Military power is more important or imperial power is more important. This is the debate in the still water tonight【 Love ↑ go △ small ↓ say △ net wqu]

As soon as they got home, Lu Qingming knew the content of the debate. If there were no Lu family in the still water condensation, Li shepherd could not believe it.

Of course, the second prince Chu Jiang who wanted to come to Song Tao or throw out the debate directly did not want to hide it.

Moreover, Li shepherd thought all the way. Chu Jiang threw out such a controversial topic in public, which must have its deep meaning. Do you want to knock on the mountain and shake the tiger, or do you want to see the wind?

It's also possible to have both.

Now Lu Qingming doesn't sleep in the middle of the night, but he asks people to come and ask the answer to this question. What's the significance? Can one's choice affect the political direction of the Empire?

Li shepherd walked up to Lu Qingming, bowed to him deeply and said, "military power, imperial power, are all civil rights. Soldiers stationed in the border areas immediately with a horizontal knife to ensure the safety of their family and country. Imperial power is in the center, educating the people, making the people wear clothes, food and food, happy and healthy. Without military power, it is feared that foreign enemies will invade, the frontier will be lost, the territory will be lost, and life will be ruined. Without imperial power, warlords separated, bandits ran rampant and fought endlessly, and the people could not cover themselves with clothes and food. "

Li shepherd asked, "military power and imperial power complement each other and are one. What is heavy? What is light? "

Lu Qingming nodded and said, "yes. The shepherd is a sensible man. "

"Others don't understand?"

"Of course others understand." Lu Qingming said with a smile. Li shepherd was invited to climb up the pavilion, handed over a glass of liquor in his hand, and said, "after half a night, drink a glass of wine to warm your body."

"Thank uncle Lu." Li shepherd took the glass and drank it all at once.

Lu Qingming filled another cup for Li shepherd, smiled and said, "who can climb to this position is not the most intelligent person in the world? Immersed in officialdom for many years, what else can they not understand? They just don't want to understand. Whether it is military power, imperial power, or any other right, the most important thing is to see who is in power and whose power is in your hand. Naturally, it is light. In the hands of our own people, it is naturally heavy. "

Li shepherd frowned slightly and said, "Uncle Lu, the second prince threw out such a debate in public. What does this mean?"

"First, watch the wind. Still water condensation is an elegant gathering of Tiandu children, who can replace their own family to a certain extent. The second prince threw out this topic, that is to take a look at the wind direction and see everyone's attitude towards the Chu family of the west wind. "

"Second, test the water. Still water condensation is just an informal gathering of dignitaries, but the content of the gathering will soon be passed back through the mouths of all children. At this time, the families who got the news must have begun to discuss standing in line. "

"Third, thunder. Chu Jiang, the second prince, has made it so clear that imperial power is more important or military power is more important. Naturally, he is criticizing the Lu family for holding on to military power and holding a big sword high on the Lu family's head. If the Lu family is smart enough, they should disarm and surrender at this time and hand over all their military power. "

Lu Qingming drank all the wine in the cup and said in a deep voice: "this afternoon, the emperor convened the military aircraft department and several old ministers to gather in the heart nourishing hall. It is said that the old man of the Song family who rarely stepped into the city also attended the meeting. All the attendants in the hall were expelled and only the chief manager Li Fu was left to wait on him - - Chu Jiang, the second prince, rushed to the still water condensation after attending the meeting, And raised such a question. "

Li shepherd can't help worrying about the Lu family. So many people want to kill the Lu family, even the king of this huge empire. Can the Lu family carry it?

"If the Lu family can't carry it, do you want to run away with your parents and sisters first ------ isn't that too authentic?"

Li shepherd never thought he would be involved in this level of struggle, let alone endanger the lives of his parents and family.

Li Shepherd is very wronged. He is just an ordinary star student. Why is life so difficult?

"Uncle Lu, are they going to do it?" Li shepherd asked aloud.

"Maybe." Lu Qingming hesitated in his eyes and nodded.

"Can the Lu family carry it?" Li shepherd asked softly“ They occupy Dayi. If they force them, will the Lu family be more passive? "

"This was originally a losing war." Lu Qingming did not hide anything in front of Li shepherd and said frankly, "it's just a matter of losing more and losing less."

"How much is losing more?"

"Catch it all and pull it up by the roots."

"How much is losing less?"

"A net, the trunk was cut off."

"Is there no way?"

"Yes." Lu Qingming said, "as they wish, hand over all military power. My father goes to the front of the hall to apologize, and the Lu family retreats to the windy city."

Li Yangyang knew that Lu started in Fengcheng. Through the efforts of generations, he fought in the battlefield and fought hard, and finally grew into a pivotal family affecting the whole empire.

Lu's ancestral home is still in Fengcheng, and the Tiandu Lu family often sends people back to visit. If Lu returned to Fengcheng, thousands of years of efforts would become empty, and countless ancestors' efforts to shed blood would become meaningless.

This is indeed a difficult choice. If I were Lu XingKong, the owner of the Lu family, I'm afraid I wouldn't easily let go of my rights.

Besides, if you hand over military power, you will have no self-protection ability. At that time, it was man-made knives and feet, fish and meat, killing or cutting, and being slaughtered.

Li shepherd had talked about this topic with old man Lu XingKong before, so he would not do such a stupid thing as persuading them to delegate power at this time. The Lu family gives up their rights. Does the Lu family and their lineage have to protect themselves?

This is a bloody idiom.

"The Lu family always has some ways to fight back?" Li Shepherd said aloud.

"That's nature." Lu Qingming nodded“ Even if you know you can't do something, you still need to make some efforts. You have to let people know the value of your existence. Those people will really value you, care about you, and fear you. "

Li shepherd nodded. Everyone knows this truth. But now everyone is staring at the fat meat of the landing family. What can the Lu family do to make those people really afraid?


Such words suddenly appeared in Li shepherd's mind.

He became a little nervous. He thought, the Lu family won't want to support the soldiers and respect themselves. Do you want to pull the west wind Chu off his horse?

If the Lu family succeeds, who will be the emperor at that time?

If the Lu family fails, then I'd better find a way to escape with my family.

He looked up at Lu Qingming and wanted to see some clues from Lu Qingming's eyes. But Lu Qingming's face was calm and did not reveal any flaws.

Seeing that Lu Qingming drank the wine in the cup again, Li shepherd couldn't help but exhort: "Uncle Lu, drink less wine."

After getting along all the way back to Tiandu, Li shepherd loved this elder who lived with the guard and took good care of himself. Li shepherd always thinks his eyes are strange when he looks at himself, but I think it's because he saved his life.

Moreover, Li Yangyang knows that Lu Jiji is his daughter. If he were to observe all the way and let himself marry his daughter - it is not impossible.

Lu Qingming looked at Li shepherd attentively. After a long time, he sighed gently and said, "it's not in the way. Frontier soldiers like drinking, because there is really no entertainment except drinking and fighting. Besides, it's cold in Yunnan. If you don't drink some wine to warm your body, ordinary soldiers can't resist the cold of winter night. I often have a few drinks with them, and I have developed a good drinking capacity. "

"Is the frontier bitter?"

"Miserable." Lu Qingming grinned. Such a heavy thing, said in such a relaxed tone and tone, Li shepherd did not feel that the work was easy, but more able to understand his mood at the moment.

As the eldest young master of the Lu family and the only heir to the Lu family's power, if he is selfish, he can live more comfortably. Even choose the path of civil service, and like some children of aristocratic families, they are reluctant to leave. Master Lu must have nothing to do with him.

However, he chose the same path as his father, his grandfather and countless ancestors of the Lu family.

He joined the army, and often stationed at the westerly border, facing the fierce enemy soldiers.

Blow the coldest wind and drink the strongest wine to kill the fiercest enemy-------

Li shepherd looked at Lu Qingming sincerely and said, "Uncle Lu, what can I do for you? You know, I can do something -- "

"The day after tomorrow is my father's birthday." Lu Qingming said.

"Huh?" Li shepherd looked blankly. I thought, is there any connection between these two things? Or did he want to kill some important people at Mr. Lu's birthday party?

"I have an unkind request. Can you --" Lu Qingming was a little embarrassed.

"Uncle Lu, Lu Li was originally a family, and our family took more care of the Lu family. You don't hesitate to say anything. I will never flinch. " Said Li Langsheng. He thought it was too difficult and dangerous, so Lu Qingming was embarrassed to mention it.

Lu Qingming looked into Li shepherd's eyes and said, "can you please give my father a birthday present?"

"This?" Li shepherd's eyes widened. What is this requirement?

"Please." Lu Qingming said in a deep voice, looking very serious.

Li shepherd was completely stunned.

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