"Where is this?" Li shepherd looked confused.

When Li shepherd stood outside the light column, he saw that the snowball in the light column was just separated from himself by a layer of transparent white light. I just need to reach in and almost pull it out.

He thought that he only needed to take a step forward to immediately enter the light column and have a close contact with the snowball.

But after I came in, I found that it was not what I thought.

This is a huge space. There is no stone or pillar in the space. There are only bubbles floating in the air and colorful crystal water elements.

Li shepherd ran forward, except bubbles. I ran back, except bubbles.

He ran in all four directions and found that they were bubbles that could not see the end or the boundary.

Li shepherd understands that this belongs to a mustard space.

To see a world in a flower, to see a life in a tree. One grass, one heaven, one leaf, one Tathagata. One sand, one bliss, one pure land.

This light column looks small, but there is a vast and infinite world inside.

If you can't find a way to deal with it, I'm afraid you'll be trapped here and difficult to get out.

There are close friends waiting outside. The red moon disappears and the white sun comes. There is not much time left for them.

Li shepherd must find the snowball in the fastest time and find a way out. Then take them out of the illusion.

Otherwise, you will have to stay in this dreamland for a year and wait until the next time the dreamland opens again.

Li shepherd doesn't want to stay here for a year. If he goes out after a year, who knows what will happen at home? Since he "accidentally" killed Cui Zhaoren, he has been worried about the Cui family's revenge. The diligent study of chasing the stars and the moon is also to go out to protect your family as soon as possible.

Li shepherd kept himself quiet, then sat cross legged on the ground and began to think about the solution.

His own life experience is too simple to come up with a solution.

So he placed his hopes on the old dragon.

Since the dragon clan asked the wolf king to borrow the wolf bead, it proved that the wolf bead really played a great role.

Not only can you take yourself into the field barrier of the weak water heart, but also should have other functions.

But what is the function? Because of the incomplete memory or the lack of information, Li shepherd didn't understand it for a while.

While thinking, Li shepherd tapped the ground with his fingers.

The ground is also condensed by water elements. Stepping on those water elements is as solid and stable as stepping on the flat ground.

It's like a pool of water, rippling in the water. There are water sources everywhere to wrap themselves. There is no end, no way out.

Li shepherd's fingers knocked, and the knocking action on his hand suddenly stopped.

He thought for a moment, then hit his head under his feet and his head against the water element on the ground.


Li shepherd's body has been falling, falling all the time.


His body hit something hard.

Before I could get up, I heard a giggle.

Looking up, snowball covered his mouth and pointed to the funny appearance of Li shepherd when he fell, laughing.

Li shepherd was amused by snowball's simplicity and said happily, "snowball, we meet again."

Seeing Li shepherd appear in the light column, the thousand degrees of land outside, Lin Canghai and others were relieved.

Lin Canghai pointed to Li shepherd and shouted, "thousands of degrees, Li Shepherd is out -"

"I see." Thousands of degrees saw Li shepherd, put down his mind, and restored that calm and calm appearance.

Lu Jiji kept a cold face, as if the matter was irrelevant.

She is only familiar with Li shepherd. Without Li shepherd, she has no interest in talking to others.

"Li shepherd, Li Shepherd -" Lin Canghai jumped and jumped outside the light column and shouted, "can you see me inside?"

Unexpectedly, Li shepherd really seemed to hear them. He went to the edge of the pillar wall and said the words' I see you 'in his mouth.

Lin Canghai was overjoyed and shouted, "Li shepherd saw us, Li shepherd saw us -"

"He can't see us." Thousand degrees sound reminder“ It is a transmission array and a mustard space. It took Li shepherd so long to get here after he went in, which proved that he had lost his way inside. It seems that we are just close to each other. In fact, it is more than eighteen thousand miles. "

"No?" Lin Canghai looked unbelievable“ I just asked Li shepherd if he saw us. He replied to me, "did you see us?"

"Tease you." Said Chidu.


Snowball also thought that Li shepherd was teasing himself. Seeing him suddenly fall from the sky and appear in front of him, she thought the game was really fun.

It laughed with white hair and trembled, then giggled and rushed into Li shepherd's arms.

Li shepherd hugged it tightly and was very excited.

He is holding the heart of weak water, which is the legendary heart of weak water.

From today on, the God's pet that is hard to meet in ten thousand years is his own private pet.

The name of Li shepherd will be heard all over China——

Forget it, it's better not to ring from China. It's good to hide in the quilt and have fun. If you let others know that you have got such an artifact as weak water heart, someone will inevitably have their own idea. Li shepherd understands the truth of huaibi's crime.

If you want to live long, bury your head and pretend to be a dead dog!

"Giggle -" snowball smiled happily, and his small mouth arched on Li shepherd's face.

"Hehe -" Li shepherd smiled foolishly, and he was really happy.

The savage closed his eyes and stood motionless, like an ice sculpture.

Li shepherd looked around and found himself in an ice cave.

In the middle of the light column is an ice layer condensed by jellyfish, which protects snowballs and savages. This is also the reason why savages are in the light column but are not transmitted to the outside world.

"Savage." Li shepherd shouted.

The savage had no movement, and his face and body were covered with a thin layer of ice. It's like being embedded in the wall of an ice cave.

"It seems hopeless." Li shepherd thought in his heart. As a star studentli Shepherd is willing to take him out if possible. Although this is particularly difficult.

If you go out, you have to pass through the light column, but the light column is a transmission array. As long as it is a living object, it will be instantly transmitted to other boundaries.

Li Shepherd is protected by Wolf beads. His body is illusory, so he doesn't have to worry about being transported away.

But the savage has no wolf beads to protect his body. How can he take him through the light column?

The snowball rubbed against Li shepherd's face and body, and suddenly smelled something.

It first had a moment of fear, broke away from Li shepherd's arms and flew high into the sky. His head hit the ice wall heavily.

After a pause, he stared at Li shepherd's mouth curiously, then fell on Li shepherd's neck and stretched out a small claw to pick Li shepherd's lips.

"Don't make trouble." Li shepherd removed his little claws.

Snowball didn't listen, but more vigorously grabbed Li shepherd's mouth.

Li shepherd closed his mouth and didn't let the snowball's claws go in.

"Poof -"

The snowball spat out a bubble.

The bubble seemed to have eyes and drilled into Li shepherd's mouth.

Li shepherd closed his mouth and wouldn't let the bubble in.


The bubble suddenly turned and ran into his nostril.

Once the bubbles entered Li shepherd's body, they began to split continuously, and countless bubbles poured into its body.

In a hurry, Li shepherd coughed violently.

He felt that his body was expanding rapidly as if filled with air. If those water elements continued to replicate and split in his body, he had to be burst by it.

With such a cough, the wolf bead he held in his mouth gushed out.

The small red flame instantly increased countless times, just like a red sun burning in the air.

The ice caves are melting rapidly. The melted ice water is transformed into water elements and pours towards the red sun.

The water element is close to the red sun and disappears in an instant. More water elements rushed towards the red sun like moths to the fire.

The red sun does not see any weakness. On the contrary, it has a burning posture when it meets a powerful enemy.

The ice cave melted and the savage's body was liberated from the ice.

He opened his eyes and looked at what was happening in front of him with a confused face.

When snowball saw the huge fireball, he stepped back and kept chirping.

Suddenly, a blue light flashed in its eyes, and its body rushed towards the red sun.

The red sun is like blood and the snowball is like snow.

The little snowball, like a greedy wolf, has a wild hope of swallowing the red sun.

On Fenglin Island, under the red moon.

The wolf king felt the danger, his huge body shrouded in the sky, and his mouth made a cry of 'ow, ow, ow'.

"Oh -"

Above the ground, ten thousand wolves followed.

Every time the wolf king shouted, the light of the red sun doubled.

However, as the red sun gets bigger, there are more and more water elements around it.

Countless water elements gather towards the red sun and wrap the red sun layer by layer. The snowball also became braver and braver. It took the lead to rush towards the red sun and bite its burning flame one after another.

"What's going on?" Li shepherd was stunned. How did the snowball suddenly become so crazy“ Wolf beads are the fire of the sun, and snowballs are the pure water. Since ancient times, water and fire have been incompatible. " Said the savage“ Either Yin flourishes and Yang declines, or Yang flourishes and Yin declines. It can't end until one party disappears. " As soon as the savage's voice fell, he saw that the snowball's small mouth became infinitely larger. Then he swallowed the wolf beads like the scorching sun. This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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