It's really not a happy thing to meet the Gu carving, one of the top ten fierce beasts in Shenzhou.

What's worse, Lin Canghai was caught by the evil beast.

Li shepherd was worried, but he was still making a sound to comfort QianDu and said, "some birds just like to play tricks on small animals. They catch small animals and fly high into the sky, and then throw them down from the sky. When I was in the south of the Yangtze River, I often saw wild eagles in the wilderness take the caught rabbit into the air and loosen their mouth, and the riverside Osprey take the caught fish and throw it down - the Canghai was not observed for a moment and was bound by it. When the Gu Eagle flew into the air and threw him down, it can naturally get out of trouble safely with the cultivation of the Canghai. "

"It won't be lost." Said the thousand degrees in a deep voice“ Gu Diao cannibalism. "


Li shepherd was silent for a moment and said, "in any case, we should find the sea."

That said, but the forest is vast, and it is this strange and strange groundwater world. Where can they find them now?

"Yes, we must get him back." QianDu and Lin Canghai have the best feelings. I don't know if they knew each other before. Since they entered school, QianDu and Lin Canghai have been inseparable. Whenever QianDu is in danger, Lin Canghai will "according to the records of strange things in Shenzhou, Gu Diao likes to work in high mountain caves. As long as we look for the highest mountain here, we can find Gu Diao and save the sea -- "

Li shepherd nodded and said, "let's start now."

Li shepherd glanced around and said regretfully, "it's a pity that there are few people here. Otherwise, you can ask someone, which is better than looking aimlessly."

Li shepherd's body soared into the air and flew to the tall and dense treetops. He looked far away and wanted to find the highest mountain nearby.

Unfortunately, the surrounding is dark and the visual range is extremely limited. Except for the dense bush, there is no mountain at all.

However, I found an occasional spark in front of me, which looked like a blinking star.

After Li shepherd landed, he told QianDu what he saw. QianDu thought a little and said, "with the current visibility, we can see that little spark, which proves that the spark must be in a very high place. Let's just move in that direction - there's no better way. "

Chidu's face was gloomy, and even his voice was weak.

This is a thousand degrees that Li shepherd has never seen.

In the past, QianDu was calm and calm. No matter how dangerous the situation was, he looked indifferent as if everything was under control.

Now with such a worried face, it seems that I am really worried about the safety of Lin Canghai.

I think so. Their relationship has always been very good. Lin Canghai was captured by Gu Diao who likes to eat people. Maybe he took a bite before he flew to his cave. In that case, where is Lin Canghai's life?

Li shepherd's heart is also very uncomfortable. He has a good relationship with Lin Canghai and likes this honest and frank classmate. Moreover, Lin Canghai was very angry with his handouts. When he was in conflict with Chu Xun Lu, he didn't stand up for himself.

If Lin Canghai really encounters misfortune, he will also lose his good friend.

"Don't worry." Li shepherd patted QianDu on the shoulder and said, "we can certainly save the sea. Come on, let's go now. "

With that, Li shepherd strode forward.


A white light flashed overhead, and a three-step snake several feet long broke in two and fell to the ground.

QianDu's body naturally gave birth to a layer of light silver brilliance, and a transparent light mask wrapped her whole person.

This is a glass mirror. It is a magical magic weapon in the treasure manual. The owner can climb the mountain to cross the bad water. It is difficult to soak in wind and rain, and it is difficult to enter ice and snow.

QianDu held the magic sound flute in his hand and said, "Li shepherd, come with me."

When she spoke, she took the initiative to extend her slender jade hand to Li shepherd.

Without much thought, Li shepherd reached out and clenched his little hand.

Greasy and warm, as greasy as Yi.

As soon as their hands touched, the glass mirror that had only covered thousands of degrees expanded instantly, and the transparent light mask shrouded Li shepherd.

"The road is dangerous, and no one knows what will happen - and our time is precious, so we can't delay it." when Chidu spoke, the transparent light mask had soared up, and he took Chidu and Li shepherd to the place with sparks.

The transparent light mask shuttles through the primeval forest like the wind, and all kinds of strange monsters and gorgeous scenery come into view.

When they are faster and faster, all they can see is a black light and shadow.

Li shepherd did not use force at all. He was completely supported by QianDu and the transparent light mask.

It is an independent space, can not feel the wind, can not feel the water, but can breathe freely.

Li shepherd curiously stretched out a finger and touched the transparent hood. His fingers seemed to touch a thin light film. His fingers stretched forward, and the light film also extended forward. Thousands of degrees of meditation, do not know what you are thinking. The light ball flew at a very high speed. In a moment, it was close to the position of the stars that Li shepherd had seen before. Until this time, Li shepherd knew that what he had just seen was not Mars or stars blinking. That's a volcano. It is an active volcano that emits huge sparks from time to time. Just now, because the distance was too far, Li shepherd regarded those flames and magma as small Mars. Before they got close, Li shepherd and Chidu felt the heat wave“ If there were no glass mirrors or genuine Qi to protect the body, I'm afraid we would have been baked by the outside temperature. " Thousand degrees low voice explanation“ What the hell is this place - "said Li shepherd gloomily. After rushing to the foot of the mountain, QianDu and Li shepherd stopped. QianDu didn't loosen Li shepherd's palm, because Li shepherd would lose the protection of the glass mirror. There is a stone tablet at the foot of the mountain, on which mottled ancient characters are engraved. Some words have been smoothed by the wind and sand, so they can't see clearly“ Flame Mountain. " With the faint radiance of the glass mirror, Li shepherd was able to read the ancient characters on the stone tablet“ I didn't expect that there was really a flame mountain in the world. " Li shepherd exclaimed. In the ancient fairy tale, there is also a story about the monk learning from the west through the flame mountain. Finally, the monk's Apprentice Sun Wukong asked the ox demon king's wife Princess Iron Fan to borrow a banana fan to extinguish the fire in the flame mountain, and finally let the teachers and disciples transit smoothly. Of course, at that time, Li shepherd just listened to it as a story. In this world, how can there be a mountain burning fire all day? I didn't expect that one day I also encountered the flame mountain, although the fire in the flame mountain is not as big and violent as in the fairy tale“ The most important thing is the magic word - there will be anything in it that won't surprise people. " Said Chidu. She looked carefully at the font of Flame Mountain, and then looked up at the towering spectacle towering into the sky - there were no clouds, so there would be no clouds. But in the eyes of Li shepherd, the huge tree that is extremely tall is like wild grass growing at the foot of the tree in front of the mountain. No equivalent risk exists. Li shepherd looked at the top of the mountain that couldn't see the end at a glance and said anxiously, "will the sea be on it?"“ I don't know. " Said Chidu“ However, we have to go up and have a look at it after all - even if we look for all the mountains in this dreamland, we have to find the sea. " Li shepherd was deeply moved by the feelings between QianDu and Lin Canghai. He shook QianDu's hand and said, "I'll accompany you. One day you find it, I'll find it with you. You look for a year, and I'll stay here with you for a year. "“ Thank you. " QianDu looked into Li shepherd's eyes and said, "Li shepherd, do you know why I like to be with you?"“ Because I'm a good man. " Said Li shepherd“ No, because we are the same kind of people. " QianDu said with a point. As soon as Li shepherd heard it, his heart pounded violently“ Can it be said that Chidu is also a dragon - a dragon man like him? " Thousands of degrees holding Li shepherd's hand, naturally can feel the abnormal heartbeat of Li shepherd. She smiled softly and said, "don't be nervous. I won't hurt you." - " Li shepherd thought, it's over. She really knows her identity“ Do you want to kill people? " Such an idea came out of Li shepherd's heart for no reason( PS: Thank you for your generous reward. Thank you for your appreciation. I've been watching you silently. Thank you for enjoying tropical fruits in Haikou. Let's drink together later.) This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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