Black clouds rolled, and large clouds poured in this direction.

Lightning flashed and thundered overhead, and thunder and lightning exploded in the sky, as if to tear the whole sky to pieces.

The giant dragon soared into the air, and its huge body could not see the end at a glance. It showed its ferocious face from the darkness and extended its tail into the darkness that no one knew.

The dark dragon hovered in the air, with scales and magic claws. Every scale on his body exuded a dark and shiny luster.

It comes from the boundary of stars and from the ancient wilderness.

It has the supremacy of self-respect in the sky and earth.

It has the majesty of the king of nations and the demigod.

It has the blood thirst of the dragon who will die if it touches the scales.

It finally stopped moving and turning, and its body lay across the sky.

Its eyes full of blood mist stared at Zhong Yu without blinking, and the small Zhong Yu as a mole ant was completely wrapped in blood.


It just breathed out a breath, and a large area of Mars appeared in front of it. Standing on the ground and looking up, it's like seeing the once-in-a-century meteor shower.

Zhong Yu stared at the black dragon who looked at him like a ghost and stammered, "Dragon - there is really a dragon in this world. How can there be a dragon? "

He was born in a famous school and has a wide range of knowledge. He also understands all kinds of magical skills.

He had never been so nervous and surprised in his life. He felt whether he had entered any terrible illusion.


Another bolt of lightning struck over his head.

He had a cold feeling on his back, his ears were buzzing, and his eardrums kept shaking, as if they had been broken.

The pain hit him, and he realized that he was not in a dream, but a living reality.

Everything that happened in front of me was real, and so was the dragon who looked ferociously at himself.

Because there was too much noise here, the sight of the other six of the Changbai seven sons was also attracted.

The bell that was about to drag away the thousand degrees stopped the action on his hand, looked at the huge faucet in the sky in horror, muttered to himself, "what monster is this - what monster is this?"

"That's a dragon - that's a giant dragon that hasn't appeared in tens of thousands of years -" Zhong Feng's right hand holding the sword handle trembled slightly. Because of the shaking of the palm, the long sword in the hand also kept humming“ We met a dragon - that Li shepherd turned out to be a dragon. "

"Shepherd -" QianDu's body is still hot and dry, just like a fire.

Moreover, this is not only the increase of body temperature, but also the strange itching of the body. There is an indescribable desire to vent.

She tried to keep awake by biting the root of her tongue. However, such pain stimulation effect is weak, which is really difficult to compete with the powerful drug effect.

When Li shepherd turned into a dragon, when the dark clouds rolled in the sky, and when the thunder burst in her ears, her mind was a little sober.

She desperately opened her eyes and finally saw the huge faucet in the sky.

The head she saw was still shadowy, that is, at a glance, countless heads shook in front of her eyes.

However, it is precisely because of this that people's soul stirring deterrence and grief and anger are more and more obvious.

Vaguely, she saw Li shepherd's eyes.

The killing intention in the pupil was awe inspiring, as if full of hatred for everything in the world.

"If you touch the dragon's scales, you will die."

QianDu's heart suddenly remembered this sentence. This proverb has been circulating in the mouths of millions of people in China for thousands of years.

Can I say that I am the inverse scale of Li shepherd?

Because he was in danger, Li shepherd ignored it. He would rather be exposed than turn into a dragon just to protect himself.

"Shepherd -" thousands of tears. The big tears fell, and the color of each tear was like blood.

Zhong Shan, the youngest, was the most stable. He "choked" and pulled out the long sword in his hand. His expression was excited, and his eyes were shining with brilliance. He shouted, "brothers, it's time to become famous. We will work together to kill this dragon, our deeds will be praised by the world, and we will become a new dragon killing hero ten thousand years later. "

When he shouted, he used the "sound roaring skill" of the Changbai sword school. Even in the harsh environment of lightning and thunder and the constant eruption of the flame mountain pass, every word he said could still be clearly transmitted to the minds of the other brothers, so that they could restore their mind, maintain their confidence and accompany him to kill dragons.

The sound was like a bell, shaking everyone to wake up in an instant.

Zhong Feng was ashamed. He was the boss of the seven sons of Changbai. The other brothers always followed his lead, but he didn't expect to meet the dragon, which made him lose his mind. Instead of assuming the responsibility of commanding and encouraging the whole team, he needed the youngest brother to remind him.

Zhong Feng waved the long sword in his hand and shouted, "brothers, form a big Beidou array, and we will work together to kill the dragon."


Several other people's bodies moved instantly and scrambled for positions according to the position of the Big Dipper.

Only Zhong Yu's body didn't move.

It's not that he doesn't want to move, but that he can't move at all.

His throat wanted to shout, but he couldn't.

His feet tried to move, but they couldn't move.

He heard Zhong Shan's words and Zhong Feng's words. However, he can't do anything.

His body was locked by the dragon in the sky. It was like a rabbit who met an eagle. The first thing he did was not to run away, but to tremble and nest in the grass.

Because in their view, it's safer to escape, but it's easier to put yourself into the eagle's mouth.

"You -" Zhong Yu wanted to shout something to the Dragon above his head, but his voice was so weak that he was afraid that he couldn't hear himself. After he realized this fact, he couldn't say anything later.

Even the eyes couldn't turn. For fear of turning a little, the Dragon rushed over and bit his head.

"Zhong Yu, what else do you have to say?" Said the black dragon in the sky.

It's not the voice of Li shepherd, but a very old voice, like the voice of an old monster who has lived for thousands of years.

As the black dragon spoke, Zhong Yu suddenly felt much more relaxed.

He knew that the black dragon unlocked his Qi machine.

He looked at the other brothers and wanted them to come and rescue him.

But they only care about protecting their own array, but they are unwilling to come and face the black dragon with themselves.

Zhong Yu's heart is filled with grief and anger and hatred. These guys called brothers and brothers show their original shape one by one in times of crisis. No one can be trusted.

"Don't kill me." Zhong Yu shouted to the black dragon in the sky“ I didn't do anything. Don't kill me. "

He clenched his teeth, pointed to the other six brothers who formed a large array in the distance, and identified them: "they did it all. It is they who want to kill people and seize treasures. It is they who want to rob glazed mirrors and occupy thousands of degrees of body. It has nothing to do with me. I didn't do anything. "

Hearing Zhong Yu's words, the others were all very angry and scolded.

"Zhong Yu, you timid coward, I really misunderstood you before -"

"Second brother, this is a betrayal. When you go back, I will report it to the Pope and strip the skin and cramp -"

"Don't get excited and guard your inner peace -" Zhong Shan kept reminding“ This is the dragon who deliberately wants to hurt our brothers' feelings and let us fight against each other. As long as we stabilize the formation, even the dragon can kill. "——

"Greedy and evil, damn you." The black dragon's voice became cold.

The blood mist rolled in his eyes, and then his body swooped towards the lower boundary.

Zhong Yu was so frightened that the long sword in his hand tried to chop at the huge faucet.




Zhong Yu found that he was farther and farther away from the ground, and his body flew higher and higher. He found that he was brought into the air by the dragon.

He was still unconscious and desperately waved his long sword towards the faucet.

Sword after sword.

The black dragon dragged him into the air, and then suddenly released the claw that grabbed his body.

Zhong Yu's body finally regained its freedom. With great joy, he wanted to use the flying body method of Changbai sword school to escape from the distance.

However, he found that his body was not under his control at all.

His mouth was full of words, and he sang the flying formula again and again. However, his body still kept falling in a straight line.

Falling faster and faster, the body is getting heavier and heavier.


His body hit the ground heavily.

Under the pain of eating, I saw that half of my body was spewing blood upward not far from me.

That half of the body has only legs and half of the waist, and the upper half of the body is cut off by some monster.

Zhong Yu looked at that half of his body more and more familiar. When he looked at his body with sweat on his forehead, he found that his lower body had been cut off when he was grabbed by the dragon claw.

He has only half of his body.

When he was brought into the air by the dragon, he was already dead.

But at that time, I was too afraid. I was busy trying to resist and escape. I didn't feel the pain from my body and didn't notice that my legs had long lost consciousness.

"Ah --"

Zhong Yu screamed bitterly.

Then the eyes darkened, the breath held in the heart disappeared, and the strong desire for survival dissipated.

Only then did he really die. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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