"Star abandoned son?" Lin Canghai looked stunned and said, "Star College?"

"Which other college dares to be named after the starry sky?"

"You are also a star student?"

Lin Canghai could hardly imagine that his hair was as messy as weeds and his face was as dark as a pot helmet. In addition to his gentle and confused eyes, you can hardly see his other facial features. Unexpectedly, the man is also a star student.

In addition, his clothes could not see the color for a long time, and even the wrapped part of his hips was repaired with animal skin. Where is there a trace of pride and dignity that students of star college should have?

Such people are also students from XingKong college?

Lin Canghai's affection for XingKong college was greatly reduced. Why does the college accept everyone?

The savage didn't like to hear this, so he simply didn't listen. He strode towards the fire, sat down on the stone bar next to the fire, lifted the jujube red gourd and poured water.

The Gu Eagle stared at Lin Canghai fiercely. It looked like you must not run. I caught you back and ate you every minute. He also moved his steps towards the savage, squatted by the fire and ate the barbecue torn by the savage.

Lin Canghai looked down the cliff again. There were dark winds and black fog. The red moon in the sky is getting lighter and lighter, and the visual range is getting shorter and shorter. It's really dangerous to jump off a cliff at this time.

However, the savage claimed to be the abandoned son of the starry sky, which made Lin Canghai feel close and familiar with him. Is this the so-called "meeting an old friend in his hometown"?

Lin Canghai approached the fire, which could dispel the cold in the cave.

He stood in the distance, looked at the savage's expression and asked, "since he is a student of XingKong college, why don't you go back?"

"I can't go back. I have no face to go back. " Said the savage.

"Why?" Lin Canghai looked curious and said, "the reason why the college sent students into this dreamland is to let students come here for adventure. When I came in, my tutor was still telling me to return at dawn whether there was any harvest or not - have you been in this dreamland for some years? "

"Some years?" The savage pondered for a long time, shook his head and said, "there is no sun or moon in the dreamland. I don't know how many years I have been here. Maybe it's been a long time? See generation after generation of students come in and generation after generation of students go out. Some students will never get out - "

Lin Canghai was shocked and tried to identify the savage's age, but because the light in the cave was dark, the savage's face was even darker, so it was difficult to see clearly.

"Then you should be my senior brother - when did he enter school?"

"In what year?" The savage thought, shook his head and said, "I don't remember."

"What do you remember, senior brother?"

"Remember what you should remember."

"For example?"

"Why am I here?" The savage said in a low voice. This is obviously not the topic he is willing to mention.

Well, Lin Canghai was completely aroused by the savage's desire for knowledge.

He also sat on a stone bar like a savage, looked at the savage opposite the fire and asked, "Why are you here?"

The savage raised his head, shot his eyes at Lin Canghai from his messy hair and said, "aren't you here for this?"

Lin Canghai thought for a moment and said, "if it's an ordinary baby, it's not worth staying here for so many years. Then, it must be an immortal artifact tempting your mind - let me guess. I don't know if there are other artifacts in this water fantasy, but when we came in, we saw the stone tablet of Fenglin Island, and the island was surrounded by weak water. Weak water is the eye, and the natural barrier to enter the water illusion. So what you are looking for must be the legendary heart of weak water, isn't it? "

"Good." The savage did not deny it and said, "we are here for this thing."

Lin Canghai looked at the savage and said, "elder martial brother, you should know that the heart of weak water is not an ordinary thing. The outside world doesn't even have a clear understanding of it. I don't know what it looks like or what magic power it has. Even now, no one has seen it or owned it in person - of course, historical records show that Xuanyuan Wuliang, the strongest star in the Dragon killing period, once used the heart of weak water to kill dragons. But that's just a legend. Even now, historians are arguing that what Xuanyuan used immeasurably in those years was not the real heart of weak water -- "

Lin Canghai felt that the savage was a little pitiful, comforted and said, "for such a mysterious artifact, it may not exist in the world at all. Is it worth spending your best youth here?"

The savage pointed to the flowing water in the cave and asked, "what is this?"

"Water." Lin Canghai said“ After arriving here, I found that the world is full of living water. What's more strange is that the water doesn't affect human's normal life at all. You can breathe and talk, you can make a fire and roast meat. Not even wet clothes and hair. People are like living in the underwater world. It's really mysterious. "

"Why is this?" The savage continued“ Water fantasy, what strange things will not happen? To tell the truth, I don't even know whether I came to real space or just a fictional space. Just like our assessment of entering XingKong college, every dreamland we enter is set up by array. It's a scene randomly generated according to what we think in our hearts, and the characters generated - or, it's a nightmare after nightmare. " The savage shook his head and said, "this is the real world. Every person or animal you see is also true. I am real, and so is Gu Diao. The dead are real. If you die, it's true. " Lin Canghai was terrified. He stared at Gu Diao with bad eyes and said, "I almost couldn't go back."“ If you can't go back, you really can't go back. " Said the savage. He touched the ubiquitous water with his fingers and said aloud, "this is not water. This is the element of water. "“ "Water element?"“ The illusion of water is supported by countless water elements. The reason for this is that there is a weak water heart in the continuous production of this water element. " The savage never stops swearing“ The heart of weak water is not illusory, it does exist. And, right around us. Each of us is within reach. " This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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