Lin Canghai pulled out his long sword and stood in front of QianDu with a wary face. This is his habitual action.

Li shepherd clenched his hand and said, "don't worry. We will protect you. "

QianDu smiled at Li shepherd, nodded and said, "thank you."

Lin Canghai was very dissatisfied. He stared at the approaching shadow without blinking. He said in a cold voice, "you said to protect QianDu - why do you keep retreating? If you leave again, you will return to XingKong college? "

Behind Lin Canghai, Li shepherd has dragged QianDu's hand back for several meters, pulling away from Lin Canghai in front.

"I was afraid that Chidu was in danger, so I took her out of the regiment - don't worry, I'll come forward to help you when you can't make up your mind." Li shepherd comforted.

"Who said I couldn't make it?" Lin Canghai stood proudly under the red moon with a long sword. White clothes are natural and elegant. The soft red light shining on him just covered the handsome boy with a layer of mysterious brilliance.

His body was tight, and the long sword in his hand sent out a purple flame because it was filled with strength. The young man was brave and dry. He said in a loud voice, "God blocks killing God and Demons block killing demons."

Li shepherd turned to look at QianDu and said, "I just like such a hot-blooded boy."

Thousand degrees looked at Li shepherd angrily and said, "you're cunning."

"I'm not cunning. I'm not capable enough. I'm worried about dragging him back," Li Shepherd said aloud.

"Chu Xun is not your opponent. Who else can compete with you? If you give full play to your strength, maybe the sea can't beat you - "

When they whispered, the shadows were close.

Li shepherd, they can already see the outline of their facial features. They are a group of young people in white. Like them, they are students of Star College.

It's just that they're not dragon butchers. They don't know Li shepherd.

Lin Canghai is calm and ready to kill the enemy at any time.

There is a strong sadness in the heart. They say that this is a barren place. There is no law and no morality. Everyone who enters can only restrain himself by virtue of human nature.

We have just entered the country. Are brothers in the same hospital going to kill each other?

"Run." The first young student in white shouted to Lin Canghai.

Before the words fell, they had rushed in front of Lin Canghai and Li shepherd. There's no stopping at all.

"Not for us?" Lin Canghai looked blankly.

Li shepherd looked at the direction they came, his face changed greatly, dragged QianDu's hand, strode up and shouted, "run."

Lin Canghai also reacted and ran with his sword in the direction of Li shepherd.

Behind them, a large amount of red light and shadow rushed towards this side.

A huge red monster the size of a calf chased after it, waving its teeth and claws and leaping over the ups and downs.

The red hair on his body was blown by the hunting wind and looked like red clouds burning one after another.

Those monsters are numerous and dense, forming a red wave, which can't be seen at a glance.

"Wheezing --"

That was the panting sound of the monsters behind him.

That is not a huge voice connected together, forming a heavy sense of oppression.

Li shepherd was the first person to react. At the beginning, he dragged QianDu to run, and running became QianDu dragging Li shepherd to run. Lin Canghai was alone and didn't know what flying skill he used. His body was like light and electricity. He rushed to the front.

In the end, QianDu and Li shepherd fell behind.

Soon, Li shepherd and the three of them caught up with the white student running in front.

Before everyone could say hello, they still rushed forward one by one.

"Ah --"

Just then, Li shepherd suddenly heard a terrible cry behind him.

He turned around and found that the red monsters had surrounded the slow white robed students. Several monsters cooperated to attack a star student. One student was attacked by the red beast out of guard and tore a piece of meat off his body.

Li shepherd was about to speak, but he found that Lin Canghai, who ran in front, had turned into a light spot and went back to save people.


The light on the sword was blazing, and a sword cut off the head of a red animal that was biting.

However, the death of their companions did not frighten the large group of red beasts, but stimulated their animal nature in their bones. They were more crazy and tried harder to bite at the position of Lin Canghai.

The pace of QianDu's running also stopped. She released Li shepherd's hand and said, "Canghai can't cope alone. I'll go back and save him - you should pay attention to safety."

Before, Li shepherd held QianDu's hand tightly. I don't know when QianDu took the initiative to hold Li shepherd's hand.

Before she finished, she had already felt a green Piccolo from her arms.

That's the magic sound flute that Li shepherd once saw. QianDu also used it to play a lost song "Phoenix courtship" with himself.

Of course, it was precisely because of that experience that Li shepherd blew out a song with different fire, which made QianDu and Lin Canghai doubt his identity——

Thousands of degrees of body flying in the air, white is better than snow, just like a heavenly daughter flying in the sky.

She put the magic flute on her mouth and played it gently, making a cold and killing sound like a sword.

So a shocking scene appeared.

Those flowing notes turned into thousands of frost knives, and countless frost knives chopped at the red beasts who rushed towards Lin Canghai and others.

Click, click, click——

Where the frost knife passed, the huge red beast was cut off and decomposed. Corpses were everywhere and blood flowed into a river.

With the thousand degree playing, more and more notes float out, and the frost knife becomes more and more dense.

Countless frost knives cut at the countless red beasts. Pieces of animal corpses fell down, and more red giants rushed towards Lin Canghai.

Thousands of degrees floated over the heads of Lin Canghai and played notes more closely. Those frost knives can also kill more red beasts.

"Tianyin kills." These three words came to Li shepherd's mind.

He had never seen such Kung Fu before, nor had he heard of the killing method of turning music into frost knife.

However, he knows this magical skill. And there's a very familiar feeling.

It's like I've heard it a thousand times before.

Li shepherd has a strong impulse. He also wants to play with this music and play the same magic music as QianDu.

However, looking around, I couldn't find a leaf to play.

So, Li shepherd put his hands # together and played softly.


The sound is heavy, like a battle horn.

The floating notes turned into a huge Tomahawk and cut across the monster that bypassed Lin Canghai and others rushed towards him.


Several huge red beasts in front were cut in two at the waist. The head still kept the forward posture, but the tail stayed in place, and then fell to the ground.

The power of this axe was so great that even Li shepherd himself was startled.

He forgot to play and stared at the dead red beast lying at his feet and the smelly blood flowing to the soles of his shoes. He had a very absurd feeling.

"What the hell is going on?" Li shepherd asked himself in his heart.

The last time he visited Duanshan, he was interested because he played "Phoenix seeking its mate" for thousands of degrees. He picked a leaf and followed it.

You know, before that, Li shepherd had never played such a song. I haven't even heard of him. I just know that he is one of the three famous songs in China.

This time it was even more wonderful. Seeing the notes played by QianDu turned into pieces of frost knives, Li shepherd also had a very familiar feeling. It's like QianDu has shown it in front of him countless times.

But Li shepherd remembered very clearly that QianDu had never shown his strength in front of him. She never touched anyone.

In the case of poor conditions and no props, Li shepherd played with both hands. The monotonous and heavy notes could also be transformed into a giant axe. One axe cut off several huge monsters and jumped at him.

"Born to know?"

Because of the tears of the Dragon King, Li Shepherd is not surprised that he can show those strange skills.

He was surprised that what was his relationship with Chidu? Why can they play the same Divine Song "Phoenix seeking Phoenix" from ancient times, and why can they play the same notes and turn them into fighting swords?

"Can you say that Chidu and I are brothers and sisters who have been separated for many years?" Li shepherd thought in his heart.

The power of the battle axe is so great that one axe cut off several red beasts.

Those red monsters who followed finally felt afraid. They retreated step by step, stared at Li shepherd fiercely, and a large amount of yellow liquid flowed out of their sharp teeth.

Other herds also felt the danger. They found that the prey was not so good.

"Ow --"

The first giant beast roared, and they gathered towards the position where Li shepherd station stood.

Not close, but the surrounding circle is infinitely enlarged, and the three layers inside and outside wrap them up.

Lin Canghai helped the injured classmate run over and gathered with Li shepherd. QianDu people flew high in the sky, beware of the sudden attack of the herd, and escorted several other students to Li shepherd.

Several people leaned back to back and formed a small circle to counter the threat from all directions in this way.

"Li shepherd, what happened just now?" Lin Canghai whispered to Li shepherd standing next to him“ How can you kill the voice of heaven? " This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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