"Miss, I remember the other day that the spring is here【 Love ↑ go △ small ↓ say △ net wqu] "this is a pink voice.

"Yes, I saw it steaming." This is the sound of willow green. The willow green voice is softer than the peach red voice. It sounds soft and has a little baby sound. So Li shepherd can easily distinguish them.

"Spring? Braving the heat? "

Li shepherd's eyes widened and his face was shocked.

"Is this the place they are looking for? What can I do? Such a hot spring has been rushed by themselves. Now they have taken off their clothes and have no time to get up ------ if they suddenly see a naked man climbing up from Tangquan, they are afraid that they will directly shout hooligans and indecent? At that time, the whole thousand Buddha Temple will be disturbed. "

"If they make a warning sound, they will panic and run away. This matter will probably not be settled. However, if you don't remind me, can Cui carefully take off his clothes and enter the hot spring pool? I'm looking forward to such a picture, but if it is found, there will be endless trouble. At least I'm afraid my identity will be exposed -- "

Li shepherd was worried, and he was quickly calculating all kinds of plans in his mind.

Hesitating, the sound of the broken footsteps was close to the stone wall.

"You two girls keep your voices down. It would be terrible if you were heard." Cui is really cautious. Even at this time, he still doesn't dare to make it public.

"Miss, it's freezing. I'm afraid others have already fallen asleep. Where will anyone know we're out?"

"Yes, other people don't have the clean and tidy habit of miss. They can't sleep without taking a bath all night ------ don't worry, miss. We've been paying attention to it all the time. No one will disturb miss paoquan at this time. "

"Be careful, too【 Love ↑ go to △ little ↓ say △ net wqu] what if the monk patrolling the temple is disturbed? " Cui said with a careful smile.

"Yes, yes. Let's keep quiet, miss. Let's keep quiet, miss. Let's keep quiet, we'll keep quiet. " Taohong said with a smile.

The master and servant went to the edge of the pool surrounded by rocks and miscellaneous trees, looked at the soup spring water shrouded in smoke, and said, "Miss, I'll explore the water temperature for you first."

While talking, he had already squatted down and reached out to touch the pool.

After feeling it, he said aloud, "Miss, the soup is a little hot. But now the weather outside is getting colder and colder. You can help keep out the cold. "

"Well, soaking in soup spring on a cold night is also a great scenic spot in the world." Cui is obviously very satisfied with the situation“ It would be more beautiful if it could snow again. "

The two servant girls immediately got busy. Liu Lu was responsible for guarding around the intersection of Shijing, while Taohong came to help the young lady remove her clothes.

When there was only a white bottom coat left, Cui carefully stopped peach red's movement.

"Miss, there's no one. If you don't take off your underwear, you'll have a good time." Taohong said with a smile“ When I take a bath, I like to take off all my clothes. I'm free and happy. "

Cui shook his head carefully and said, "it's a wilderness after all. In case something happens, I'm afraid it's too late. "

Knowing Miss Tao Hong's character, she stopped persuading her. She first took off her long skirt and went into the water. After exploring the depth of the soup, she stood in the pool and helped Cui down carefully.

Cui is careful of his slim body. Even if he is wrapped in a light shirt, it is still difficult to hide the plumpness.

The exposed neck and arms are as white as the first snow, which makes people have the impulse to rush up and bite.

Cui carefully soaked his whole body in the hot soup and couldn't help moaning slightly.

"Hum ----"

The whole body was cold and wrapped in a pool of soup. Lazy and wet, people feel sleepy.

"Are you comfortable, miss?" Taohong asked with a smile【 Love ↑ go △ small ↓ say △ net wqu]

"Yes." Cui answered carefully. At this time, I don't even have the strength to speak.

"Just be comfortable." Taohong said with a smile“ It's a pity that I didn't bring my pancreas and petals, otherwise I could incense for miss. "

Cui chuckled carefully and said, "Tangquan is a medicinal spring, which itself has the effect of expelling cold diseases and moisture. Soak a few more times and even your skin color will get better. Such a good soup uses flower petals and pancreas. Isn't that a natural thing? "

"Miss knows so much."

"Read more and you'll know everything." Cui said carefully“ That's why I let you read more. "

"We also read books. But the maid's head is stupid. After reading it, I forgot. "

"Then watch it several times and see its meaning."

"Miss, not everyone is as smart as you." Taohong crouched beside Cui carefully and said, "Miss, do you want to wash your hair?"

"No. It's too cold outside. It's easy to get sick if you can't dry your hair in time. "

"That's right. You can't let the young lady get caught in the wind and cold, otherwise it's ours. " Peach said. After thinking for a while, he whispered, "Miss, why did you ask if the groom is Li shepherd today? Does he have anything to do with that Li shepherd? "

Little red and little green are Cui's careful personal servant girls. They know the reason why miss and miss miss make friends, and also know the miss's different attitude towards Li shepherd. When there is no one, Cui careful will also say some private words with them.

After all, these words can't be said by parents in the family.

In the corner of the pool, under the soup spring, there was a dark figure squatting.

When Li shepherd hesitated and was thinking about how to make a decision, Cui was careful that the figure of the master and servant was close.

There was no time to think about it, so I had to plunge into the bottom of the Tangquan valley. Buried his whole body in the spring.

When he just went in, Li shepherd almost didn't faint because of the heat wave and the strong smell of sulfur at the bottom of the pool.

Close your eyes and recite "Laozi heart clearing mantra" in your heart. It will be more comfortable for a while.

The pool is not big. In order to provide Cui with bath space as carefully as possible and avoid any contact and collision between the two people's bodies, Li shepherd tried to compress his body, hold it into a ball and squat at the bottom of the pool.

Li shepherd held his breath and silently felt the movement on the shore.

He heard the conversation between Cui carefully and peach red and willow green, the wordy sound of Cui carefully taking off his clothes, and the sound of Cui carefully entering the water-------

Because the black dragon entered the body and the tears of Li shepherd and the Dragon King merged, he had a strong ability to live underwater.

In a short time, he had adapted to the underwater fantasy.

Breathing and heartbeat are normal. When you open your eyes, you can see the outline of the whole pool clearly.

Of course, Cui's careful body outline can be seen clearly.

Slender legs and soft waist. The body lay there lazily, like a lazy kitten.

The soup opened the clothes, so a large amount of spring light leaked to the eyes.

Cui was careful. It was impossible for her to think that she avoided her eyes above the water, but she still had a pair of eyes staring at herself under the water.

"No disrespect." Li shepherd hurriedly turned his eyes and didn't dare to look any further.

Bloody man, how can you stand the temptation of being wet like this?

However, if you don't look at it, there are some tangles in Li shepherd's heart. It's like there are a hundred gold coins on the ground, but he just strides over it------

"Just take a look." Li shepherd warned himself“ Yes, just one look. I won't look at it after reading it. "

After a glance, Li shepherd was a little tangled again.

"Don't take another look. I've seen it before anyway ----"


Hearing that Taohong asked about what happened today, Li shepherd immediately restrained his mind and looked carefully at Cui's thigh.

Cui's careful hands unconsciously stirred the water under the water, and the clothes on his thighs were washed up by the water, revealing a large section of white and tender.

Li shepherd quickly covered his nose. He was afraid of hot blood gushing out.

"I don't know what's going on. When I see the coachman, I always have a feeling of deja vu." Cui sighed softly“ I seem to have known him before. "

"Have you seen it before, miss?"


"That's a strange thing." Peach red makes fun of her“ Maybe the Li family have some of the same characteristics? Or does the young lady have a special affection for the Li family, so she feels friendly when she sees the Li family? "

"Dead girl, even you dare to tease." Cui scolded carefully.

"Miss ------ the handmaid is Miss's handmaid. The handmaid hopes to serve her all her life. I hope Miss will be happy every day. After the young lady returned to Tiandu, the maid found that the young lady was not really happy. It seems that I always have endless troubles in my heart. "

Cui carefully sighed and said, "I don't know what's going on. In the past, when I was in Jiangnan, although my life was simpler, I was relaxed and comfortable. I read books and enjoyed the scenery every day and ate all kinds of delicious food without any pressure in my heart. Back to Tiandu, all kinds of troubles come naturally. Many words can't be said, many people can't see. And -- -- "

Choi was careful not to go on.

Long ago, she knew that the Cui family and the Song family Yushu were seeking an engagement. At that time, she was far away in Jiangnan and could pretend that it didn't exist.

However, when she returned to Tiandu, the matter was immediately brought to her eyes.

I can't avoid it. I can only watch them push things to that step step by step.

Family honor and disgrace, personal emotion, and communication or confrontation with all kinds of people------

This is not the life she likes. She loves the ease of Jiangnan, not the noise of Tiandu“ What else? " Liu Lu asked. Liu Lu sat on the stone at the entrance. When talking, her fingers inadvertently touched the stone under her ass“ Miss, someone has pressed his clothes under this stone ------ do you think that man is stupid? I forgot my clothes after taking a bath. " Liu Lu said with a smile. After that, the faces of the master and servant became stiff and frightened. Mobile phone users please browse and read for a better reading experience. This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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