"Whoever dares to draw the sword, I will kill anyone."

This is a threat and an oath.

Lu XingKong was born in the army and dealt with some soldiers and ruffians all day. He is familiar with their temperament and their way of doing things. It is precisely because he knows the sufferings of these soldiers, the hardships of the border and the dangers of the war that he stood up again and again to cheer for the soldiers.

Give food and grass, give money, give knives and armor, and also give understanding and dignity.

The most important thing is that their war achievements are always on their own heads. Let everyone see hope and let everyone have room for advancement.

People even have their lives. Don't you give people a spark of hope?

Lu XingKong was also born in a famous imperial family, but he didn't go to the army like other powerful children. He just took a temporary post and shouted the following generals to charge and die. He drank and had fun in the big tent. What's more, some two shaos secretly brought domestic slave Yings into the account for # sex and fun. If you win the war, you are meritorious in your command. If the battle is defeated, all the defeated soldiers who come back alive will be executed.

After Lu XingKong took over the power of the military headquarters, he stopped the children of dignitaries from going to the military headquarters to get meritorious service. If you want to go in, you can fight and kill with ordinary soldiers with real knives and # guns, so as to get their own credit and promotion capital.

It was precisely because of this that the discipline of the military headquarters was strict and the atmosphere was new, and the children of the imperial dignitaries became brave and strong.

However, it is precisely because of this that land and air almost offended most of the valves in Tiandu.

Who doesn't have many excellent children who want to become Shenwei general? Who doesn't have many talents who want to go to the border to get meritorious service for promotion?

Some of their own sons gnawed their teeth and were killed by the enemy——

They don't hate the enemy, only the land, air and air that change the rules.

In doing so, Lu XingKong not only broke the way of others, but also his own way.

Therefore, many years ago, there was a rumor that Lu XingKong would die soon and that Lu would be slaughtered.

That's not groundless.

Now, the Lu family is facing such encirclement and suppression.

The game between dignitaries has always been so quiet and dangerous.

Don't underestimate every event. There must be a pair or many pairs of black hands stirring # up the situation behind the scenes.

From being ambushed on the long street of shepherd Li to being surrounded by hundreds of white robes in today's waterstop sword hall, what kind of real intention does it imply?

Lu XingKong is very smart. If he is not smart, he will not be called a "sand Eagle". The sand Hawk is the most ferocious and treacherous animal in the desert.

However, born in the army, he advocates force more. Because no matter how many flattery, deception and conspiracy, the final decision is the fist and sword. Whoever has a big fist, who makes sense, who has more knives and swords, will win the final victory.

Your mouth is dry on the battlefield. The army has passed by. I'm afraid even the complete bones can't be preserved.

Therefore, Lu XingKong is so arrogant and overbearing.

I'm reasonable, so I can be unreasonable.

Anyway, it's the white robed swordsmen of the waterstop sword Hall who take the initiative to provoke the door. They surround the house door and go to the afternoon. If they kill them all, outsiders can't say anything bad about the Lu family.

Lu XingKong is tall and upright, standing proudly, like the invincible God of war.

There are many murderers and kill thousands of enemies. The combat power and murderous spirit condensed from the blood sea and bones make people cold on their backs and fight with their legs. At a glance, it was like a thousand troops and horses running amok.

Hundreds of white robed swordsmen were frightened by this momentum. It was extremely difficult to keep their hands on the sword from shaking, let alone draw the sword to kill.

There are more than 100 elites in shuistop sword hall. At this time, only two people are able to draw swords.

One is Chengfeng elder Li and the other is shijunzi stone pottery.

Both of them are the elites of the waterstop sword hall and the experts of the experts. That is, looking at the whole west wind, it is a rare opponent.

Therefore, they still have the power to fight in the face of such a strong force as land, air and air.

The muscles on the elder Chengfeng's face twitched, but he couldn't say a word and draw his sword at each other - if someone else, they would do the same. After all, waterstop sword hall is a royal sword hall, and they don't do such bullying things less.

However, the people they are facing now are Lu XingKong, the big man who nominally controls the army of the whole Xifeng Empire, and the Xifeng Lu who has stood for thousands of years——

The most important thing is that people occupy the word "reason" today.

Although they are usually not very reasonable to people who are weaker than them, in the face of equally powerful opponents, "reason" is very important.

Cui Zhao, the direct descendant of the Cui family, was killed. What happened to the Lu family?

Isn't it because the Lu family accounted for Li Zi?

Shijunzi and Shitao's cultivation skills are not as good as Chengfeng elder after all. Lu XingKong pointed at him and scolded him. His face turned blue and white, and finally turned purple and black. His fist clenched and loosened. He wanted to kill him with a sword several times, but seeing Chengfeng elder's face, he finally put down this absurd idea.

If he kills Lu XingKong at the door of Lu's house, I'm afraid he has become a rat crossing the street and everyone yells at him? Elder Chengfeng sighed softly and said, "Lord Guowei, why bother us messengers? As you know, this is the meaning of the old fairy. Who dares to disobey? "“ Therefore, if he wants to kill my Lu family's son Lang, I have to wash and bind the Lu family's son Lang and send him to kill him? " Lu XingKong sneered“ You can also avoid war - "elder Chengfeng whispered“ Avoid war? " Lu XingKong laughed, pointed to elder Chengfeng and said, "your waterstop sword hall is really a good abacus and a good trick. If we Lu family avoid fighting, the falling prestige of your waterstop sword hall will be picked up again, and the broken faith will be re established. Moreover, no one dares to laugh at your waterstop sword hall as a group of embroidered pillows any more? "“ And what will happen to my Lu family? Fear without war, fear without death? Your waterstop sword hall cherishes feathers. Can the Lu family be belittled at will? You want to stand up again on the backbone of my Lu family. I'm afraid you have the wrong idea - I took over this afternoon. Go back and tell the old man in your family that Li shepherd doesn't have time to talk to him. Since this happened because of the Lu family, I'll go to meet the old man's waterstop sword. "Elder Chengfeng is a little embarrassed. The old immortal wants to see Li shepherd, and the person who wants to try is Li shepherd. Now the land, air and air force intercept, is it in line with his old man's wishes? Therefore, elder Chengfeng earnestly advised, "Duke Lu, why do you risk yourself? That shepherd Li is just a servant's son of the Lu family. Doesn't Lu Gong let him have a try? It doesn't hurt to lose. No one thought he could defeat the old fairy anyway. If you win, it will make a stir in China and be very helpful to the promotion of reputation. At the end of this war, if Li shepherd can still live, he may be one of the strongest stars in the sky? "“ But, probably and certainly - I can't live? Isn't it? " Li shepherd stood beside Lu XingKong and said sarcastically. Lu XingKong turned around, patted shepherd Li on the shoulder and said fondly, "good boy, go back and wait a minute. Grandpa liberty will help you with this. The old thing in the waterstop sword hall lives in the dog's stomach at such an old age. He doesn't respect the old and bullies the weak. In order to avenge his worthless son, he even fought with a child - why is he not afraid of being ridiculed by the world? When people mention his name again in the future, they will take a hard 'bah'““ Lu XingKong, don't insult our old immortal - "elder Chengfeng shouted angrily. What Lu XingKong said was too damaging and poisonous. Even his good temper can't stand it. Lu XingKong gave him a cold look, looked at Li shepherd and said, "are you surprised? They can say such shameless things in public. But I want to block the mouth of the world and don't want people to say it. When they say it, they are very angry. When they say it, they want to draw a sword and cut people into meat and mud - in the final analysis, this is the world. Heavy fists are the last word. "“ The shepherd has been taught. " Li shepherd echoed: "when I was in Jiangnan, I knew a friend whose name was Yan Xiangma. All day long, he shouted, 'I am the most famous Wanjie in Jiangnan City, but I can do anything'. However, what he did was steal dogs, drive chickens and flirt with good girls, The most serious thing is to make people's stomachs bigger and let them have an abortion. " Shepherd Li glanced at elder Chengfeng and said, "it's only after arriving at Tiandu city that he opened his eyes. Some people are full of benevolence, righteousness and morality, white robes and swordsmen, but they can do anything disgusting. What did that say? Barking dogs don't bite, and those who don't bark - sneaky ones bite people to death. "“ Li shepherd, how dare you insult my waterstop sword hall like this? You don't want to live? " Elder Chengfeng's palm was slightly green and shouted angrily. Shi Junzi and Shi Tao hold a long sword in their hands. They have the impulse to cut Li shepherd in two with one sword. They can't attack Lu XingKong, but they don't have any scruples about Li shepherd. Who gave him no prestige and no power? Li shepherd was almost amused by the goods and said with a sneer, "this is really a big joke. When I didn't even know where the gate of your waterstop sword hall opened, your waterstop hall owner ran to the long street to ambush and kill me. When I didn't even know who the old immortal in your waterstop sword hall was, you sent him the war paper - I'm dying. What's the matter with you? " This novel has been translated by www.readwn.com and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.

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