitude of patiently solving the problems raised by the students just now, everyone came forward to congratulate him.

"Brother shepherd, congratulations on becoming an assistant teacher -"

"Shall we call you Mr. Li in the future? Li Shinian Geng geometry? I'm afraid it's not as old as me? "

"After a day's class, I became an assistant teacher. If I come more than once, I'm afraid I'll be directly employed as a star lecturer?"——

Li shepherd didn't have a clear understanding of the identity of this assistant teacher. He thought it was the responsibility of a "class representative". However, seeing that everyone was shocked, one by one ran so seriously and said congratulations. It seems that the gold content is not small.

Li shepherd looked at Gu desolate and said, "master Gu, I'm afraid of my ability -"

"All right, all right." Gu Huangwu took a sip of liquor and said impatiently, "I know your weight better than you. If I think you can't, I won't make such a proposal. Because that would ruin your reputation and harm people's children. I wouldn't do such a thing if I were barren. "


Seeing that Li shepherd was no longer modest or defensive, Gu desolate was happy and said, "now start class. The picture I asked you to paint with peach blossoms has been commented by Li shepherd just now, so I won't say more. Now I will point out the shortcomings in your painting, and then you can make a peach blossom picture and hand it in. If I don't think the latter one is any better than the previous one, I will ask you to draw 100 peach blossom pictures for me. "

They were stunned and afraid that there were 100 peach blossom pictures, so they listened carefully when they handed in their works and Gu desolate commented on them. They were afraid that they would miss anything and didn't make progress when they painted next time.

Li shepherd also listens attentively. Gu barren is definitely not a diligent teacher. Most of the time, other teachers teach the students. Li shepherd came here specially because he heard that Gu Huangwu came to class today.

QianDu and Lin Canghai have other things to do today. They didn't come to Taohua dock with Li shepherd.

Although Li shepherd combined the tears of the Dragon King, he inherited the painting skills of the old dragon. However, we should study hard, master everything, and be a little dragon better than the blue.

After drinking the barren wine, the morning class is over.

He threw the wine gourd to the little boy in green shirt and walked towards his residence with wide robes and big sleeves.

It seemed that I suddenly remembered something and shouted to Li shepherd standing in the crowd to see him off: "Li shepherd, come with me. I have a question to discuss with you."

Under the envious eyes of the people, Li shepherd quickly walked a few steps and followed Gu desolate. Chu Ning was about to come forward and talk to Li shepherd. Seeing that Li shepherd was called away by Gu desolate, he stopped with some chagrin‘ The peach blossom nunnery in the peach blossom dock, and the Peach Blossom Fairy in the peach blossom nunnery. " This is a poem by Tang Yin, an ancient master of poetry and painting. Gu desolate obviously loves this poem. He not only named the place where he taught his disciples to paint as Taohua dock, but also named the small courtyard he lived as Taohua nunnery. Gu Huangwu takes Li shepherd to his studio and points to a picture roll spread out on the table, which is Li shepherd's famous "spring at first"“ Li shepherd, why do you paint? " Gu Huangwu asked aloud. Li shepherd was stunned for a moment and said, "because I like it." Why do you suddenly ask such a question? Can it be said that master Gu also wants to accept himself as an apprentice? Li Shepherd is very upset. He has to deal with so many men. I'm afraid he's too busy“ Poetry has the soul of poetry and painting has the meaning of painting. " Gu Huangwu was not surprised at all by Li shepherd's answer, let alone half a silk surprise. He asked, "what's the meaning of your painting?" - " Li shepherd thought, didn't you let me take peach blossom as the topic? Why do you ask me for painting now“ Grind ink for me. " Gu Huangwu said aloud. Li shepherd put the grinding surface of the ink ingot flat on the inkstone, with uniform force and speed, grinding in one direction. The ink developed in this way is delicate and easy to use. When Li shepherd has finished studying the ink, Gu Huangwu dips his pen in the ink, and then points it above the eyes of the big dog in Li shepherd's picture of the sudden release of spring. When a strong wind blew, the local dog jumped out of the paper, jumped on the ground and barked( PS: I posted my plain life photos on the wechat public platform. Everyone who saw them couldn't praise them. The silent little girl cried and shouted to give me a monkey - I don't know what to do. Pay attention to my micro signal liuxiahui28, and you can see my life photos.) This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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