"You owe me a promise." The wolf king said to Li shepherd.

This sounds like an inexplicable sentence to QianDu Lin Canghai and others.

Just now, he killed the enemy who wanted to kill him, but now he is shouting for a promise from others - which one is it?

I'm sorry to write the amorous novels of those third rate bards, okay? Readers will swear.

Only Li shepherd understands the meaning of this sentence. It doesn't want to find itself to promise, but to find the old dragon to promise.

However, why should the old dragon repay his debts?

Also, when people die, the debt disappears. The old dragon is gone. Should the debt disappear? How can a dragon debtor repay it?

"I don't know him."

Li shepherd's first reaction was to refuse. He would not be willing to add debt to himself for no reason. He is a very cautious and a little cautious man.

However, after a little hesitation, Li shepherd decided to find out what it was.

Who knows whether he asked the old dragon to take him as a younger brother or wanted to give thousands of treasures in his cave to the Dragon King. As a result, the dragon king promised, but he didn't have time to get them——

Well, Li shepherd has always been a fantasy child. At that time, he thought of becoming a great writer.

He showed his finished novel to Li missing. Li missing was disgusted and said "ugly to death". Only then did his writer's dream burst.

"I owe you a promise? I don't remember this time. " Li shepherd looked at the wolf king and said.

"Don't deny it." The wolf king looked angry and said in a cruel voice, "your ancestor borrowed my wolf beads into the weak water. He said that when he got the heart of the weak water, he would borrow me to wash the marrow and refine the body for three years. I eat with the light of the red moon. It was originally a body of fire. If we can get the baptism of the weak heart, we can get the essence of water. In that case, my power will be stronger if I practice both water and fire. "

Li shepherd moved his mind, looked at the wolf king with a smile and said, "it's still the same thing. Although I don't know very well, since my ancestors borrowed something from you - this debt naturally needs to be repaid. A man's promise is worth thousands of gold. There is no man in our family who borrows money and doesn't pay it back. "

The wolf Dynasty stretched out a huge claw in front and said, "since you want to pay off your debt, give me the heart of weak water."

"Li shepherd, where do you have a weak water heart?" Lin Canghai hurriedly stopped. Not to mention the artifact of the heart of weak water, they have never seen weak water“ Besides, your ancestors are all in Jiangnan City. Where can you go to this water fantasy to borrow something from a wolf king? Don't listen to it. The wolf is cunning. It must be deceiving us. "

Lin Canghai thinks Li Shepherd is crazy, and so is the wolf.

He read about the spirit of weak water in ancient books. After arriving at XingKong college, master Yang also talked about the spirit of weak water, one of the three magic skills of killing dragons——

Is that kind of world-famous artifact that ordinary people can covet?

The man and the wolf seem to be discussing Chinese cabbage. One wants to beg and the other says it back. Do you treat people as idiots?

"You stupid human -" the wolf king was very angry. Someone wrongly said that it was cheating. If it was cheating, would it take tens of thousands of years for a debt to be recovered?

"Don't worry. It's okay. " Li shepherd whispered comfort“ It recognized the wrong person. So I will be wrong. "

"I didn't recognize the wrong person." The wolf king has the feeling of being stabbed in his chest. The buzzing sound sounded sharply in the ear, making people sound extremely uncomfortable“ I usually live in seclusion in Langshan cave for cultivation. I suck the light of the red moon every day to fight against the natural disaster. The last time I went out of the mansion was hundreds of years ago. At that time, a man broke into my Langshan cave, and I came out to fight with him. Do you think it's just a few human minions that deserve to be dealt with by the king himself? "

"Then why did you come out today?"

"Because I smell the familiar smell." The wolf king's red eyes stared at Li shepherd without blinking and said, "although it is thousands of years away, I know that is my familiar breath - vicissitudes of the sea and changes of time and space. It won't let me forget anyway. "


Li shepherd was quite speechless. No wonder intelligent humans always say that if you want someone to remember you, either let him fall in love with you or let him hate you. Or borrow money from him.

This is the truth of the world.

The old dragon owes the wolf king a promise. It can't make the wolf king forget after ten thousand years. Smelling its familiar breath, he gave up his cultivation and ran out to collect debts from others - every debt collector has a sad past.

"Since you came out to collect debts from me, why did you kill me again?" Li shepherd asked aloud.

"Because when I showed up, I found that you were not the person I was looking for - the closer I was, the weaker the smell. I thought I was deceived, so I put anger on humans such as you. " The wolf king is also single. He doesn't mean to hide what he says.

Li shepherd understood that when he and QianDu played the song "ambush on all sides" at the same time, the wolf king felt the mysterious smell emanating from them.

Li Shepherd is not sure whether the wolf king has heard the old dragon play the song "ambush on all sides" before. However, when he plays this song, he must have the same breath as the old dragon.

Therefore, the wolf king came step by step and wanted to collect debts from himself.

At that time, it was more implicit. Although it was very angry, it didn't dare to go too far - because it knew that the dragon family was more powerful than it.

However, when he found that the person he was looking for was not here, he couldn't hold down his anger. He was flying and spitting fire. He must eliminate the guys in front of him who lured him out of Langshan cave.

When he showed his startling dragon fist, the smell familiar to the wolf king appeared again——

Li shepherd has a deep worry. Will he use the dragon family's Secret skills in the future?

Don't show it. I'm afraid I can't beat people and be bullied. For example, just now, he was bullied by a wolf.

Show it, and it's easy to be found by the old dragon's old friend or some profound human beings like the sea.

"It's hard to be a little dragon." Li shepherd sighed and thought in his heart.

He looked at the wolf king and said, "I can't give it to you now."

"Are you going to lie to me again?" The wolf king was furious. If he didn't know the amazing dragon fist technique, and he had a wrong understanding of Li shepherd's identity, he thought he was the descendant of the old dragon - so he tried not to be savage to Li shepherd.

No matter how fierce the wolf is, it is not as noble as the dragon's blood.

Wolves are called beasts, although they don't think so themselves. However, the dragon is a demigod with great power and is the master of the world.

Of course, because the wolf king seldom goes out, he is almost isolated from the world and doesn't know what happens in China, so he doesn't know that the race of its debtors is almost slaughtered by humans.

Let the powerful race feared by ancient gods and beasts such as the red moon wolf be killed by the rough, humble and weak humans it despises - it must be said that this is a wonderful irony and reflects the strength of the Terran combat effectiveness.

"If I don't get the heart of weak water, how can I wash your marrow and refine your body for three years?" Li shepherd asked, not caring about the wolf king's attitude. Anyway, I have jinglongquan, and it seems that the other party is afraid of it. It's a big deal to fight with it again. Kill the wolf and take its wolf beads.

Although Li shepherd doesn't know what the wolf bead is and what its real usage is.

However, even the old dragon came to the wolf king to borrow wolf beads, which shows its important role.

Also, where is the weak water? Why does the old dragon want to win the heart of weak water?

Li shepherd tried his best to think, but found that there was no image of the wolf king in his memory, or even the existence of the heart of weak water.

In other words, is this the insignificant existence in the eyes of the old dragon?

In other words, for the old dragon, the memory is too long, so it can't remember itself - although the tears of the Dragon King are the epitome of the knowledge, skills and memory of the dragon's life, they are only the epitome. It can't wrap all the information in a short time. It will only put in some of the things it remembers most or cares about most.

"Isn't the heart of weak water in your hand?"

"No." Li shepherd shook his head and said, "the heart of weak water should still be in weak water."

"You didn't lie to me?"

"How could I lie to you? We are here to find the heart of weak water -- "

Li shepherd blinked at Lin Canghai. Lin Canghai suddenly realized that what Li Shepherd said just now was to coax the wolf king to send them to find the spirit of weak water.

They came to the dreamland of water this trip, but also to experience treasure hunting. Everyone has their own adventures, but if they can get the spirit of weak water, an ancient artifact, they will become the most rewarding team among all the students.

"You can't find the heart of weak water." The wolf king sneered.

"So we need your help." Li shepherd smiled more like a wolf than the wolf king“ You lend me the wolf beads and I'll find the heart of weak water - so that I can repay the debt I owed you that year. What do you think? "

"Do you think I'm an idiot?" The wolf king sneered“ What if you don't lend it to me? "

"Think about it, my ancestors owed you three years ago. If I got the heart of weak water, I could lend you another three years. That is to say, you just need to lend me your wolf beads, and I can lend you the heart of weak water for six years. Think about it, did you take advantage of this business?"


"Of course, if you don't borrow it. In that case, I can't get the heart of weak water. I can't pay my ancestors' debts, so you can't get anything - your tens of thousands of years of waiting is wasted, and your friendship for borrowing wolf beads last time is gone. " Li shepherd carefully analyzed the current situation for the wolf king“ What about? Do you want to borrow it? "

(PS: thank the black tableware children for their ten thousand rewards.) This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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